To the Corelli Fortress!


Seeing the ruins before her, Pandora took a deep breath.

"Fortunately, my basic magic didn't start a forest fire…"

However, that was the problem.

She did everything but set the forest on fire.


Some low groans could be heard as the corpses of the thirty or so goblins littered the area in front of her.

The bushes and trees looked as if a heavy storm ravaged the entire terrain.

"I still need to work on my control… oh!"

Pandora suddenly remembered something as she was muttering to herself.

'I need to help Brother!'

She was so focused earlier that she forgot about Regis.

However, a voice sounded at this moment.

"Wow! You're really powerful!!"

Clap— Clap— Clap—

"Eh?" Pandora looked at the side with a surprised expression.

Regis was there clapping his hands with four glowing hearts and an unconscious man beside him.

"Why are you here, Brother?"

"I just wanted to see how strong you are!"

"But aren't you supposed to…"

Pandora couldn't finish her words as she noticed what was beside him.

'He finished fighting before me…' 

Shock filled her mind at the thought of it.

After all, he had to fight with four goblin warriors in the One Star Realm.

'Brother is only in the Starless Realm, right?'

Pandora couldn't help but feel disbelief and amazement towards him.

"I wonder if you can teach me…"

At this moment, Regis's words snapped her out of her daze.

"What do you mean, Brother?"

"Well, since you can copy magic spells… I wonder if you can teach me what you copied."


Pandora was surprised at his words, 'I didn't think of that!'

"I don't know how well I can teach, but I'll try my best!" She said as she gave out a sweet smile.

Regis also smiled in return.

He then looked at the unconscious man beside him and said.

"I have also interrogated this scum and was told that they're part of some noble families in the nearby Corelli Fortress."

Hearing his words, Pandora tilted her head slightly, "Corelli Fortress?"

"Yes, he said that the Corelli Fortress was built to defend against the Falcor Valley that housed wild beasts and monsters."

"Then what should we do with that man, Brother?" 

Regis scratched his head and said, "I don't really know. He'll surely be a liability for us in the long run so I suggest we just leave him here."

Pandora only nodded in understanding, she really just wanted to follow Regis.

However, she suddenly thought of something as she asked, "Brother, did you also interrogate Fiollo and the other adventurer?"

"U-Unfortunately, I didn't find them. I didn't even see their corpses." Regis flinched and stuttered as he replied.

"Ehhh, really?" Pandora had an expression of confusion and curiosity on her face.

'It's not possible that they died from my basic magic, right?' After all, Fiollo was still a Mid Rank Mage.

Therefore, she thought that it must've been impossible for them to just die.

'Besides, even their corpses were gone…'

"Anyway, let's just stay here for a while and collect some hearts from the goblins."


Pandora didn't continue thinking any further and just obeyed Regis's suggestion.

The two of them then went on and got busy with collecting the hearts from the fallen goblins.

Of course, Regis didn't forget about the hearts of the four goblin warriors.

He made sure to put them in a separate sack.

As they were working, Pandora asked, "Brother, what are going to do after this? Are we going back to the village?"

"Well, I don't think so." Regis shook his head as he responded.


"Because Fiollo and the others are already dead. Thus, returning to the village will only place suspicions on us."


"Yes. After all, they might wonder as to how we.made it out alive while the adventurers didn't."

"Then where are we going to go?"

"Well, I don't know for sure. But I'm thinking that we should sneak into the inn later tonight."

"To get our belongings?"

"Yes. We can't just leave them behind since we worked hard for them, can we?"

Pandora giggled, "But where are we going to go after?"

"Hmmm. Initially, I didn't have any idea, but what about going to the Corelli Fortress?" Regis responded with an unsure expression.

"Ehhh? Why there? Didn't you say that Mister Fiollo and the others' families were there?"


"Wouldn't it be dangerous for us?"

"Why? Did they know that we have a hand at their deaths?"

Pandora's eyes lit up as she heard his words.

Regis continued, "Besides, it will take about 3 or 4 days before the village checks on the well-being of Fiollo and the other scums."

"By then, they won't even think of us, much less suspect us."

"Aren't you also curious as to what a fortress looks like?" He asked with a smile.

Pandora nodded excitedly, "I am!"

"Then it's settled! We're going to Corelli Fortress next!"

They conversed as they gathered the hearts of the dead goblins until the sun slowly disappeared from the sky.

Schuikkkk— Krrraaaaa!!!!


A goblin collapsed on the ground.

"I think this is enough. Any more and we'll have trouble bringing it with us." Regis said as he skillfully dissected the heart out of its chest 

After they finished collecting the goblin hearts, they proceeded to hunt for some more.

Now, they have three cloth sacks.

Two were filled with ordinary goblin hearts while the other contained the hearts of the goblin warriors.

Pandora nodded in agreement, "Are we going to go now?"

"Yes." Regis replied before leading the way.

Glancing back to the unconscious man in heavy armor, Pandora spoke, "Brother, are we really going to leave him out here?"

"You're really too kind, huh?" Regis smiled at her, "But what if he betrays us?"

Pandora shook her head, "No, what I mean is that can't we find a use for him? What if we dig out his heart too and sell it?"

Hearing her words, Regis's smile twitched.


'I thought she's kind-hearted, but she's more heartless than I am…'

He thought as he gulped unconsciously.