Treasures of Secret Realm

 Soon, each group build up their camps, as the exploration of the Secret Realm might took one whole week, even weeks possible.

 After the camp was built, the Baron called everyone for one final briefing.

 "Each group is responsible for their own safety. However, attacking one another is prohibited and the perpetrator will be punished heavily.

 For the weaker cultivators, those at the Genesis Foundation and below, they should remain at the outskirts and tried to farm the resources in the area. As for the Genesis Core and Genesis Source experts, they will explore the deeper part.

 However, if those weaker wish to enter the deeper part, they may do so at their own risk," after warning them, the Baron and the rest of the Genesis Source experts flew towards the deeper area. The Genesis Core did the same thing, albeit at a slower speed.

 As for the rest, they decided to stay at the outskirts, as per ordered by their superiors. The exception were the rogue cultivators that went solo or formed a group on their own.

 "Are we heading deeper?" Ina asked, looking at Ryker.

 Ryker shook his head, "Not at this moment. We will take it slow and take a look at the treasures at the outskirts. If there is anything useful for you, take it,"


 They had expected great amount of resources. After all, the smallest pieces of the fragmented Secret Realm could create treasures at Grade 4 and below, and there are thousands of them all over the places.

 As for the middle size, which is the second largest fragments, being at least hundreds, if not thousands times larger than the smallest fragments, there is no doubt the amount of treasures would exceed expectation.

 Still, Ryker would not have expected it to be so bountiful.

 "Grade 4 treasures," just the outskirts alone have plentiful of Grade 4 treasures of varying attributes, though most of it is of Metal attributes, with the second most being Earth.

 Thankfully, there is also other treasures of different attributes as well, just not as many as Metal and Earth attributes. 

 "Don't pick all of them," Ryker advised. "Pick the one related to the Paths you trying to comprehend, or at least pick materials that is more like Energy Crystals,"

 The three nodded, with Mashia looking at the vast amount of treasures with a frown. Ryker could guess the reason for it.

 "Don't find the best place for a breakthrough," he asked, the dragon girl nodding.

 "I probably need to head deeper," Ryker merely nodded. After all, they plan to stay at the outskirts for a brief moment.

 "Wait here for 3 hours then we go deeper," Mashia nodded, as they walked around the area, finding and collecting any treasures that entered their sight.


 After the three hours, they continue their journey, though they opt to walk instead of flying, as Ryker did not want to miss anything. After all, there supposedly a trial area where he could attempt to get the key to the largest fragment of the Secret Realm, and he did not want to miss such opportunity.

 As they walked, they soon spot some of their acquaintance.

 "Ryker!" Solance called out to them, Shuri behind him.

 Ryker raised his brows before returning the greeting. His attention then turned to the people behind them. He could see the emblem of Miri Family and Hilus Family, before quickly realizing they should be of the younger generation.

 "Would you like to join us as we head deeper?" he asked, causing the silver-eyed man to look at him weirdly.

 "Are you not worried that you will be a burden in your current strength?" he asked.

 "There seem to be no danger inside the Secret Realm. My father and uncle had passed through the area and had sent messages that there is no danger in near vicinities," Shuri said, telling them of their intel.

 "In that case, let's go,"


 As they walked, Ryker soon learned the beautiful young woman with purple hair is from the Miri Family while the young man with black hair is from Hilus Family.

 The two also observed the young man, their instinct telling him that he is stronger than even Solance, the strongest of the three young master and mistress of the Great Family.

 As they walked, they find themselves in there a treasure trove. They could not even walk five meters without kicking something valuable, causing their toes to be in agony. But at least they gain a lot for it.

"What level of treasures do you think is at the core of the Secret Realm?" Solance asked out loud.

"Maybe treasures at Grade 9. Or maybe even above that," Mashia answered.

The others not from Ryker's group could only gasp in amazament. After all, Grade 9 Materials is something a small Barony like them could not hope to see. Only the large Duchy of the Birak Kingdom would there be such high grade treasures.

"How do you think the Genesis Source experts are doing? Do you think they can reach the center of the Secret Realm?" the young mistress of Miriam Family asked.


"Curse it. To think we will be stopped here," the Baron grit his teeth as he looked at the mountain ranges in front of him.

Normally, such obstacle is no problem for a Genesis Core experts, not to mention a Genesis Source experts like him, but the barrier blocking him is something far beyond his capabilities.

"For there to be a barrier, there must be something valuable behind it," he commented, staring at the mountains with an unresigned look.

Alas, from the strength of the barrier, looks like whatever behind the will be out of his reach.

He soon several blurs coming towards him, the other Genesis Source experts appearing in front of him.

"No luck either," he asked, though the ugly look on their face is more than enough to answer the question.

"No. The entire place is protected by a barrier. If I have to guess, this barrier could even survive an attack of a Noble expert," the head of the Formation Specialist Branch of Craftsman Alliance Branch exclaimed, her face grim as she explained it.

The others soon shared her expression, looking at the barrier with a disgruntled face. To think, a possible source of wealth and resources, one that may be enough to raise their cultivation to the next major realm, just out of reach.

"If only there is a way to lift the barrier," one of the Vice Branch Leader of the Adventure Guild exclaimed.

Suddenly, the Baron and the other higher-ups thought of one person.

"Actually, there may be a way to lift the barrier,"