Ex Nihilo (The Pluto facility)

Ex Nihilo was Constructing new ships with matter stream technology ,and they were being built at an incredible rate .

Colonel Carter was watching the construction of the new Phoenix class ships ,after the meeting with the President and Colonel Davis, Colonel, Carter has been informed to go ahead with the production of 40 Phoenix class ships. The first of the ships was complete and would be put through extensive testing, looking out across the facility where the ships were being constructed in docking bay after docking bay Colonel Carter was absolutely amazed,the facility was incredible.

The Phoenix class ship is an Amalgamation of the O'Neill class ship and an aurora class ship with a touch of F 304 the amalgamation of these three ships produced an Incredibly well designed ship, sleek and powerful the Phoenix exuded power and technological superiority.

All Tau'ri ships were built with an AI system like Ex Nihilo and the city ships.

Two levels below where the construction of the Phoenix class ships was taking place The city ships that had been under construction were almost complete.

All upgrades that Atlantis was receiving were built into her sister ships that were still under construction.

Next to the two city ships in construction was Atlantis Her refit was almost complete, Atlantis had its AI activated upon returning to the ship yard.

Asgard plasma been weapons have been added two to each pier anti-fighter turret had been added as well as rail guns.

The cloak that was fitted to Atlantis from a puddle jumper was replaced with the more powerful phase shifting cloak that was used by Merlin , all Traces of battle damage and damage from flooding,had been erased .

Atlantis was as good as new , and was now stronger and more powerful .

F302 bays have been added to the city ship. The two F302 bays were situated between the peers of the city ship, each bay could hold 80 F302 fighters, giving the city ship a compliment of 160 fighters.

The F302 fighters themselves had been upgraded , the new F302 were composed of the strongest known alloy Trinium Nacquada Nitronium and carbon alloy.

The F302 and the puddle jumpers ,were fitted with shields similar to those used for the Aurora class ships , F302 were also outfitted with a phase shifting cloak similar to the one used by Merlin .

The engines of the F302 were of a similar design to those of the puddle jumpers instead of the airor spike engines , this allowed for greater maneuverability and speed , also fitted with anti gravity like the jumpers,the F302 now had vertical take off ability, so they would no longer needed a runway for takeoff and landing.

The upgrade didn't end there, a small interstellar hyperdrive had been added to the F302's, as well as the puddle jumpers ,this was powered by a compact Asgard, iron generator

Weapon systems had also been upgraded,

lessons learnt from the war with the Ori, and the Wraith,had been applied to the Tau'ri fighter interceptor, along with the rail guns, the F302 had been fitted with a smaller version of the plasma beam weapon, mounted in the nose of the fighter.

Built into each wing ,was a smaller more compact version of the anti fighter weapons, similar to those found on Destiny, and similar to the weapons of the Ori fighters.

Taken from the F22 raptor air to ground attack systems, as well as air to air attack systems have been fitted, the upgraded fighter was now more than a match for any enemy fighter .

The new F302s were being constructed at a phenomenal rate, and all of the older models would receive the upgrades over time,the Tau'ri fleet would continue to grow .