Taking the Horn!

Drip... Drip.....

Molten lava dripped from Zombie Leon's back, sizzling as it hit the ground. His hollow, burning eyes glared at Victor, who held his grotesque tail with bare hands, unfazed by the searing heat.

Victor tossed the disfigured tail aside, his gaze shifting to Raven and Thalia.

Their clothes were slightly singed, revealing patches of skin where small drops of molten lava had burned through. Both women clutched their stomachs, where the lava had left its scorching mark.

Victor himself bore similar wounds from the tail's attack, but a black mist quickly enveloped his injuries, healing and purifying before he healed and purified them too.

"Looks like we don't have to worry about getting cursed after all," Thalia remarked with a smirk, cracking her knuckles in anticipation.