Genesis Spring and Tier 5 Dragon

 "Hahaha!" loud laughter escaped the mouth of the Baron. For all his life, he had never thought he would be able to breakthrough the later major Realm of the Genesis Grand Realm, yet, here he is.

 The man looked inside his Inner Realm, a huge smile on his face at his current transformation. Discretely looking at the reason he was able to become a Genesis Spring, he vowed to protect and rewards the young man, who was vital in his ascension.

 Similarly, Mashia, who was next to the Baron also excited, as she know posses strength to contend with the top experts of Mariz Barony. Sure, she would be defeated due to their experience and stronger cultivation, but as she was a Tier 6 Genesis Mystic Beast, they will not do anything to anger her, less they face the grudge of what they perceive to be a new Genesis Source expert.

 "To think another person joined the rank of Genesis Source in our Barony," Elder Hal exclaimed, looking at the young woman with a complicated look. 

 His guest, who currently resides in his Family estate had now reached the Genesis Source realm, equal to him. He turned towards his two sons, who was older yet did not breakthrough.

 "What is it, father?" the two asked as Elder Hal quell the annoyance he had on his sons.

 "Nothing," 'It just you are far behind someone younger than you in talents,' yet, he knew he could not blame the two of them, as they had reach the peak of Genesis Core and 9th Stage with the limited resources of the Barony.

 He then turned towards his grandchildren, especially Shuri, who had shown significant improvement during her time in the trial.

 'At least she had shown her worth and talent, though,' he could see how her granddaughter seem to have an eye on the young man. While he did not mind whose his grandchildren wanted to marry, he is uncomfortable of giving her to someone with a harem.

 As his mind warred with itself, the two newly ascended cultivators went down from the hills they were on, with the Baron containing his excitement.

 "I will be consolidating my cultivation after this, but keep my ascension a secret and try to get all the resources the Secret Realm has to offer," he then turned towards Ryker and Shuri, who suspiciously close to one another.

 "I will negotiate with the two of you of the changes I want to make to the Secret Realm, and you will be rewarded for your contributions," he told the two before flying back to the hills to focus on stabilizing his foundation.

 The others looked at the two of them with envy and jealousy, but did not dare to do anything about. After all, they earned the rewards. Seeing the Baron focusing in consolidating his cultivation, the others disperse to collect the resources littering the Secret Realm, not planning to left anything behind.


 Even a week combing through the Secret Realm, there is still a lot of resources all over the place. However, the shaking of the Secret Realm caused all the minor sections to stop their activities, doubly so when the Baron and the rest of the Barony's top experts telling them the Secret Realm is about to collapse.

 While they do feel it was a shame, they could not do anything about but try to grad as many treasures as they could. With that said, the amount of bounties they manage to gain more than enough to last them a long time, not to mention they may be able to raise a Genesis Core expert in the future, though it still depends on the talents of their family.

 What none of the minor factions knew is that the shaking of the Secret Realm is not the sign of it collapsing, but something caused intentionally by the Baron, through the aid of Shuri and Ryker. 

 The knowledge of a Secret Realm that could last for 500 years, and able to continuously produce Grade 9 Materials and below, will no doubt come out if more people knew of it, so, the Baron decided to kick out the weaker factions first, but without using force.

 After achieving that, the Baron had the entire area sealed, to ensure no one but the top factions of the Barony knew of the Secret Realm. He also talked with both Shuri and Ryker on the changes they will do towards the Secret Realm, which will help in maintaining the secrecy.

 As for the rest of the major factions, the Baron negotiate with them on what is to be done with the Secret Realm, as it potential is too vast. Soon, it is decided to turn the Secret Realm into a plantation of Herbs and Spiritual Fruits for maximum gain, as the resources that often produced are of Metal attributes.

 There is also a part of the Secret Realm that will be set aside for attempting breakthrough, though there are quotes for each faction for different cultivation realms. As for exceeding the quotes, the factions need to pay a price to have their cultivators to use the Secret Realm as a place to breakthrough.

 Overall, the biggest winner after the expedition is none other than Ryker, and the Hal Family, who receive twice the quotes, as well as access to a slightly larger portion of the resources from the Secret Realm, which is greater than the other 2 Great Families.

 While they are not too happy about it, they did not have a choice, as it is a member of Hal Family that manage to obtain the core, together with Ryker, who receive tremendous rewards, not to mention bribes from the three Inter-Realm organization branches in the Barony.

 All in all, Ryker was happy with his gain, and planned to stay until he manage to learn every single Cultivation Art in his possession, and comprehend all of the Paths, if possible, to the Elementary Understanding Realm.

Nothing could ruin his days.


 "Is this true?" a member of Miri Family, one of it's higher-ups asked his subordinate.

 "Yes, sir. I have check this and it's true. The Uru Family had collaborated with our enemies for a large territory," the man answer, bowing to his superior.

 "To think they would dare to do such thing," the higher-ups gritted his teeth, wishing they did not just kill of the Uru Family, but what is done cannot be undone.

 "Warn the Baron," he decided. "It seem, the Esel Barony wish to declare war on us,"