Prime Minister Ray

Camille Ray the prime minister of Lemuria, stood on the balcony of the capital building of Lemuria ,with the President of Mars Elizabeth Weir.

" It's an amazing city Camille the view is truly incredible " said Elizabeth.

Entering the atmosphere of Lemuria was the city ship Avalon, bringing supplies and equipment as well as people to the new world .

The city ship was here for a short stay, Avalon would depart again soon for another trip to Ex Nihlio .

The contingent of F302's aboard Avalon would remain on the planet.

Avalon would receive a new contingent of F302's on return to Ex Nihilo.

Avalon slowed its descent and angled its approach towards the large bay .

The city ship Avalon came to rest on the surface of the large bay , telescopic bridges extended out from the city on Lemuria to link with the city ship Avalon.

The city of Lemuria was twice the size of New York, situated between a large bay three times the size of San Francisco Bay on Earth, and a large mountain range.

The city was built on a massive open plain, between the mountains and bay.

Gardens and parks dotted throughout the city .

Maglev trains and cars on roads, and in the sky could be seen flying cars ,transport pads could also be found throughout the city.

A new road and maglev train bridge had been constructed ,joining the two sides of the bay ,on the one side sat the city, and on the other the ship yard and Tau'ri defense base .

Surrounding the city was farmland mountains and forests.

The city had many tall buildings, the largest in the city was the Embassy of the five great races ,it towered over the city a truly magnificent imposing building that showed the power of the Five great races .

The center of commerce had been completed, and the United worlds building was ready .

Sports arenas and concert halls artcenters ,theaters and cinemas, cafes and restaurants and shopping centers were open, even fast food restaurants like McDonald's could be found in the city of Lemuria .

All the luxuries of earth could be found on Lemuria .

The city was a vibrant place, the city was built to house a population of ten million people ,currently the population was around five million people .

"This is a wonderful place Camille "said Elizabeth.

" yes it truly is beautiful I'm still getting used to it "said Camille.

" I would love to see Mars someday "said Camille.

"You are always welcome to visit Mars Camille , I would love to show you what my people have created there " said Elizabeth.

"The first meeting of the United worlds will be held here in a few months , there is still much to do before we are ready" said Camille.