Bonus Chapter:A Small Star Vs the Sun III

This is a bad idea.

They had already passed the guards at the first gate, then Prince Osayi had used some spell Xinghua had never heard of to put the guards at the second gate to sleep.

For the third gate, the prince had even turned them invisible, shaking with laughter all through as Xinghua held on to him with a stunned expression that didn't leave his face. Not even as they walked down the heavily guarded path to the palace.

Not only was the Southern Prince able to use his powers within the walls of the magic-proof palace, but he'd even gone undetected while surrounded by martial artists and soldiers trained to spot such things.

"You have got to close your mouth at some point, you know."

The other boy was standing in front of Xinghua with a tilted head, that impish grin on his face, even as the people of Xinghua's capital stared at the foreign boy so openly.