Attacked After Mission

 Ryker take a loot at Ina, who finished her foes with relative ease. Then again, the White-Marked Hounds are not the top of the food chain for a good reason.

Ryker take closer look before cutting a piece of it's fur. Marked Hounds lineage are valued for its valuable skin, especially where the mark is at. He wondered what to do with it when he sense something.

 "So they plan on making their move now," narrowing his eyes, Ryker grabbed Ina and neutralize and attack with ease, blocking the qi slash with a mere palm thrust.

 "You two can come out now. We know you are there," he called out, both Ina and him on high alert. Soon, two figure come out, their weapons pointed at them.

 'So, it's the guard,' he thought to himself, eying the guard he humiliated. He had thought of the possibility of him trying to take revenge, but he did not expect for him to be able to get a Genesis Formation expert to help him.

 Though, the expert bore a resemblance to the guard, the only difference is that he has more wrinkles and some graying hair.

 'An older brother?' he thought before looking at the Genesis Formation expert. A brief sense told him the older-looking man is at the 3rd Stage of Genesis Formation, still in the range he could beat.

 Knowing this, he did not back down, merely staring at the other man with disinterest.

 "You dare humiliate my younger brother! For that you will pay with your life. But I will let you go if you give that woman to us," Ina's eyes flashed dangerously, but it was Ryker's reaction that is more terrifying.

 Qi fluctuate from the silver-eyed man as he barely hold himself from gnashing his teeth, as he was filled with desire to beat up the two brothers before killing them.

 "Looks like we are going to have dead idiots here. Ina, can you handle the weaker one," Ina merely swing his spear, an answer enough.

 "Hey! What do you think you a-" before he could finish his sentence, the guard blocked Ina's spear, while Ryker attacked the older brother, sending him back.


 "Do you think you stand a chance against me?! A guard of the town!" the guard yelled as he took out his weapon of choice, a spear.

 "Look like we match," at that moment, Ina regretted choosing the spear. Then again, how could she knew someone she would come to hate would wield one.

 She suppressed the disgusted shiver before jabbing at the other man. The guard blocked the attack, though the blow is a lot stronger than he thought.

 "Wha-" barely a word come out of him as Ina continue her onslaught. Her spear a blur as it keep on jabbing and thrusting at him, each strike came close to skewering the guard. Despite her best attempt, he was constantly pushed back, barely able to fight back against his current foe.

 "How can she be so strong?!" he called out, doing his best to stay alive. After all, while he might not be able to defeat the woman, his brother should defeat his opponent soon.


 "Argh!" the older brother cried out, as another slash cut his legs, leaving a gash, streams of blood coming out.

 As for Ryker, he merely looked at the other party with disinterest, easily blocking another attempt to behead him. At the moment, the guard's brother perform another slash, one Ryker blocked with a palm before he return the favor, his knuckles hitting the man's gut.

 He was send flying, drools and bile coming out from the impact on his stomach, Ryker not holding back.

 "This is it. You are so weak, yet you claim you will torture me and make me beg for my own death?" he said in contempt, looking down on the man who would have defiled his wife if he won.

 He clearly did not but his intention towards Ina is more than clear enough. So, he has no plan on letting him escape unscathed. Or escape at all.

 "How do you say you going to defile my wife?" the venom in his voice would have killed the entire rooms though he hide his desire to kill him, well, as best as he can.

 His sword stored, in favor of something more punishing, namely a hammer. He slowly walked towards his target, the hammer looked like it was made of stones. He then kneels, allowing him to talk to his target.

 "Currently, I hate you," he said to the older man. "And I am going to make you regret your entire life. The best part of it, is that no one will know what I did to you. I am going to kill you in the middle of nowhere, and no one will be the wiser,"

 The man shivered uncontrollably, trying to flee from the one who stare at him with eyes that is the definition of if words could kill.

 "Wait?! I am going to give all of my treasure, of you just let me go!" the old man cried out, hoping it will appease the demon in front of him. Sadly, the said demon is not moved by his attempt.

 "What I want, is to kill the person who would rape my wife if given the chance. So, I am not going to give you one and instead, just kill you. Before that, I will make sure your life is literal hell,"

 The hammer fell on his knees, breaking it, screams of pain erupted from his mouth. Unfortunately for him, it was just the beginning as the hammer ran down, tormenting the man with each strike.


 "You should just kill him," Ina said, looking at the crying mess that is the brother of the guard. As for the guard himself, he look pale at the sight of his older brother being so pathetic.

 "I don't want to let him die too quickly." he replied before his sword pierced the older brother's neck, killing the man.

 The younger man would likely guess what will happen to him. He tried to plead for mercy. Unfortunately, he will not get one, as Ina stabbed his heart, not wanting to hear his plead .

 After the two brothers were killed, the two looked at what they found, namely, the storage rings of the two brothers.

 "They got some good stuff," Ryker said after examining the content of the storage rings. Ina nodded, her spoils being only one ring but still enough and likely support her.

 "Let's go back and claim our reward," Ryker said before heading towards the town, intending to not stay any longer.