governess: part one

A few had gone by, Kat had completely recovered and over time had grown more accustomed to her daily life in the castle. Unlike her first few days there, most of the servants had also become more comfortable around her and were no longer frightened or hesitant. "Good morning to you two," Kat greeted both Sebastian and Lucian as she entered, taking her seat.

"Good morning, Miss Kat. You seem quite lively this morning," Sebastian commented, noticing the small smile tugging at her lips.

"Well, I guess it's just one of those days. Plus, I've been stuck in my room for so long, eating only plain meals" Kat responded, picking up a slice of bread.

Sebastian chuckled and nodded. A maid came forward to serve Kat breakfast, but she dismissed her politely ''thank you but I will do that myself''.

Lucian's gaze moved to Kat at her sudden enthusiasm, making his brow draw together for a second. "What?" Kat asked, when she noticed his gaze. He said nothing and moved his gaze away.

Kat rolled her eyes and returned to dishing out food for herself. She hadn't been able to eat properly for the past few days, and Sebastian had been feeding her bland meals as instructed by the doctor. Now that she wasn't sick anymore, Kat's mouth watered at the sight of the tasty variety of dishes before her, and she bit her lip in anticipation of the flavors.

Lucian continued glancing at Kat beside him, from the corner of his eye as she placed different dishes on her plate. He raised his teacup to his lips to take a sip but paused, turning again to look at Kat.

Kat had both her elbows placed on the table, intertwining her fingers in front of her face as she debated which dish to choose next with absolute concentration.

Lucian continued to stare at her, observing her expression, she looked as though she was about to make one of the biggest decisions of her life. Sebastian and the maids also watched Kat.

Kat finally made a decision and picked what she wanted, she took a spoonful of food, her eyes closed enjoying the burst of flavour, she let out a small satisfied hum. while Lucian watched as Kat stuffed her cheeks, her cheeks were puffy as she chewed.

 ''until now, I presumed you were human but it appears that was false'' Lucian remarked, snapping Kat out of her daze of flavour and she met his gaze, with frowned brows. "What is that supposed to mean?" Kat asked defensively, wondering if he soundly thinks she a witch or something.

Lucian took is own convenient time to respond taking a sip of his tea before dropping it in the table. he parted his lips to speak '' as the time of winter is close, squrls stuff there cheeks with food and hide it away. So that explains why it is you are trying too stuff your face with the entirety of the table. Lucian remarked sarcastically.

everyone paused, including Sabastian who turned his gaze to Kat. Kat on the other hand couldn't hold herself from sending Lucian a deadly glare, which as usual didn't bother him in the slightest, his gray eyes stared back at her calmly. 

''I don't expect you to know how to enjoy a meal when all you mostly ingest is that tea, she clicking her tongue, eyeing the tea.'' Kat returned and Lucian smirked 

"I can assure you, I do know how to enjoy a meal. But I must confess, I just happen to enjoy more pulsing. Perhaps you would like to help me savor the flavor? After all, you seem to be an expert on how to enjoy a meal, I cant assure you would ever be able to enjoy another meal after'' though Lucians voice was calm as he spook, it still sent a shiver down Kats spine making her gulp subconsciously.

She huffed and continued eating, though her movements were a bit more forceful than before. The room fell into an awkward silence, with Kat's eyebrow twitching every time she remembered Lucian's comment.

As Kat was about to take another bite, Lucian spoke again. "a proper lady shouldn't eat so much in front of others. It's unbecoming."

Kat's face twitched. 'This man wouldn't be satisfied until I choke on my food. What's with him anyway? He never spoke this much before.'

Kat's gaze snapped up to meet his, her eyes flashing with silent anger. "Oh, forgive me, Your Majesty," she replied sarcastically. "I'm not a noble or elite or princess, so forgive me for not knowing how to eat properly." She emphasized the last word, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Lucian raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by her tone. "All the more reason why you need a teacher," he suddenly said. He then turned to Sebastian. "Will the governess be arriving today?"

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, my lord. She is expected to arrive around noon."

Lucian turned back to Kat. "You'll start your lessons with the governess today."

Kat stared at him for a moment, processing his words and the sudden turn of events. Her gaze narrowed. "I don't remember requesting a teacher. No thanks," she dismissed curtly, turning her attention back to her meal.

Lucian's eyes narrowed slightly. "Leave us," he ordered, and all the maids left except for Sebastian. "It wasn't a suggestion," he said, his tone firm and final. "You'll start your lessons today."

Kat didn't understand why she suddenly needed a teacher and still refused. "For what reason would I need a teacher?" she asked, still puzzled by the sudden change in their conversation.

Sebastian stepped in, his tone gentle but firm. "Miss Kat, what His Majesty meant to say is that the governess will help you learn about our customs, societal norms, and how things work here. It's not just about etiquette; it's about understanding the world you're in now."

Kat listened, still confused. "But I don't see why I need all that. I'm fine as I am," she insisted.

Sebastian sighed, sensing her frustration. "I understand this might seem unnecessary, but it's crucial for your safety. " He paused, looking at her seriously. "Over the past few days, rumors have started to spread among the other kingdoms about a mysterious woman the king is hiding away. Many feel you are a witch or something dangerous, though we know that's not true."

Kat's brows frowned. "I thought the Shadow Council already cleared that misunderstanding..." she trailed off, more confused.

Sebastian shook his head and continued, "No one knows about your arrival here or the circumstances behind your arrival, and it would be good to keep it that way. People are wary of things they don't understand. Most of the other kings happen to be frail and would retaliate and try to kill you if they were to know about you. And with these rumors spreading, it's only a matter of time before some might see you as a threat."

Sebastian moved to the gueridon and picked up what seemed to be a document before handing it to Kat. Confused, she took it. "What is this?" she asked, taking a look at it.

"Information about the family your new identity belongs to," he stated, making Kat's brow frown further. "New identity...?"

"Yes, Miss Kat. For you protection, we need everyone to believe you're a legitimate part of our society, from our kingdom."

Lucian, still seated, said nothing and continued with his breakfast, while Sebastian continued to explain, "If everyone believes you are from this kingdom, there would be no other reason for you to appear suspicious, and the rumors would be disregarded for that reason. We found a suitable family of elites, luckily bearing your last name 'Young', a Grand Duke family, who are unfortunately no more, but an advantage to us. You would take the identity of Duchess Flare Young's daughter." Sabastian explained.

"But it doesn't say here that she had a daughter... and you said their family died out, so...?" Kat questioned, taking a look at the information again if she had missed something.

Sebastian nodded at her words. "The Duchess was pregnant at the time and also went missing. No one has heard of her or if she had the child, but that isn't of concern, because I confirmed she died, and so did her unborn child. But no one else is aware of this, so it's easy for you to take the identity of her daughter. Along with the lessons about our world you would receive. I will explain what it is you need to know about the Young family and the Duchess."

"It would ensure that you blend in seamlessly and are seen as one of us. The governess will help you refine your identity and learn the norms and customs you need to navigate our society," Sebastian added.

Kat stared at them, taking a deep breath, still processing the information. "I don't think I'm comfortable with using the identity of the dead... their whole history sounds sad and depressing," Kat said.

Sebastian gave her a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, Miss Kat. You aren't doing it to disrespect the old family's name. It's alright."

Kat hummed in response and asked, "But wait, how exactly do you intend to spread the... umm... fake identity?" She raised an eyebrow and heard Lucian finally speak.

"The Winter Hollow Ball is close and would be the perfect way to introduce you to society. You don't necessarily have to socialize with anyone if you don't wish to, but a few conversations should be fine," he stated blandly.

Kat wondered how Sebastian and Lucian spoke without cutting into each other's words, so in sync that sometimes she almost felt like it was rehearsed, but it was probably because they knew each other so well.

Kat pondered the information, realizing the necessity of blending into their society, though that was something she had no intention of doing before. Originally, Kat didn't want to blend in with the people here, she didn't want to get too comfortable and lose sight of her goal of returning to her world.

She glanced at Lucian, who seemed entirely unbothered, continuing with his breakfast. "So, the Winter Hollow Ball. What exactly will be expected of me?" Kat asked.

Lucian set down his utensils, finally giving her his attention. "You'll be introduced as Duchess Flare Young's daughter. It's a high-status identity, so you'll need to carry yourself accordingly. The ball is an annual event where many influential figures gather. It's the perfect opportunity to establish your presence and dispel any lingering rumors about you."

Kat nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "And what if someone recognizes that I'm not who I claim to be?" she asked, concerned.

Sebastian stepped in. "It's unlikely. The Young family kept to themselves, and their last appearance in society was decades ago. No one alive today would have seen the Duchess's child, and the story we've crafted will support your fake identity. The key is to act confident and learn as much as you can until then. The governess would guide you on how to behave, speak, and learn the history. "he said in a reassuring tone.

"Okay I get what you mean, but I still don't think I need a teacher, I mean if you gave me all the necessary books I could..." Kat trailed.

But was met with Lucain poker face, "the governess will teach you" he deadpanned. Leaving kat fumming " I'm not a child I can make my own decision" she mumbled but quite down when Lucain glanced at her.

After the governess arrived Kat made her way to the study room, with a mix of anticipation and reluctance. The sun streamed through the large windows, filling the room with bright, natural light.

She stepped inside the study, and her eyes quickly adjusted to the space. At the center of the room stood the governess, a woman of middle age with an air of strictness and authority about her. She wore a crisp, well-fitted dress, her hair meticulously styled.

The woman's expression was one of barely concealed arrogance, her gaze sharp behind a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. In one hand, she held a delicate fan, which she used with precise, almost dismissive flicks.

Kat hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and offering a polite greeting. "Good afternoon," Kat greeted politely, trying to start on a respectful note.

The governess however looked her up and down, her lips curling into a faint, almost condescending smile. "Kat, I presume," she said, her tone carrying a note of disdain. She tapped the fan against her palm as she spoke, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed Kat's posture.

Without waiting for a response, she continued, "Do you not know to curtsey when greeting someone of higher station?" she stated. Kat blinked, taken aback by the abruptness of the question.

Before she could react, the governess swiftly used her foot to spread Kat's feet apart, forcing her into a curtsey position. She used her fan to raise Kat's chin and pushed her shoulders back. "There," she said, a note of satisfaction in her voice. "That's more like it."

It hadn't even been up to a minute with the governess and Kat was already staring to feel annoyed. She wasn't used to such blatant condescension and wasn't sure how to react. The governess, however, seemed to take her silence as confirmation of her own superiority.

She adjusted her glasses with a delicate motion and then said, "Your posture, young lady. Stand up straight. A proper lady does not slouch." She then took a step forward, using her foot to subtly nudge Kat's feet apart more. Kat staggered slightly, caught off guard by the sudden movement again. She quickly regained her balance, her cheeks flushing slightly with irritation.

The governess continued, seemingly unfazed by Kat's discomfort. "It's crucial that you present yourself with grace and dignity at all times," she lectured, her tone as cold as it was instructive. "Remember, you're not just representing yourself; it would be disdainful if you embarrassed His Majesty."

'What kind of woman is this? Arrogant and bossy, treating me like some untrained child. I'm sure Lucian deliberately chose someone as arrogant as him,' Kat thought to herself. She bit her lip, trying to hold back a retort, reminding herself to stay composed. She knew she couldn't bite back, even if her arrogance grated on her. Maybe she was just like that cause they didn't know each other and it would be better after a while.