The White House

Colonel Paul Davis sat in front Of President Hayes.

"So what have you got for me today "said the president .

"Mr. President since the discovery of the Pluto facility ,we have made many breakthroughs,We now have 10 aurora class vessels, a new drone chair has been installed on earth at Area 51.

Atlantis is almost finished her refit, and she'll be heading back to the Pegasus galaxy soon.

Doctor McKay and colonel Carta,

With the aid of the stations AI, and his access to the Alterans knowledge base, alongside the Asgard database,have been working on the design for a new class of ship.

Named the Phoenix,the Phoenix is slightly larger than an the O'Neill class Asgard vessel,the Phoenix will carry a compliment of 80 F302 fighters, the ship will be equipped with the most advanced intergalactic hyperdrive, and the most advanced sensors and shields ,drone, weapons and Asgard plasma beam weapons, the ship will be a game changer ."

"Ok before you go any further, just how much is it gonna cost to build this new design ship" said the president.

"With the matter stream technology the Shipyard possesses, it's not gonna cost a thing mr President".stated Colonel Davies.

"Well what politician can turn down something for free, how many were you planning to have built? "Paul "asked the president

"Initially, we were planning on building 18 "stated Colonel Davis.

"Well,I think we should make that number up to 40 don't you think, if it's gonna cost us nothing let's go ahead and do that Paul."

"Yes, Mr. President "said the Colonel.

"So what else do you have for me? "said the president

"The two city ships that were under construction in the shipyard, will be nearing completion very soon.

Work is well underway on new weapons, and body armor" Said Davis

"Tell me about this body armor "Said the president .

"Well, Mr. President, We sent the body armor of Anubis super soldiers,to the facility to be analyzed by the AI, and working with doctor Lee and Colonel Carter , combing the Altern exoskeleton, the super soldier armor, and wraith Dematerialization and storage technology , I have been told that testing on the armor and weapons will begin in a few days" said Davis .

"Excellent Paul this is good news keep me posted ,anything else"asked president Hayes .

"I have been informed that the Asgard did not commit suicide,and that Thor wishes to meet with you and general O'Neil as soon as possible" said Davis .

A shocked look appeared on the face of the president, which quickly became a smile , "that's great news Paul ,set a meeting for the day after tomorrow please" said Hayes.