Exiled noble

A burly man with unkempt red hair and sparse beard on his face stood before him. Emanating killing intent, he asked in an intimidating tone as if he could kill him any second if his response wasn't to his liking. 

Oddly enough, since his arrival in this new world although they were speaking foreign language, Lucius was still able to understand them. It was as if, he was a native of this unfamiliar world.

And right from the start after finding out about this, he had simply assumed that it was one of the perks of reincarnation.

Even though, Lucius found himself in an extremely unfavorable situation, he still had to weigh his words before speaking. 

And as much as his words held threat to him, silence was equally lethal as well. It was like right now, he was getting interrogated with a knife placed at his throat. 

A simple slip of tongue could lead him to a disastrous outcome where he had to forfeit his life.

Just as Lucius was about to introduce himself, bunch of people came rushing towards the scene where Lucius was getting pinned down by the burly man.

Among those bunch who had made their way towards the scene, one of the person recognized him and spoke, "Captain, I know him"

No sooner had that person spoken, the burly man rolled his eyes towards that person for split second and again rolled it back towards him, glaring at him with suspicion. 

"He's the exiled son of baron Nightshade"


The burly man asked, unfamiliar with the name mentioned by that person. 

"Captain, Baron Belmont Nightshade, he governs a remote territory known as Nightshade estate in the far north" The man explained. 

"So, what's he doing over here? That too, in such a miserable state?" suspiciously asked the man while diverting his gaze towards Lucius's missing limb, still unsatisfied with his subordinates reasoning.

"Although exiled, Baron Nightshade has still promised that he'd sponsor his studies until he graduates from the Golden Crown Royal Academy. So, he must be here for of the inter-academy competition held by the academies of four kingdom"

No sooner had that guard spoken, a ruckus aroused as everybody present there started to chatter, each presenting their own doubts and views. 

"Then what's the meaning of exile if he was going to get schooled and that too from the royal academy?"

"Lucky bastard"

"If he graduates from there, even if he doesn't get to inherit his family's title, he'll still be able to earn a decent income"

As such comments flowed around, suddenly it started getting noisy. 

But Lucius who himself had come to know of his situation and identity right now, couldn't care less about their comments towards him. 

All he could do was ardently listen to them and try to figure out more about himself, his situation and his surrounding.

At least from their conversation, he got to know that he is a son of a noble family. 

Well considering his situation, it would be more suitable to call him, a former noble. 


The burly man ordered in his intimidating tone— silencing the entire surrounding with one simple roar. 

"For now, treat his injuries and held him captive, I'll contact the invigilators responsible for conducting the test"

Saying so, he shot one last glance at Lucius before walking away. Sure enough, he was still suspicious of Lucius. 

After that burly man walked away, the guard from before who had cleared him of the suspicion of the burly man, walked towards him and handed him a potion, "Don't mind him, Captain Marcius is always strict and suspicious like that. But considering that he spent almost more than half his lifetime on battlefield, his attitude is quite natural, don't you agree?"

While Lucius, suspiciously drank the potion handed by this boy in front, the boy continued to blabber absentmindedly without paying him any heed. 

"Ahh right, by the way, I'm Carl. A local from Rocky village, located in south of Nightshade estate"

The boy who looked like he was only 18 or 19 himself, introduced himself as Carl. And given the way he blabbered without stopping, it seemed like he was quite a talkative person. 

Also the way he talked and the way he looked, Carl appeared rather amiable. 

But why was he being so amiable towards Lucius? Is it because they were from the same place? Or is it because Carl sympathized Lucius's condition?

Although Carl had in some way saved his life by identifying him but Lucius didn't feel even a slightest bit of gratefulness towards him. 

Afterall there's no such thing as free food in this world. 

And Lucius who had experienced the pain of betrayal once already from the people closest to him simply couldn't bring himself to trust anyone blindly. 

'What is he after? Can I even trust his words? Is everything said by him true? Or is he simply making things because he wants something from me?'

Lucius tried to contemplate about the motive of this boy who had introduced himself as Carl, a fellow resident from the same territory as the previous owner of his body. 

Even though, his words might be true, Lucius still couldn't bring himself to trust the words of this person named Carl. 

Often the sweetest smiles hide the most vile intentions. 

"I was quite impressed by your heroism when you openly declared your support for the abolishment of slavery back then"

Carl spoke, his words full of admiration and his eyes glistening with reverence. 

Suddenly Lucius felt a throbbing pain in his head as many memories started flashing in his mind one after other, nonstop without any warning. 


Overwhelmed by the pain, Lucius wrapped his fingers tightly in his head as he cried out in pain. 

Those memories were completely new to him. But it was so vivid that he felt as if he was the one who experienced those memories. 

The figure of a black-haired boy with eerie dark pupils, suffering through various torments and tribulation life had in store for him flashed as he experienced those moments first hand. 

'Wha... What did he fee.... feed me?'

A part of him which didn't succumb to this intolerable pain thought as he became suspicious of Carl who had fed him an unknown elixir. 

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

Carl worriedly inquired as he tried to help Lucius.