Status and functions of system

If Lucius wanted to get out of this dreadful situation, he had to use every arsenal present at his hands. And that mysterious blood pact system which saved him from the brink of death was no exception. 

"But how do I connect with it though? Is it even a physical being? Or does it only exist as some sort of manifestation?" 

Since Lucius wasn't sure whether that mysterious voice which proclaimed itself as blood pact system was a physical being or a superior being without any physique, he was quite perplexed about the identity of this blood pact system. 

As calm as he appeared from the outside, right now with so many thoughts running amuck in his mind, his mind was in a huge turmoil. 

Just then that unknown voice once again rung in his ears as it reappeared once again.

[I am merely a non-living entity with no physical form residing in your body whose only purpose is to aid you. If that's difficult for you to understand you can just regard me as your alter ego or some sort of mysterious power]

'So, it's just a mysterious power residing in my body huh?' 

Most of his doubts were answered by that one simple statement of the system. And experiencing reincarnation, he didn't feel like questioning the materialization of that mysterious power— he simply assumed that he got it because of the ritual. 

"So, how do I address you and most importantly how do I connect with you? Or do you only appear at random?" Lucius questioned.

[Since I lack any sort of emotions, it doesn't matter to me how you wish to address me. And as for your other concern, you can simply call out to me with the name you wish to address me]

The system answered nonchalantly. 

Before, with all the things happening around him, he hadn't paid much attention to the tone of the voice of the system. But right now, while he was conversing with the system, oddly enough he found the tone of the voice extremely familiar. 

"Isn't that how I used to sound in my previous life?" 

Lucious murmured with somewhat dubious look on his eyes. Obviously, Lucius had already noticed the change in his tone after his reincarnation. And just based on that he could tell that he had reincarnated into some else's body without even needing to look at his appearance.

[I am merely using the tone that you are familiar with the most]

The system answered straightforwardly. 

And after hearing the response of the system, Lucius shrugged as he didn't feel like inquiring anything more regarding this matter of the tone of the voice which the system was using. And it was also more convenient to hear his own voice, so that he won't forget his past mistakes and his resolve to become stronger. 

After experiencing that betrayal, he came to a realization that only strength was the absolute truth. Just the example of Magnus who had killed him for the artifact and got away with it because of his powerful influence in the empire was enough to prove that strength was the absolute truth.

 He then started pondering about the name to address the system. 

'Well…... it called itself blood pact system, so I'll just go with system'

"Then I shall address you as System" 

Without any consideration towards the system, Lucien affirmed that he'd be addressing the blood pact system as system in short. Just based on this, one could assume that Lucius's sense of naming was particularly bad.

The system nonetheless accepted his claims without any questioning. 

"Then system tell me more about you" Lucius commanded in his authoritative tone. 

[Command accepted]

[As I have already stated my identity as a non-living entity to you, I'll now explain my functions and uses] saying so, it then started explaining its functions and uses. 

After a while of explanation Lucius got enlightened with most of its functions and uses. But to access more functions and more information, he was required to upgrade the system. 

"So basically, what you're saying is that you can help me summon various magical creatures such as the druid from before and also enhance myself by gathering blood points huh? And to acquire those blood points I need to kill living beings, right?" 

After going through that detailed explanation provided by the system, Lucius came to a conclusion. The way he spoke about killing living beings, he made it sound so simple as if it wasn't a big deal for him to kill. 


The system affirmed.

[So would you like to see your current status?]

Although Lucius was puzzled by this term status, he still accepted the suggestion put forward by the system to get to know better about the system, "Very well, show me my status" 

The moment he finished his sentence, suddenly a holographic red panel appeared in front of his eyes. Lucius upon seeing that holographic red panel became a little startled as he subconsciously took some step behind and reflexively rose his only attached arm to defend himself. 

But that red panel followed him like his shadow as it didn't even budge an inch despite him trying his best to avoid it. Only after he confirmed that it was harmless and was a part of this mysterious power, did he lower his guard.

[Name: Lucius Nightshade]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 18 years]

[Bloodline: locked]

[Blood points: 0]


Strength: 4.2

Agility: 4.6

Intelligence: 7.1

Wisdom: 10.9

Charisma: 3.9

Mana: 15.7

[For more details regarding the attributes click here] 

Although Lucius could somewhat figure out the contents shown in that red panel, still having no base mark to compare those number, he couldn't figure out whether he was strong or weak. Just out of sheer curiosity, he dived into the details as suggested by the system— clicking on the click here option. 

Strength: denotes physical power and carrying capacity of the user

Agility: denotes speed, reflexes and movement of the user

Intelligence: denotes problem solving and critical thinking of the user

Wisdom: denotes perception, intuition and emotional intelligence of the user

Charisma: denotes the looks, demeanor, personality and influence the user can have on others

Mana: denotes the magical prowess present in the user

[Note: An adult average mortal in perfect condition have only 3 in every stat] 

"So, what it means to say is that I'm not a mere mortal and my stats are better than an average mortal huh?" Lucious contemplated.