Specialty of Mana

Mana originated from the world itself.

Therefore, those who pursue the path of mana could take advantage of the world.

When casting a magic spell, the mana used in it doesn't come from the individual casting it.

Instead, they use their mana in order to influence the mana in the surroundings in order to use it to fuel their magic spells.

This meant that mages could drastically decrease their mana consumption through it.

However, this was when another aspect of those who pursue the path of mana came into place: magic field.

Translucent blue string manifested around Regis as he clashed with his opponents.

However, one could notice that the strings only manifested within about half a meter radius with him as the center.

A goblin warrior struck with its war axe as it closed in on Regis.

Tilting his body slightly, Regis narrowly avoided the attack while closing the distance further at the same time.

Just as he was only a few centimeters away from the goblin warrior's neck, he struck it with his palm.


The goblin warrior lost its ability to breathe for a few seconds.


However, it didn't have enough time to recover as it received a powerful punch on its left chest where its heart was.

The goblin warrior could only kneel as it tried its best to gasp for breath.

Regis raised his knee in order to strike the goblin warrior's chin.

At this moment, the three other goblin warriors closed in on him from his left and right side, as well as behind him.

Each with a war axe in their hands, the three goblin warriors struck at the same time.


However, their attacks weren't able to reach Regis as translucent blue strings impeded their actions.


The three goblin warriors were confused.


A loud sound was heard as Regis kicked the kneeling goblin warrior's chin with a smile on his face.

Using the momentum, he used the goblin warrior's face as a foothold and attacked the one behind him.

"To be able to use magic field despite only being in the Starless Realm…"

Joka felt his worldview being turned upside down as he saw the events that transpired before his eyes.

'A mage can only have a chance at utilizing magic field when they form their first star…'

He gulped as he saw the little boy he thought to be helpless easily overpower four goblin warriors in the One Star Realm of Aura.

'Wait… that slight energy from his fists…'

It was at this moment that Joka felt another form of energy from the little boy.

'Could it be…'

He didn't dare think of it.

'...he has two hearts!?'

Nevertheless, the scene in his sight only had one probable reason.

It was an absolute law in the world that any living being would only be able to store a single energy within their hearts.

The only exceptions were those born with two hearts.

Besides this, there was something else that caught Joka's attention.

'To be able to seamlessly incorporate both aura and mana in his fighting style makes him nothing short of a genius- No, he's a monster!'

He thought as amazement shone in his eyes as he watched the boy fought masterfully.

Regis used the goblin warriors' bodies as footholds and glided between them.

The ones who were just a hair's breadth away from landing their attacks on him found themselves restricted by mana strings.

In fact, the translucent blue mana strings that Regis uses weren't really powerful.

After all, he was only at the Starless Realm.

On the other hand, the goblin warriors were at the One Star Realm.

However, the way Regis used the strings was too strategic. He made sure to create the mana strings with perfect timing.

The translucent blue mana strings restricted the goblin warriors while they were in the midst of exerting their strength.

This would make it so that the way they used their strength would be interrupted.

Like when a man punches, he has to extend his arm all the way in order to deliver the full force of his punch.

Now, what if a sheet of paper were to block their punch from being fully extended.

With Regis's perfect timing, he was able to use the strings to restrict the goblin warriors just as they raised their weapons.

This ensured that the goblin warriors wouldn't be able to use their strength to break the mana strings immediately.

'I'm getting the hang of it…'

Regis smiled as wounds slowly appeared throughout his body.

At first, he made sure to fully restrict the goblin warriors in order to avoid being injured.

But now, he was able to control the mana strings precisely wherein the goblin warriors would be able to deal shallow wounds to him.

Of course, Regis was the only one who could do this. After all, he had a very special gift.

Using the mana in order to create strings out of thin air, while using his aura in order to make his punches more powerful.


The four goblin warriors let out sounds of frustration as they couldn't kill their prey despite them outnumbering him.


A few minutes earlier…

'I just need to finish this quickly so I can help my brother!'

Stretching both of her hands in front of her, Pandora focused as multiple spheres of mana manifested around her.

Since the time she had formed her first Mana Star, she felt some connection with the mana near her.

However, that's all there was to it.

Feeling a slight connection didn't mean that she had full control towards them.

Nevertheless, being able to fully control the mana in her surroundings didn't seem so out of reach.

Now, sensing the 30 ordinary goblins that tried their best to hide from her, her eyes shone.


Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh— Woosh—

A rain of blue projectiles showered upon the trees and bushes where the goblins were.


They were caught off guard as the magic spell casted by Pandora was instantaneous.

It was one of the perks of her Perfect Copy.

The fact that any and every magic spell she copied could be casted instantly and silently.