The Aftermath

Two days after the Lucian Alliance had released the bio toxin, the numbers of people infected had risen dramatically.

The infected numbers were in the thousands and increasing .

On the third day the symptoms began to show .

The symptoms were high fever, followed by vomiting and coughing of blood. Eventually bleeding to death internally .

The toxin targeted the Goauld symbiote which is essentially the immune system of the Jaffa.

Day four and thousands had died and more were dying the disease was spreading and the Jaffa had no cure.

The Jaffa asked for help, and the disease was studied by scientists from all five of the great races.

They determined that it was similar to the Goauld symbiote poison.

The poison would kill instantly and not spread to others .

This disease would show no symptoms for forty eight hours before it would start killing the unfortunate that became infected.

It was determined that the disease was not a natural disease and was created as a biological weapon .

No cure could be created once infected it was only a matter of time.

The only answer was to remove the Symbiote from all Jaffa ,and for them to make the switch to tretonin.

The Jaffa had no other choice all they could do was remove the symbiotes .

Many had died from the disease,and some died from the change to tretonin.

Tretonin was not one hundred percent effective for all Jaffa, some died from not being able to adjust to the tretonin.

It was estimated that more than Sixty thousand Jaffa had died, spread across several Jaffa worlds in less than a week .

The Jaffa demanded answers, they would destroy the cowardly enemy that had attacked them in such a lowly manner.

This anger had helped to fuel division among the Jaffa.

The progressive movement believed that it was most likely an attempt to destabilize the Free Jaffa by the Lucian Alliance, they had presented what the Tau'ri and themselves believed was the truth .

This only led to more dissension amongst the Jaffa high council.

The traditionalists believed that this was in the interest of the Tau'ri to not provide a cure, and have control over the Jaffa though distribution and production of tretonin.

It was fast becoming clear that the Jaffa were dividing into two camps.

The Tau'ri and the Free Jaffa Nation were to meet again soon ,to discuss the decision of the Jaffa over the issue of humans on the Jaffa worlds, and their right to a free life.