Volume four

When it came to my birthday. We celebrated it just like everyone else would, cake and presents. Well half a cake my father ate the other before my party started. I wanted to celebrate it with children around my age or any children. I love for times as well, my presents were very predictable from my Father. Every two years I would get a present from my mother, this present was just a card with a smiley face on it. I had hope that one day I would be able to actually see my mother again. I'm tired of seeing her in such of an exposed position no son should see the person who gave birth to them. Constantly perform an sexual act onto a man, that same man who caused her to leave her child. My nightmares started happening around the age of Eleven. These nightmare would soon feul the hatred towards him, I just wished on why he is so harsh against my mother. She has very right to see me. I am her only child, whatever she has done to deserve this hardship. Maybe she was addicted to something. My father might have seen her being around me is another reason. What that type of feminity in my life he probably thought it would cause me to go soft, now I'm telling myself this is for me to keep my my off of fighting. Every day I'm getting worse at fighting. I can't explain why I'm getting worse at Fighting, maybe my father isn't the best coach. No!. I'm wrong about that he explained it perfectly, I'm the wrong. In the failure. Not my father he trained the same way for all of fighting career, saw nothing but triumph cause of it. He had never seen defeat. If he did he isn't the type to hid away his losses, he would love to show me his failures in life. He would use that as an example of what to do when in that type of situation. That would be very good way of teaching me. I would doubt that anyone who comes to see me training would exploit my father out of fear. My Father isn't the one who is very friendly towards people who is weaker than him, that's why he is always smiling when he is fighting. I haven't seen my father tense up once in all tense years of his fighting career. I wonder how long it took him to figure out which training regimen was best suited for me, I know that he wasn't always training like I am now. So how did crack the code on training?!, next time I see father I have to ask him. Right now it's my birthday. My current age is fourteen, my father does allow me to celebrate my birthday. It's the one day where training isn't part of my life. People call it a rest day, of course I still eat the same food. My diet doesn't change when it's my birthday. He does take me to shops around the house, you the usual shops. Shoes, clothing, towels of others fighters. Today is very different my father stopped in front of a giant building directly east of our car. The building was huge, my father threw the bags of expensive items inside. Closing the door. " Let's go inside soon!". I followed my father behind him scared of what I'm going to experience inside of the unknown. He get in front of the building both doors swing open without us applying force, my father wasn't scared of the doors. I was terrified of what of kind of machinery is this. My father towered over me. My father is six five and two hundred and thirty pounds of lean, he is a very unique human. He never told me how long he had been training for. I just figured that he must have been training since my age, the first of the building has two stores. Both stores have people standing behind glass who made these people stand behind the glass. Also why do they do these things?, I just don't understand why they do these things. I tugged on my father's clothing to get his attention. " Father who is paying those people to stay inside of the glass!?". He met my eyes then looked at the glass seeing what I was talking about about. He started laughing at my confusion. Started walking in the other direction, without explaining what they were. I guess it's too complex for my to understand the world outside of training. While walking down the Inside of the building, people inside of the building started to notice my father. He must still be a huge things even though he hasn't fought a single person since my birth. He sat down at a table inside of what he called a " food court". I still don't understand what he is saying to me, he got up to move around I wanted to follow. " Stay here!". My father left me like my mother did wen I was younger, I wonder if he would come back k to my life. An hour later my father comes back with an item that was melting inside in hand. It looks very delicious both of the items were Some kind of white liquid, half solid. He handed me one from his hands. It was the size of my hands. It started to go done my hands, it was freezing cold. I was scared of the cold. " Father why is this thing so cold?!, what am I supposed to do with this thing?. I want to help it.". He started laughing again at me. With the cold substance around his lips, pulled the item away from him. " Son. Sometimes you have to enjoy the little things in life. Another thing something's are not worrying about. So for right now consume what I've bestowed upon you. This is probably your last one!".