Becoming A Cultivator

 "Eurgh," Ina moaned, feeling her lower part sore for some reason. As she opened her eyes, purple orbs met with silver, the owner of the silvers eyes gave her an enchanting smirk.

 At once, the brunette remembered what happened. She dive under the cover, embarrassed as she remember what she did. Her husband however, did not have the same qualm.

 "Come now," easily pulling her out of the blanket, he pulled her into his embrace, one she could not hope to escape on the account of his larger figure, and the fact she did not want to do so.

 Her husband, she still feel giddy as she thought of it, kissed her forehead as he brush her hair with his finger.

 "You enjoy last night like I did?" he asked. Ina shyly nodded. While Ryker did get rough by the end of it, she could not say she did not like it without lying. In fact, if not for her being knocked unconscious for few hours, while also being unable to walk without needing support, she want every night to end in such way.

 "Good," a full blown kiss landed on her lips, as his arms wrapped around her thinner form, preventing her from escaping it.

 When he separate, Ina was red-faced and starting to feel dizzy, the blood rushing into her head not doing her any good.

 The two remain in their current position, as Ryker continue to pamper the brunette, who leaned into his touch.

 "I will be leaving this village soon," he suddenly said. While she want to say she was surprise, she was not, as her father told her of what he said and the likely meaning.

 "I know," she replied, her arms wrapping around her larger form. 

 "Do you want to join me?" she expected the question as well. While she would say no before, not wanting to leave her parents, her parents had talked to her about it, and have encourage her to join her husband.

 "Yes, but I will be a burden," she said, acknowledging her lack of strength. After all, her husband is a cultivator, while she is just a regular mortal.

 Ryker seemed to be in deep thought before he asked her, "Do you want to be a cultivator?"

 Ina looked at him in surprise. "I can become one?" she replied, still shocked by what she heard.

 "Yes, in fact, there are several form of cultivation. But the one I think is good for you will be the regular cultivating, or dual cultivation," he answered her.

 "D-dual cultivation?" she asked, confused by the foreign term.

 "Yes, cultivators that cultivate by having intercourse with the opposite sex, and exchange their Yin and Yang qi," he told her. While he did not think she will use it, she expected the result to be entertaining.

 He was proven correct when his wife change color into a lovely shade of red as she let out a squeak. This time, she could not get under the cover as his hold on her remain strong.

 "So, what will it be?" he asked. It did not take long for the brunette to answer.

 "Regular cultivation! I choose regular cultivation!" she replied, as if afraid choosing late would meant she will be force to pick dual cultivation.

 "Alright, I will give you a Cultivation Art first, then we will go to one of the best place in the area to cultivate," Ina nodded before she soon find herself underneath him again.


 "But first, I am going to have some more fun," squeals replaced by moaning as the sound of flesh smacking was heard, Ryker ploughing Ina with almost no restrain.


 "Ina," he called his wife out, the said wife looking away, a pout on her face.

 "Dear, I'm sorry for being so rough," the pout remain, though her expression softened, not like Ryker could see it.

 "You will not do it again?" she asked, "Yes," the swift reply cause her shoulder to relax as she turned towards her husband, who hugged her, though being more gently on the account of her sore body.

 "Don't do that again," she chastise the dual-haired man, who nodded as he kissed her crown of her head.

 "Yes, I will not do that," he promised before he carried her bridal carry.

 "Waah! Where are we going?" she asked, her arms on her neck to prevent herself from falling.

 "To the bath. I want to clean up first before we begin," was the answer she got before the two enter the washroom, cleaning the grimes and bodily fluid that stick on their body. They do get frisky for a bit, though refrain from doing another session, mostly because Ina could not handle another pounding session.


 "So, how do we begin?" Ina asked, excitement in her voice. Once she get over the shock, excitement took over. While she never see a cultivator before, she did read stories of them, of how powerful human travel the worlds doing great deeds, from fighting monsters to destroying evil group.

 She also read of how some powerful cultivators can fly and destroy mountains with a punch. While she doubt she can achieve such feat, it was still exciting to learn she could become almost as strong.

 "Here," her husband took out a tablet, though she could not tell the materials used to make it.

 "In here is one of the best Cultivation Art I have. It can be either your main Cultivation Art, or your supplementary, but it will be a good starting Cultivation Art. Put your hand on the tablet and learn the basic,"

 Ina did as he said, slowly comprehending the first part of the Celestial Energy Art. Seeing this, Ryker nodded.

 Let's go to the next part. We will start by having you sense the worldly energy. When you did so, you can control the worldly energy in a limited amount. Only when you can control it somewhat can you absorb the worldly energy.

 When you refine the energy and make it your own, only then you will be a true cultivator, a Genesis Gathering cultivator,"

 Ina listened to his words intently, doing everything he said. Slowly, she could feel the worldly energy around her, she almost lost control but stopped, not wanting to waste her chance.

 She then did as he said, absorbing the energy and putting it inside his Inner Realm. At once, she could sense her Inner Realm and energy inside of it.

 She circulate the Celestial Energy Art, the worldly energy slowly refine into qi as she could feel herself becoming stronger by the seconds. 

 Outside, Ryker watched as she glowed brightly, her cultivation reaching the 1st Stage of Genesis Gathering realm.