Story of Dragons

 The being soon entered the Inner Realm of Ryker. Though, he soon find himself astounded by what he saw inside.

 "Th-this is much larger than some of the Tier 4 Genesis Beast of our clan! And he just a measly Genesis Condensing!" the being exclaimed, as he could not believe what he saw.

 "And not just one, but 7 signs of comprehension! He comprehend 7 Paths to the Understanding Realm. What prodigy I find in this desolate continent.

 No matter. Now I occupy this body, I shou-" he soon feel a dangerous aura appearing from the depth of the Inner Realm.

 "What is that?" despite the powerful might, the being did show any fear. After all, what kind of trick would a mere Genesis Condensing cultivator could possess that would threaten someone like him.

 He soon watched as a two pearl appeared, exuding might at the peak of Genesis Grand realm.

 "Haha! Do you think this would be enough to threaten me!" the being yelled as he unleashed his power, as his cultivation had reach the peak of Spirit Grand Realm.

 However, the orbs did not seem to show any sign of being effected. Instead, the two object flew besides him before several threads flew around him, creating something akin to a prison.

 "Do you think this is enough to stop me!?" the being yelled, punching the threads. To it shock, it did not even cause the thread to tremble, much less budge it.

 "What is this?" for the first time, fear appeared in it voice as it looked at the threads with fear. He could feel it began to do something as several more threads pierced it body, causing it to scream in pain.

 But that was not what scared it the most. What scared it was the fact it could feel it's power being absorbed by the two orbs.

 "W-wait! I surrender!" he yelled, hoping to be granted mercy.

 "And why should we grant you such thing when you attempt to kill our son?" a female voice exclaimed, as the being could feel itself being pressured by a great power.

 "I don't try to kill him," it exclaimed, hoping to placate the two being. 'I would not dare if I knew the brat has such powerful parents!'

 "Do you think we are stupid?" the female voice asked, her tone angry as the being could feel the thread closing in, threatening to cut it of.

 "I really don't. If I do, I would have destroyed his Soul first," he explained, hoping they would buy it. In the first place, he did not want to kill the young man, as he would have his use.

 "Likely story, but we let you go on," the being gulped, feeling like he was just given a chance to escape the death row. Swallowing his saliva, he continue.

 "I wish to use his body for personal reasons, namely to save someone," by how the voice went silent, they believe, or at least don't doubt his word.

 "Really. Is it the thing in the ceiling?" another voice chimed in, as the young man he currently possessing appear, or at least hi Soul Avatar did.

 The being is not surprised as it is not hard to spot it.

 "Yes, my young mistress is trapped inside the cocoon. One I created for her protection," he confessed.

 "So, the person in the cocoon is your young mistress. But she is not human, am I correct. Similar with you," the young man asked.

 The two orbs had disappeared, but another one, this time being hold by the young man Soul Avatar likely can do the same thing as the previous one could.

 "Yes, we are both members of the Blue Ocean Dragon clan, from the Core Region of Monster Realm," he said proudly, hoping to elicit awe from his one audience.

 However, he was disappointed as he only gets a raised brows.

 "And why did the young mistress of the Blue Ocean Dragon clan, and one of her entourage and likely escort, a Saint Beast level dragon, doing in a continent in a Human Realm," the young man asked, though the glint in his eyes told the dragon that he could guess the reason.

 "Is it because there is a coup, and the previous master was killed? Or is it, because the entjre clan was destroyed by some external or internal enemies?" judging by how his eyes seem to glint, he found his answer.

 "I see, so your clan was attacked and the Master realise he could not win and so send you and her daughter to the furthest place possible so you could either live your life in peace or plan your revenge, the choice is up to hers, I don't doubt," 

 The dragon could not believe how he gets the entire thing correct. There are more to it but he managed to recite the more important part.

 "Yes, you are correct. Our clan was attacked and for the safety of her only child, her father send me to take her away. Unfortunately, that when thing get worse. 

 During my escape, I was injured. While it would not do much, it would worsen by days. When I thought I would not be able to fullfill my duty, luck would allow me to find a spatial tunnel.

 I enter it, and soon find myself in this continent. Unfortunately, the spatial storm worsened my injuries, making me unable to protect my young mistress.

 To protect her, I would use what remained of my essence and create a cocoon to protect her. And that was when my body succumb to the injuries, though my Soul remained.

 Unfortunately, my blood is tonic to the lizard beast living in the area. They soon gathered and devour my blood, growing stronger the more time they spent here.

 It is a good thing it is only 10 years, or there would be more powerful beasts from their lineage.

 However, they had been eying my young mistress.

 My young mistress is not weak, but spending a long time inside the cocoon would make her sluggish and unable to fight, making her an easy picking for the beasts.

 I have warded them with my power, but it weaken as time goes by. At this rate, I doubt I could hold them for another year.

 However," the dragon looked at him like he was his saviour.

 "If I bestow you my power, raising your strength to the Tier 5, or in your human case, Genesis Core, do you think you can handle them?" the dragon asked.