Super Gates

All the components for the super gates had been constructed on the Ex Nihilo facility.

All ninety segments that were interlinked with each other through a powerful energy field ,when placed in location of a back hole which would power the super gate.

Each group of ninety segments of the super gates were completed ,the first ninety having alreay left with the Arcadia to the Ky'klos galaxy .

A super gate would be constructed in the Asgards new home galaxy, the Kaliam Galaxy.

Another super gate would be constructed in the Pegasus galaxy.

The former home galaxy of the Asgard, the galaxy of Ida would receive a super gate, and a galaxy wide gate replacement, the Ida galaxy would receive the Pegasus gate model .

The Pegasus gate was the most advanced star gate model ever created.

A further super gate was built with the look of placing it in the future, with the hope of exploring the Andromeda galaxy in the not to distant future.

The Tau'ri were looking ahead and planning for the future of their race.

The Tau'ri were determined to carry freedom, to every oppressed people they could find .

The Tau'ri wished to advance their own knowledge of the universe, by exploring and meeting new races .

Now that the Tau'ri had taken their place as the fifth race, they boldly pushed ahead .

They had much to do to bring stability to the galaxies.

Never the goal of conquering and dominating like the Goauld .

The Tau'ri are all about liberty and freedom, they would liberate from domination and suppression, then guide as the civilization stood on their own, and took their own path. This is what the Tau'ri stood for .

The galaxies were soon to learn just how determined the Tau'ri can be.

The super gate components had been beamed aboard the ships, that would take each gate to the assigned place .

Each new super gate would be positioned in the location of a black hole.

The black hole would power the gate .

The new super gates were shielded, with the most powerful shields in the known universe.

Every precaution to prevent unauthorized access to the super gates had been taken.

The super gate in the Milky Way galaxy had recently been fitted with shields, and preventative measures to stop unauthorized use of the gate .