Buying A Slave

 After the conversation between the two women, the door opened to reveal a spacious room. While there are no other room, as Ryker could see the bed, there are some makeshift wall to act as cover, giving the owner some privacy.

 There is also a training dummy at the center, along with some weapon stands, with weapon on it with the most common being a sword. It is also where the Gold-Tier slave await them.

 Ryker had prepared himself. While the portly man could be exaggerating, there is a chance he did not, so he knew to at least expect the slave to be beautiful. However, what he did not prepare for is how beautiful she is.

 Her blonde hair fell down until it reach her rear, with her bangs parted at the middle. Long locks surrounded her ears, some even reaching her neck. Her green eyes, one similar to an emerald shined with the light.

 Her body is curvy in all the right places, with breast slightly bigger than Ina's , and slightly smaller but still larger rear. Her long legs were shown clearly, the creamy skin seem to accentuates her legs even more, not helped by the fact her skirt is not that long, barely covering her thighs.

 After letting his gaze linger more than it should be, Ryker turned his head, looking at his wife. Who for some reason seemed to smile brightly, even after he ogled a woman other than her.

 "So, what do you have to offer that will make me leave with you?" her haughty voice make him turned towards the blonde, as she looked at the two of them with a light glare.

 "Leave my husband out of this, it is my decision to check on you, so I will be the one to talk with you. Ryker, can you please leave this room?" hearing her sweet voice, Ryker decide to obey. 

 He might be stronger than the brunette, but there is no way he would do anything to hurt his wife. Grabbing the portly man, Ryker left the room, turning his back at the last moment to see the two women talking, with the conversation getting heated.


 "What do you think your wife is doing, young Master?" the portly man asked.

 'He must have a wrong idea of my identity,' Ryker thought before answering the man,

 "I am not sure," he answered truthfully, "But I do know she won't do anything that will harm me or her," that is something he is sure of.

 "If you said so. Frankly, if your wife lose, you will lost a lot of money," the portly man said honestly. 

 "After all, her beauty would have make her worth 1 000 gold coins, and you have to pay her the amount if you lose the wager," Ryker's smile stiffened slightly before his confident one returned.

 "In that case, I do hope she would be ready to do my wife one favor. I don't think my wife will do things without having a clear plan," or so he hope. While he knew Ina is smart, she rarely showcase it due to her not having the knowledge to make use of her intelligence.

 The atmosphere become silent as the two men did not continue their conversation and instead opt for some drinks. With how late it is, they should not be having any food, but the waiting is boring so the two decide to just have it.


 By the time the last sip was taken, Ina and the slave come out, with the slave having a grim face on her.

 "Look who agree to become our slave," Ina said with clear excitement, while the blonde slave did not share her joy.

 "H-how? Oh well, in that case, how do you plan to pay?" the portly man asked, showing how great his business acumen is. 

Before Ryker could say anything, the slave opened her mouth first, "How much do my treasures are worth?" she asked.

 "Well, they are worth about 3 000 gold coins, but-" "Then consider that your payment," the two men looked at her in shock.

 "Are you sure? Bu-" "Remember, you use the treasure to take care of my needs and wants. So, it still mine. I only left it in your hand as safe keeping. Now, I am going to use it. Is there any problem," her several eyes glint, telling him to not try her.

 "No! I will get the necessary items for the contract!" the man walked away so fast, Ryker wondered if he used any Movement Technique.

 "Ina, what did you do?" asking her with some trepidation, the brunette merely smiled.

 "I only gave her an opportunity to get what she want the most. And she agreed to it," was her answer. Ryker wanted to know more but decide to not push his wife. Maybe he will ask her in the bed.

 As the couple talked, the portly man arrived with a piece of paper that should be the contract, and what he presumed to be the collar, though it looked different than the metal one he seen so far.

 "This is the collar for the Tier Slaves," the man explained. "After all, they are not like the regular slaves, so they would get some better treatments, even the contracts and collars show how much we value them," he said.

 Ryker take a look at the contract and read through the entire thing in minutes. He nodded, seeing there is nothing wrong with it.

 "This contract is to tell the deal we have made. And this is the collar and the token to control it," he gave him a token with the word 'Master' on it.

 "You need to drop your blood on the token and collar for you to use it," the man said, "If there are others you want to have some control over the slave, they need to do the same thing, dropping a drop of blood on it," Ryker nodded, understanding what he was saying.

 He make a small cut before letting his blood drop on the two items. A red link appeared, connecting the two items before disappearing.

 "If she was being difficult or you want to punish her, the token will do so. You must need to pour your qi into it," Ryker nodded again. After dealing with some more document, the now trio left the building.

 Ryker turned towards the newly bought slave before asking, "What is your name?"

 The slave did not answer for a while. When he was about to ask again, she replied,

 "My name is Era,"