Studying and Future Plans

 'That was fun,' Ryker thought. 'I should plan for another session soon,' his eyes fell on the comatose form of his lover's, both unconscious as bodily fluid of various origin covered their naked body.

 'Probably not too soon,' he added. Ryker had spent the entire evening ravaging the two nonstop. After what he did to them, especially towards their lower part, no doubt they need the rest.

 "I should get out," he said out loud, after all, he did spend the evening inside his room. His siblings bound to question what he did inside.

 Though he had no doubt Esran knew what he did. After all, the bespectacled boy is the smartest person in the family, save for maybe their parents.

 As soon as he come out, already wearing clothes and have showered beforehand, he was spotted by Sheena.

 "Big brother!" the white haired girl ran towards him, jumping into his awaiting arms.

 "Big brother! When did you come back?! I don't even notice you! Wait? It it some kind of new Technique you learn?!... " as she continue to babble Ryker merely nod his head, knowing it would be near impossible to stop her.

 Thankfully, growing up with her, Ryker could tell what she was talking about. And so, he manage to piece the fact she thought he was outside. Normally, it is true but he never step outside for the day, spending time inside the Hidden Ancient Mansion.

 "Who told you I am outside?" he asked.

 "Big Brother Esran did, saying that you have something to do and you are not inside the house," she innocently said.

 At that moment, Ryker was filled with gratitude for the 3rd son. He plan on buying more books before him as a reward, though he do need to clear something out.

 "I am actually inside my room the entire day because I was tired and want to have around," he decided to go for the half-lie.

 "Esran could guess it and said to you so you will not bother all three of us," he explained the 'truth'.

 "Mou, did Esran don't trust me?" she pouted, earning her a smile from her oldest brother.

 "He know how you like, Sheena," he said, "Even if you knew about it, you would try and see what we are doing. So, we don't want anyone to break the downtime we have," 

 "Okay, maybe I will do that," she admitted. "But it is so boring! Big brother, let's play!"


 In the end, they did not end up playing though it is mostly Ryker's fault. While he do want to play with her, he had something else to do. In the end, he compromised and brought her to the library where he took some story books and read it for her.

 By the third book, she had already drifting to sleep, something Ryker wanted as he has other things to do. When she was finally knocked out, he carried his sleeping little sister and brought her to one of the couch, letting her sleep there.

 He then walked towards one of the table before taking out a special storage ring. While the storage ring itself is normal, what inside of it that make it so valuable.

 After all, it contained all the Cultivation Art his parents want him to learn and practice, even if he could just focus on Celestial Energy Art.

 His parents must have some reason for doing such thing, so he incline to follow them. However, he will need to study them first so he could make a proper plan.

 And so, he took out every one of the Cultivation Art and put them on the table based on groups. Each one of them, similar to the Cultivation Art inside the pagoda, as well as the one that hold the Celestial Energy Art, is on a tablet made out of materials that is neither stones or metal.

 He quickly read the group first, so he could choose which group he should focus on.

 "Element," he said, separating the Cultivation Art related to Element. He read the name of each Art and could make some guess which Paths correspond to it.

 After splitting the Elemental-type Art, he looked at the next category, "Human," while he is not sure the reason for it to be called Human, if he had to guess, it might be because it is best to be learned by the human race, or the creator of the Arts is a human.

 After the human, came Undeath. Similar to his earlier reasoning regarding the Human category, he guessed it is because of all the Art is specifically made for Undeath or the creator is one.

 The same hold true for the rest of the category, in which all of them are named after the Major Race; Monster, Beastkin, Elemental, Spirit, Holy, and Demon.

 It is the next category that send goosebumps all over him.

 "Universal Law,"he uttered. Just the name alone told him that the Art would be related to the more esotoric Paths, and he is proven correct when he read it.

 "Heavenly Time Mantra, Void Traversing Scripture, and Astral Revolution Art," he read, and as he thought, the art would allow him to slowly acclimated to the Paths of Time, Space, and Gravity respectively.

 He decided to put the three Art as last. No doubt, the resources and the places where he could comprehend the three Paths would be hard, if not impossible to find in the Barony, if not the entire Kingdom!

 Calming himself, Ryker put away the three before he turn towards the Element section. He quickly go through the area around Alten City, wondering if there is any places where he could increase his comprehension of any Paths.

 A certain place come to mind though he need to check it first before he could raise his hope. Taking out the Cultivation Art corresponding to the Law of Earth, he read it again, 

 "Prime Earth Art," he read. He quick read the Cultivation Art. Though, as he had expected, he was met with some resistance when he was about to read the second part.

 "Well, at least I can practice it," he said before taking out some Genesis Stones and sit in lotus style. Soon, the energy was absorbed as he refine the raw energy into Celestial Energy using the Celestial Energy Art. However, it is not the end as he hold the strands of Celestial Energy and refine them using the Prime Earth Art, turning the pure energy into Earth qi.

 As he opened his eyes, he let out a sigh.

 "At least this is a good start," he consoled himself before grabbing the Cultivation Art and head back to his room, though not forgetting to carry the sleeping Sheena back to hers.