
"Your life is mine, and it's pointless to overthink the bond. It cannot be broken. As I said, the bond is centuries old, a lost spell no one knows of anymore. Seeing as you always find a way to get into trouble, it best suits you. The soul tie allows both parties to sense each other's intense emotions. That's why I could sense when you had a nightmare."

Kat wanted to ask more questions, but was getting weaker than before. Her breath hitched, her chest tightening as a harsh cough wracked her body. "Damn, my head hurts," she muttered and slumped back against the pillows, she felt dizzy. The effort of holding onto consciousness and maintaining her composure was draining her rapidly.

Lucian, still seated by her bed, watched her intently. The smile on his lips had dropped. Without a word, he extended his hand towards her, his pale, long fingers stretched out invitingly.

Kat's vision blurred, but through the haze, she saw Lucian's hand extended towards her. She blinked, her eyes moving from his outstretched hand to his face. His gaze was stead, his twisted smile was no longer present. Instead, there was a impatient look on his face, his hand still stretched out for her to take. Hesitant and unsure of what he was doing, her fingers trembled as she lifted her hand, hesitating for a split second before placing it in his.

Lucian's fingers wrapped gently around hers, she still wasn't sure of what was going on, but just then she felt a surprisingly warm sensation spread from his touch, and an unexpected lightness washed over her. It was as though the pain she felt was being drained out of her. With each passing second, she felt more relieved. Lucian's grip became firmer yet stayed gentle. Kat's breath steadied, the tightness in her chest easing. She stared at Lucian questioningly.

She couldn't quite explain it, but it felt like she could feel Lucian, his breathing, his calmness and for some reason, her pain didn't just vanish; it felt as if it was being taken by him. 'He is absorbing the pain from me,' the thought nagged at her.

The realisation that Lucian was absorbing her pain made her try to pull her hand away, but Lucian's grip only tightened, not enough to cause harm. "Don't test me Katherine, stay still" Lucian warned, Kat paused "How are you doing that?" Kat asked still surprised.

Lucian didn't let go of her hand and responded, "It's just one of the attribute of the soul bond. Though I possess a similar ability myself, this happens to be more efficient."

"I can feel the pain draining out of me into you," Kat stated, a trace of worry in her voice.

"Such little pain isn't merely enough to faze me in the slightest. Because the bond isn't fully active, I can only take in a little amount of the pain, but it should be enough to ease the discomfort nevertheless."

Kat stared at Lucian trying to observe if he was in pain, he didn't look like he was hurt or experiencing any discomfort, perhaps it's because he was a vampire she thought. Kat took a deep breath, she would have never guessed that the bond had such abilities, 'the night I was attacked by the kelpie, I was in a lot of pain, but the next morning it was all gone, initially I thought it has something to do with the canceling of the kelpies mark but could Lucian have something to do with it, mmm Maybe I'm just over thinking it'

Kat felt she now understood a little more about the mark, but she still couldn't help but question why Lucian was helping her. He mentioned having motives behind his actions, but no matter how hard she thought, she couldn't grasp what his motives could be. Let alone read is actions.

Lost in thought, Kat noticed the softness and smoothness of Lucian's palms, his hands not too slender or bony. This was the first time she had held hands with him. As Lucian had leaned forward to take her hand, Kat's nose twitched slightly; even in her daze, she detected the charming scent of rosewood, a woody and sweet aroma. It was a manly yet sweet fragrance.

Realizing she was getting distracted, Kat shook her head, biting her bottom lip, and her cheeks puffed out in 'what in the world is wrong with you Katherine' she's scolded herself.

Similarly to her Lucian's gaze lingered on Kat's hand in his. Compared to his large palm, her hand was delicate and small, making his hands look bigger than they were. He enjoyed taking in the sight of her dark, smooth skin, which always seemed to glow and call out for attention. Her nails were cute and glossy, showing a clear sign that those hands hadn't done much labor. Her little fingers wrapped around his, and he knew she wasn't aware of her own little action.

He looked back at her when he noticed her movements with her head, and his eyes fell on her bottom lip frantically trapped between her teeth. He frowned and moved his other hand to pinch her chin, snapping her out of her thoughts and forcing her gaze to meet his. "Stop that," he ordered, his voice husky, making her gulp subconsciously. Snapping out of the little trance, Kat pulled her face away from his grip, which wasn't tight.

"He...ey, what are you doing?" she questioned hastily, feeling her cheeks getting warm.

Just then both there attentions were draw to the door, Sabastian stepped in with a try of food in his hand. Lucian had already let go of Kat's hand, and she hadn't realized she was still gripping his.

"I brought some food for you, Miss Kat. The doctor said you should eat something before taking your medicine."

Kat, still flustered by Lucian's touch on her chin earlier, quickly noticed Sebastian's eyes dart to their hands. Embarrassed, she shook his hand. "You can let go of my hand now," she muttered.

Lucian tilted his head, a cunning grin forming on his lips, and Kat caught a glimpse of his fangs for the first time. "What do you mean? You're the one holding my hand."

Kat glanced down and saw he was right; she had been the one holding on. Quickly, she let go, her cheeks burning as she looked away. She didn't want Sebastian to thinking something was going on.

Lucian seemed unbothered by the exchange. His grin widened, and he stood up straight. "I will be leaving," he announced, his tone suddenly more formal. "Have the earlier documents sent to the shadow council," he instructed Sebastian as he passed by him. "Yes, my lord," Sebastian bowed.

Lucian glanced at Kat, but she turned her gaze away quickly. He chuckled and left,.as Lucian exited the room. Kat didn't look up.

Sebastian placed the bowl of pottage next to Kat. Seeing her flustered face, he smiled. "I hope you'll be able to eat this, Miss Kat. You look much better than before."

Kat, who hadn't had an appetite earlier that morning, now felt like she could manage a few bites. She nodded and took the bowl, grateful for the distraction.

"I'm glad to see you're getting better so quickly," Sebastian continued, stepping closer. "Thank you. Yes, I do feel much better; my fever must not have been as bad as we thought," Kat responded.

He gently placed a hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. Kat looked up at him, taking in his well-kept appearance despite the streaks of grey in his hair. Though he was an old man, his appearance was well-kept and professional. His presence reminded her of her uncle, both in looks and in the way he treated her, though her uncle was only in his thirties.

Sebastian smiled down at her. "I must say I am surprised. It had only been a few minutes since I left, but your condition has improved in such a short time. It's a relief. Perhaps spending time with His Majesty helped your mood get better," Sebastian remarked.

Kat shook her head vigorously. "No, it must have just been that I wasn't so sick after all," she denied.

Sebastian chuckled at her reaction and passed her the bowl of pottage.

Kat initially thought he would leave once she started eating. However, he didn't move. Kat was slightly puzzled. "Don't you have other things to attend to? I don't want to trouble you," she asked.

Sebastian shook his head with a gentle smile. "Nonsense, it's always my pleasure to serve you. I'll stay here while you eat and help you take your medicine afterward."

At first, Kat wanted to say she was fine on her own, but then she realized there was no harm in having some company. She wouldn't have much interaction with anyone else today anyways. So, she simply nodded and began to eat.

Kat sat quietly, the room enveloped in a hushed stillness broken only by the rhythmic clinking of her spoon against the bowl of pottage. Sensing the need to fill the silence, she looked up at Sebastian, who stood by attentively.

"Sebastian," Kat began, her voice soft yet curious, " long have you been serving the royal family?"

Sebastian's eyes softened as he considered her question. "Since before His Majesty was born," he answered warmly.

Kat's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that is a really long time."

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "I arrived at the castle about two months before the birth of His Majesty. After his birth, I was assigned as the crown prince's personal butler and have remained by his side ever since."

Kat nodded thoughtfully, recalling the portrait she had seen of Lucian as a young boy. "He always looks so cold and distant, even in the painting I saw of him as a child," she remarked softly, more to herself than to Sebastian.

Sebastian chuckled knowingly. "Yes, His Majesty has always had a certain...aloofness about him. But there's more to him than meets the eye, Miss Kat. Despite his coldness, he has his good sides."

Kat raised an eyebrow, curious yet cautious. "Good sides?" she echoed, a hint of sceptically.

Sebastian nodded, his tone respectful yet honest. "Indeed. If one were to look beyond his exterior, they might find qualities worth appreciating."

Kat couldn't help but smile wryly. "That sounds like quite a deep dive," she remarked sarcastically, imagining the challenge of uncovering Lucian's hidden virtues, that was even if he had any.

Sebastian chuckled softly. He had always found Kat's bluntness to be refreshing and amusing. "Indeed, Miss Kat, indeed."

Kat was curious about Lucian's childhood but restrained herself from asking, not wanting to be nosy. "I imagine Josie was a sweet angel as a child."

Sebastian nodded with a fond smile. "Indeed, she was sweet, but not without her own mischievous streak. She always had everyone on their heels," he admitted.

"I can imagine, she told me once about a time she claimed a tree to get Lucian's attention" Kat laughed. Sebastian looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "You are quite mischievous yourself when the two of you are together," he commented, remembering all the trouble both girls caused him.

Kat laughed awkwardly, know he was right and she and Josie had caused a lot of trouble, this though most times they didn't mean to. "It's easier to relax here. Though being a famous actress is fun and I love my fans, it can really be stressful keeping up. I originally was going for a vacation when I ended up here, but I'm happy to have met some people," Kat said thoughtfully.

"You seem to have taken a liking to this world. Perhaps you would want to stay a while longer," Sebastian commented.

Kat shot Sebastian a sideways glance. "Umm, yes, it's not all bad here, but I most definitely want to go back home. But it's a shame; I will miss you guys. I don't think anyone back home would believe me if I were to tell them about this world. They would probably think I lost it," Kat laughed.

Kat couldn't finish the entire bowl, but she managed to eat a decent amount. Once she was done, Sebastian handed her the medicine the doctor had given him. It was a herbal mix. "Here's your medicine, Miss Kat," he said, handing her the small bottle.

Kat eyed the medicine skeptically. "Do I really have to take it?" she asked, making a face at the thought of swallowing it "besides I already feel pretty okay."

Sebastian chuckled softly. "Yes, it's important. Even if you're feeling better now, it'll help ensure you're completely recovered."

Reluctantly, Kat took the bottle and opened it, wrinkling her nose at the medicinal smell. She hesitated eyeing the bottle, she tilted the bottle and took a deep breath. Like she was preparing for a battle, she closed her eyes and counted backward from three. On the count of one, she managed to swallow it down. Immediately, she made a face, grimacing. "Ugh, it's so bitter!" she exclaimed.

Sebastian smiled sympathetically. "I know it's not pleasant. But you'll feel much better soon."

Kat nodded, still trying to rid her mouth of the bitter taste. She reached for the glass of water and took a few quick gulps, hoping to wash away the unpleasant flavor.

Sebastian noticed her struggle and reached into his pocket. "Here," he said, pulling out a handful of candy wraps. "These should help sweeten things up a bit."

Kat's eyes lit up. "You always have a solution to everything. I'm starting to think I might have to take you back home with me," Kat joked.

Sebastian smiled, handing them to her. "Try it. I'm certain it wouldn't taste like anything you've had before."

Curiously, Kat unwrapped the candy and popped it into her mouth. Her expression softened into one of delight as she savored the sweet flavor. "Wow, this is amazing!"

Sebastian chuckled at her excited expression. "I had a feeling you would like them. You have quite a sweet tooth, don't you" He commented

Kat nodded enthusiastically, enjoying the unexpected treat. "Too bad they don't have these back home." Sebastian interrupted her by pulling out another item from his pocket.

This time, it was a small bar of chocolate. Kat's eyes widened in disbelief. "Chocolate?" she exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

"But how come you have chocolates? I thought it didn't exist here," Kat asked.

Sebastian paused thoughtfully. "Actually, chocolates and candies like these are relatively new here. The production was made in Davina. Only those in the highest circles have begun to enjoy them recently, and it's not called chocolate either."

Kat raised an eyebrow. "Oh, but how come the shadow council members didn't know of it? They are always moving around the kingdoms, right?"

Sabastian nodded. "The shadow council members are often preoccupied with official matters. They might not have time for such indulgences."

Kat nodded in understanding. "I guess that makes sense."

Kat unwrapped the chocolate and took a small bite. Her eyes widened in surprise. "It's delicious! Even better than what I'm used to."

"I'm glad you like it, I will take my leave now. Please have some rest" he informed before leaving the room.

As Kat finished the chocolate, she felt a warmth spreading through her body. After a while she felt drowsy due to the medication and ended up falling asleep."