The Genii

The Excalibur had remained in orbit of Thenoura monitoring Genii communications.

A cloaked jumper ,that was designed and built for surveillance and monitoring of communications of any kind , was four hundred meters above the Stargate on the surface of the planet.

Genii communications had mentioned a large military build up occurring on the planet of New Athos.

The Athosians were allies of the people of Atlantis.

The moment the information became available to the Pegasus fleet commander on board the Excalibur John Shepherd ,he ordered that the jumper be recovered and and to jump to New Athos.

While the Excalibur was in orbit of Thenoura.

The Aroura class ship the Terra,had jumped into orbit of the world of Genii Prime,and with the use of the ships powerful sensors the nuclear weapons were quickly located .

Hidden deep underground inside the Genii bunker, were four complete nuclear weapons, and two that were still in construction.

The Terra locked on to all the nuclear materials in the bunker and beamed them away.

The nuclear material reappeared inside the Corona of the Sun, and was instantly vaporized.

The Terra having completed its mission jumped into hyperspace and returned to Atlantis.

The Genii had taken control over the Stargate and nearby town .

The Genii set up radio jamming equipment, as soon as the first Group of soldiers arrived.

The soldiers had been arriving through the gate, in ever increasing numbers for two days.

Armored vehicles with mounted machine guns, field artillery and motorbikes with sidecars , and half track armored artillery vehicles, all which looked similar to what you'd find on a battlefield in World War Two .

Supplies and soldiers continued to arrive, two full divisions of Genii infantry units and equipment were now on New Athos.

Exiting hyperspace the Excalibur took position over New Athos .

The Reconnaissance and surveillance jumper exited the bay and headed towards the planet, the jumper cloaked as it entered the atmosphere.

The jumper began its job of monitoring the situation on the planet, and relaying the information to the Excalibur .

" Put me through to Atlantis "said Shepherd.

" Excalibur this is Atlantis "said Richard Worsley .

" New Athos is under occupation by the Genii we have launched the spy jumper and are gathering information .

Mr Worsley the Genii have taken the world of an ally ,and as the Fleet commander and highest ranking military officer in Pegasus, its is my duty to inform you that The Tau'ri are now at war with the Genii .

I need confirmation from the supreme commander before I can act" said Shepherd.

" I see is there anything else before I rely your report to the SGC " said Worsley.

" I will be calling several ships and military units as soon as I get the go ahead, in the meantime send the Aurora class ships the Apache and the Cheyenne to my location " said Shepherd .

Along two hours ticked by slowly,

before Shepherd received the message he was waiting for.

The Tau'ri council had agreed as did the supreme commander of the Tau'ri, that the only response to an attack on an ally would be swift retaliation ,the Tau'ri were at war with the Genii .

The go ahead was given, and Shepherd started coordinating with the commanders of the Tau'ri military in the Pegasus galaxy, plans were being made to stop the Genii .