Alten City Vault

 "This way young master," his acquaintance, the Captain of the guards, lead him to the direction of the vault of the city. He had met with the City Lord for a brief moment, with the man telling him to pick whichever treasure he fancy.

 However, there are certain rules. First, he can only bring out three treasures. Second, he could not take the treasures at the restricted part, likely because of how it could help the City Lord become a Genesis Source expert.

 After laying out the rules, the City Lord dismissed after thanking him once more for removing a thorn of the city. Ryker is not sure if he is being sincere or not, but he will take it, nonetheless.

 Which lead to him following the Captain.

 "Here we are," the man finally said, moving to the side and allowing him to take a look of the large door of the vault.

 The door is made out of a certain type of metal, and should be refined by a powerful Blacksmith. It is also protected by layers of formation, one that would no doubt turn anyone that dared to enter without permission into smithereens.

 The Captain walked towards the vault door and take out a sphere. The sphere float in the air before filling a hole inside the door. The door then turned, and make a creaking sound, as the formation began to deactivate.

 As the door open, the Captain step aside and said, "You can enter now young master," after the door is fully opened. "However, you must follow the rules set by the City Lord," he reminded.

 "Understood," and with that, Ryker entered the vault, ready to pick the treasures he want.


 "This place is in a smaller scale," Ryker observe, the silver-eyed man looking around the vault. Though, from how a lot of precious treasures are inside the vault, it could be this vault is to contain the more precious treasures instead of coins and jewels.

 He decide to walk pass by the section containing Grade 2 Materials, knowing it would not be off any help. His priority is to find materials with attributes related to the elements aside from Earth, Water, and Darkness.

 So, he planned to scour the inside of the vault to find them first. However, if there is no three such thing, he would have to content with pills and other materials. It might not help him much in furthering his goal, but it would help him stronger.


 "There is nothing of interest in the 2nd section," he exclaimed with a frown. Considering the second one is the largest and the one that contained Grade 3 Materials, he would have thought he would be able to find what he want.

 Sadly, it seem to not be the case, as he did not find anything he truly wanted.

 "Looks like I should go to the 3rd section," he exclaimed, before walking towards the 3rd section.


 "Hhhmm, at least there some good stuff," Ryker said to himself as he grabbed a single block of wood. While the wood looked like simple object, the sheer Law of Nature it exude is at a whole different level.

 Even being near the block, he could feel the raw might of the Law of Nature. He took it and put it inside his storage ring, or rather, the one given to him by the City Lord, so he could see what he took. It is a good precaution but still a bit annoying.

 After picking the block, he walked again, searching for another treasures with elemental attributes. After all, the 3rd section should have more object similar to the wooden block, right?


 It seem his conjecture is current, and there are some materials that would interest him. Case in point, he is starting at the small burning rose, one that exude strong flame. The rose should be Flame Lord Rose, a relatively weak rose that is capable of burning an entire settlement or half the city if one is not lucky.

 He took the rose with his qi, having no desire to be burned by the rose. He took the case next to it, one that will allow him to transport the flower without endangering both him and the surrounding.

 After putting the rose inside the storage ring, he search for more treasures, hoping to find anything of interest. He soon enter near the deepest part of the vault. He could even see the restricted area, one that contain even better treasures than the one in the 3rd section.

 Of course, he could not enter, the restriction able to stop even Genesis Source expert, even if it's for a brief of time. So, after giving another longing glance, he walked away, hoping to find any other treasures.


 'Do I have to grab a pill or anything of interest?' he lamented. He had spent quite sometime roaming in the vault, to the point the captain check on him, in fear that he somehow try something.

He let out a sigh, knowing he could not spend an entire day searching for anything that could interest and help him master a Path to the Elemental Understanding.

 Just as he was about to reach for a pill that would help increase his cultivation realm, he felt something. He did not know what it is, but he reckoned it would not hurt to take a look.

 He soon head towards the 1st section, the feeling getting stronger and stronger. Following his instinct, he soon find himself at the first shelf. 

 'Are there any treasures that will help me?' he thought sceptically. However, he decide to thrust his instinct.

 He walked towards the first shelf before finding a small vase. He opened the top, only to sense an intense wave of Yin and Yang energy.

 'What is this and why did it put in the first shelf!?' he thought in surprise. The Yin-Yang energy it exude would be more than enough to help him understand the Path of Yin and Yang.

 Whatever the reason, he will take them. After all, why would he bother knowing the reason when he would just used and refine the item itself.


 "So, have you pick the treasures you want?" the Captain asked. Ryker nodded before handing him the storage ring. The Captain checked the inside but froze.

 Ryker could guess the reason.

 "Interesting," he finally said. "The vase and it's content was found by the City Lord during an exploration of a Fallen Realm," he explained.

 "However, no one ever used it as the power it contained is too much for anyone to handle. So, it was out aside and later forgotten. Considering you find and took interest of it, let me warned you the energy inside is potent.

 So, be careful when you refine it. Don't want a talented youngster like you to die because of overconfidence," he warned.

 Ryker nodded, thanking the man for the warning.