Interrogating Stalkers

 Brandishing their knives in the middle of an empty park, the two stalkers leered at the couple, malicious grins plastered on their face.

 "Don't bother trying to fight us. We both at the peak of Genesis Formation. We can easily handle the two of you without breaking a sweat. So give up and come with us. It will make thing easy for all of us,"

 Ryker gave them an unimpressive look before he stood up and stretched his arms. "I plan to let you go, but you make it harder for me to do so,"

 Hearing his 'threats', the two burst out laughing, clutching their stomach. "You see this brother, he thinks he stand a chance against us!"

 "Yeah, he probably want to be a hero. Well, let show him how the real world work," the two stare at him and unleash their qi. 

 Normally, 6th Stage Genesis Formation cultivator would not stand a chance against two peak Genesis Formation experts. However, Ryker is built differently.

 He move so fast the two could only see a blur. Then, immense pain formed on their guts, the two stalkers clutching it, their face scrunching from the pain.

 "That's all you got?" Ryker asked in disappointment. Seeing how they are using their qi to alleviate the pain, the silver-eyed man step on the two stalkers, his step enough to bury them halfway into the ground.

 "You are too weak," he said before a strike at the back of their neck send them to the realm of unconsciousness.

 "Who do you think is behind these two?" Ina asked Ryker.

 Ryker shook his head, telling her he did not know, "But, we are going to find out," the glint formed in his eyes told Ina that the two will not be having a good time, quite the opposite in fact.


 "Urgh, we are we?" the stalker groaned, looking around for any clue of his whereabouts. Unfortunately for the man, there is nothing that could help him aside from maybe his fellow stalker.

 "Oi! Wake up!" his yelling woke the other man up, who tried to stand but finding it hard to do.

 "What happen?" the one who just woke up asked. The other stalker would love to ask the same questions but since th3 other person asked him first, he need to answer him first.

 "No idea," speaking the truth, the first stalker looked around for any way to lead him to freedom.

 "The only thing I remember is pain in my stomach before I become unconscious," the first stalker said before the memory of what happened in return with vengeance.

 "W-we are both bea-" "Looks like the two of you just woke up," a voice exclaimed, the two captured men turning towards the source, to see the young man who best them without even trying.

 "You look like you remember what happen," pointing at the first stalker, the young man gave the two a demonic smile.

 "Let us go! Or you will face the wrath of the person behind us all!" the second stalker exclaimed, eying Ryker with clear hatred. 

 "Hahaha!" Ryker could not help but laughing at the delusional stalker, walking towards him before squeezing his cheek.

 "Do you think I am afraid?" he asked, his words sending shiver of terror down the man spine.

 "Besides, do you think they will do something like searching everywhere for operatives that failed their mission?" Ryker asked, the two men's eyes rising in terror. Seeing the two so afraid, he stood up.

 "Looks like you know your standing," he told them both before the dagger that once belong to the two stalkers appeared at their neck, sending the two shivering like leaves.

 "Now, answer every question truthfully, and you will not have suffer torture. If you did not do so, I will make sure your life is a living hell," the two nodded in terror, with one already pissing their pants.

 "Good, now tell of the one who send you, and why, and I might not make you regret doing this," Ryker growled as his qi fluctuate in a terrifying manner, causing the two stalkers to turn paler.

 "Hah! Do you think we are afraid?! You don't know ho- Argh!!" screams of pain erupted out of the second stalker mouth as his hand was severed by Ryker, the silver-eyed man looking at him with a bored look.

 "Looks like someone need to be taught who was really in charge here. I am going to make this long and painful,"


 The first stalker could only watch in horror as his fellow stalker was cut down to pieces, alive The man who captured them both first cut off all of their fingers, followed by cutting their limbs into tiny pieces.

 He even crush the other man's private part, a blood-curdling shriek escaping the other man. After he was finished, the other stalker was lying on the ground, limbless, and slowly drowning in pools of his own blood.

 Then, the monster who had brutally cut his fellow stalker look at him, and at that moment, he knew what true terror feel like.

 "W-wait! I will tell you everything, just please! Even if you want to kill me, make it quick!" he pleaded. While he don't want to die, at least if his death occur, he would prefer if it is swift and not end up with him getting brutally tortured.

 "Then tell me everything you know off, and don't lie to me or your fate will be a lot worse," the monster reminded, the stalker nodding his head off.

 "Now then, start by telling me, who is the one that send you, and for what purpose,"


 Ryker looked at the headless corpse in front of him. After he was done the interrogation, he behead the other man, not planning to let him off. After all, he was in the enemy side, and would likely send a message to his master in an attempt to seek revenge.

 He closed his eyes, remembering all the information he receive from the stalker. "Looks like a change in the plan is in order," he muttered, before he exit the room.

 As soon as he left the room, formation light glow, as fire appeared and dispose of the two bodies, leaving the room pristine, as if nothing happened inside of it.


 "So, did you manage to learn anything?" Ina asked as the two lie on their bed, her head on her husband's chest.

 "Yes, I did, but that talk is for tomorrow. For now, I want to sleep," Ryker replied as he brush off some of her brown hair that tickled him.

."Alright. Good night," the two have one last kiss before they closed their eyes, letting sleep claimed them.