Fragments of memories

In an opulently decorated room, brightly illuminated by flickering rays of candles, a dark-haired boy sat atop a queen sized bed; cross-legged with his eyes closed. 

Although dim, yet still visible enough to be seen— several tiny particles of light resembling fireflies floated around him, making the scene around him look quite magical and captivating. 

Abruptly, all of a sudden he opened his tightly shut eyes as his lips curled up into a smile. Joy flashed in his eerie dark eyes as an excited gasp escaped his mouth, "Hah!! I've done it..."

"I've finally connected with my host star, now I can finally train magic" The boy spoke excitedly clenching his fist. 

"I must tell it to father. I'm sure he'll be excited to hear this news" 

Mumbling such, a feeling of enthrallment flashed in his eyes as he stood upright and rushed towards the exit. 

A gust of cold breeze came rustling towards him as he opened the door. A magnificent scene unfolded before his eyes as he opened his door. 

The night sky stretched above like an infinite abyss, adorned with countless stars that shimmered with celestial balance greeted his eyes. 

Every inch of that velvety canvas seemed to twinkle as if the universe itself was whispering secrets through its ethereal beacons. Yet even such magnificent scene failed to stop him on his track as he excitedly stormed towards his destination. 

At this time, he knew that his father would be at his study. Thus without stopping, he headed straight towards his studies to tell him this brilliant news of him connecting with his host star. 

The eagerness to reveal this news to his father flashed in his eyes as he couldn't stop smiling. After running for quite a while as he came close to his studies, his steps became lighter as he slowed down his movement. 

No matter how much excited he was, he still didn't want to disturb his father. Thus, he intentionally muffled his footsteps. 

'I should check on him before knocking the door' the boy thought to himself; considerate of his father. 

Thinking so, he peeked at the room inside through the keyhole. Even with his carefulness, until this moment, he still couldn't drop that smile on his face. 

But just as he peeked inside the room, his smile froze as his facial expression paled. 

"If you don't get rid of him, I swear I'll do everything that I can to eradicate that brat"

Currently inside the room, two individuals were arguing. And both of those faces were extremely familiar to him. One was his father whom he adored and respected the most in this world. 

And the other was of his mother, more precisely stepmother since he had already lost his mother in quite an early age. 

'Are they talking about me' 

Although the two of them were quite far away from him but ever since child, his senses had always been oddly sharp than regular peoples. 

Silently standing outside the study door as he heard their conversation, his heart started pounding. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but the urgency in his stepmother's voice piqued his curiosity. 

In front of others she had never treated him rudely. In fact, she had treated him like her own child which had made him feel that he was loved and even felt some motherly affection towards her. 

But now as he heard those words of disdain and hatred pointed towards him, he simply couldn't believe his eyes and ears. 

If not for experiencing this moment first hand, he would have probably never suspected the depths of her malice towards him. 

"Belmont, how much longer are you going to tolerate Lucius? He's a constant reminder of her— a threat to our family's legacy" the steely voice of his stepmother filled with disdain resonated through the door. 

Belmont, his father let out a heavy sigh as he tried to retaliate, "No matter what, he is still my son Eleanor. You know I cannot simply cast him aside?"

"So what about Larry and Lucy? They're your son and daughter as well... So, just because he's your blood you'll hand him the territory someday huh?" Eleanor retaliated, raising her voice. 

Belmont upon hearing her, remained tongue-tied as he couldn't speak anything. 

"I'm not letting this happen Belmont. As long as I live, I won't let him become the lord. And if you can't do it, I'll just contact my family. They'll be happy to do it. Don't forget the seat you are sitting right now is all thanks to me"

Witnessing his father's hesitation, Eleanor threatened him. Not only did she threaten him by saying that she'll eradicate Lucius, she also pointed at his weakness which caused Belmont to feel extremely helpless. 

Though he was the lord of Nightshade territory, he wasn't the one in control of its prowess. One could even say that he was only a puppet lord. 

Upon hearing her words full of malice, Lucius felt a knot tighten in his stomach as he swallowed back the bitterness that welled up within him. 

At this moment, his stepmother's words cut him deep, stirring both anger and hurt within him. But he couldn't tear himself away; he was just too powerless and helpless at this moment. 

Surrendering himself to his wife's temper, Belmont helplessly asked, "But how can we do it? People will suspect us, if we simply cast him aside without any reason"

"We will find a way, Belmont. A way to rid ourselves of him without tarnishing our name. There are.... dark paths we can explore" Eleanor responded, her voice laced with a chilling menace.

Lucius's blood ran cold as a shiver ran down his spine upon hearing her insidious suggestion. His nails dug into his palm as he clenched his fist tightly while he fought his urge to burst into the room and confront them both. 

"But Eleanor, he is my flesh and blood. I cannot condone such wickedness" Belmont cried, his voice trembling with conflicted loyalty. 

"Then perhaps, my dear husband, you should consider what you value more; your legacy or your son's life" Eleanor spat, her words dripping with malevolent intent aimed towards Lucius which made Lucius's heart race.