Highest Peak of Argaman

 Alros cast his eyes upon the tallest mountain of the Range of Argaman. The nameless tallest peak stood there, like an ancient giant, staring down on the rest of being like they were merely insect.

 Or so it felt, being at the foot of the tallest peak. If he had to say it himself, the incredible height as well as towering rocks made even him feel small.

 However, while the mighty peak might feel him with great awe, his desire to become stronger is greater, as he wish to plunder the resource of the mountain, and make it his own.

 Though, he first take a look in his storage ring, where he kept the treasures he obtain from the vault of Alten City.

 "If I master 4 more Paths, would I able to increase my strength by 3 minor realm?" 


 He quickly take a quick breather while looking around, searching for any threats. He is currently at the middle of the mountain, just halfway before he reach the peak.

 The journey is not easy, far from it. After all, it is often for him to find Tier 4 Genesis Beast, while occasionally glimpsing upon a Tier 5. He had seen 3 such beasts before, showing the bounties of the untainted highest peak.

 And he would claim some of it, stealing from the Beast Territory.

 "But first," he took out the one of the treasures, the wooden block filled with Nature Energy.

 "I should raise my comprehension of the Path,"


 He opened his eyes as it glowed with burning red colour, the sign he had mastered the Law of Fire to the Elementary Understanding.

 "My strength seem to have risen by a lot," he muttered. His cultivation alone had reach the 5th Stage, showing the effect of refining treasures.

 However, he believes the reason for his quick increase in strength is mostly because of his comprehending two new Paths.

 He is 80 percent sure of the fact, but he do believe it to be so. 

 He take a look at the last treasures, the vase filled with water. Or to be exact, pure Yin and Yang essence. He had refined two treasures today, so refining another one should not be a problem.

 However, he did not know why, but his instinct telling him to be wary of the treasures.

 "Maybe I should learn a bit about the two Cultivation Art related to Yin-Yang. Maybe reading them will help me," he said to himself,


 By the next day, Ryker could feel his comprehension on the Law of Yin-Yang improve. It might not reach a high level yet, but it would still help him refine the content of the vase.

 He quickly took out the vase and opened it. Inside, a black and white water formed the shape of Yin-Yang. He had messed with it using a stick but the shape would remain, no matter what he did.

 Currently, he is in a cave , which would not make him embarrassed of his next action.

 He took his clothing off, leaving him naked inside the cave. If he was outside, he would not have the gut to do so but doing it in a cave, especially after he created wall to stop anything from entering make it better somewhat.

 With no clothing on, he jumped into the water. Immediately, he felt like he was being burned and frozen at the same time. He grit his teeth, enduring the tremendous pain.

 At the same time, he circulate the Profound Yang Art, and Profound Yin Art, the two art seemingly resonance with one another and amplifying the effect. He could feel the burning and freezing sensation to fade away, as the Yin-Yang essence were refined.

 He keep on activating the two Art, ensuring he would be able to refine the entire essence. Though, while the pain did lessen, it still remained the longer he spend time inside the vase. An unfortunate but necessary sacrifice. After all, what is a little and temporary pain to a much greater gain.

 He could feel his Inner Realm expending, as the refined essence transformed into qi, feeding into his qi pool. One of the advantage of the Genesis Condensing realm is that when you reach the realm, the qi you refine would be turned into condensed qi or qi droplet by itself, without any need to condensed it again.

 It allow one to have better qi quality than those weaker than them, ensuring that a Genesis Condesing expert would always triumph over even a large number of peak Genesis Formation.

 Slowly, he could sense something forming in his Inner Realm. He did not check, as he fear it would break his concentration, his focus only on refining the essence, and comprehending the Law of Yin-Yang.


 "Huh, huh," gasping for air, Ryker pulled himself out of the vase. He did a quick check on his body, realizing to his surprise spending time inside the Yin-Yang essence help him refine his body, a trace of iron like gleen on his body.

 He looked at the vase, wishing there are more of the essence. If there are more, he would likely able to reach the first stage of Body Refining. He let out a sigh, knowing it was not meant to be.

 However, that does not mean he could not reach the first stage of body refining, like he was able to reach the first realm of Soul Enhancement. He just need more opportunities.

 He then check inside his Inner Realm, which surprised him slightly. Aside from comprehending the Law of Yin-Yang, which is represented by two illusory fish swimming around one another, he also manage to reach the 6th Stage of Genesis Condensing.

 "This is a pleasant surprise," he exclaimed. Though, it is a good thing, as he intend to search for more opportunities on the peak of the highest mountain. Having greater strength would help in such endeavor.

 "Let's get the other here. Maybe they can reach the peak of Genesis Condensing," he said out loud, preparing to call his two women.


 To his delight, his assumption was proven true. The sheer amount of worldly energy is more than enough to help both Ina and Era reach the peak of Genesis Formation. For now they currently taking the chance to consolidate their cultivation.

 Though, the more time he spend in the highest peak, the more unease he become.

 'Why did I feel this way?' he asked himself, feeling like was becoming paranoid for no reason. In the end, he tried to steady his heart, preparing to go on the exploration when they finished.