Welcome to the Peace, Gentleman~!



Aether could feel the weight of their stares piercing through him.

The silence was thick, almost suffocating. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, a deep sigh escaping his lips. "Fine!! Everyone has secrets, right?" he said, his tone a mix of resignation and forced casualness.

His eyes flicked over to Raven, noticing that her wounds were slowly healing, the magic he'd cast earlier still at work.

But Raven's gaze, hidden behind her sunglasses, was unyielding, blankly fixed on him. The silence between them grew, and Aether sighed again, heavier this time, before shifting his attention to Thalia. Unlike Raven, she wore an amused expression, a grin playing at the corners of her lips.

"To think... a servant was playing around all this time.... Damn, man!" Thalia murmured, shaking her head in disbelief as she slapped her hand onto Aether's shoulder. Her own wounds were healing, but her amusement was clearly outweighing any discomfort.