Plan For The Future, Kilrun Duchy

 When Rina woke up, the slave find herself on top of her master. Her hands drifted on her lower lips, feeling it, confirming that she waa filled with his seed.

 'Now what?' she thought. Rina always had a complicated thought about her master. He is the son-in-law of the one who killed her father, not to mention he took her first time, even if he is gentle when doing so.

 Yet, she did not hate him, but saying she like him is already a stretch. She wonder what they are when his arms wrapped around her form, pulling her into a tighter embrace.

 She looked up, to see her master already awake. 

 "What are we?" she asked absent-mindedly, only to want to slap herself and take back her words.

 Meanwhile, her master looked at her in confusion.

 "We are master and slave," he said, saying it like it is the most obvious thing.

 "But we just did it," she protested, reminding him of their previous night activity.

 "Do you want something more, like between lovers?" he asked. This cause Rina to open her mouth, before closing it.

 While she would answer yes, in truth, she did not wish for their relation to turn into such way. Maybe in the future, but he still dislike him for being so close to the one who killed her father.

 "No," she shook her head, seeing what he meant.

 "Since you don't, we will continue as it is, a relationship between a master and his slave, his beautiful sex slave," his last few words caused her to blush as Ryker laughed and kissed her on the lips before she find herself being carried.

 "Since you are my slave, and essentially my property," his tone take turn into tiring wicked, "I can do as I want to," his words cause Rina to shiver in fright, as she could tell what will happen afterwards.

 Soon, moans of euphoria filled the room as Ryker treat Rina as she meant to, as a sex slave.


 "So, what is your future plan Ryker?" the Count asked, in his arm, the arobale little girl that is Ariana giggling happily.

 Ryker had decided that the Count should know some of their secrets, namely the Hidden Ancient Mansion. He had reacted badly to it, though mostly because he did not meet the younger siblings, and finding keeping them inside the spatial artifact to be a horrible thing to do.

 He changed his mind when he learned it was for their safety, as they did not have any parents or older guardian to watch them, not to mention Ryker is not willing to get too far away from his remaining kin.

 Also, in 10 seconds or so, something Ryker predicted, the Count found himself subdued by the sheer adorableness that is Ariana, the little girl stole his heart with her cute antics.

 As for the other little ones, they slowly wormed their ways into his heart as well, plus the hearts of the four members of the Hal Family, who also invited into the Hidden Ancient Mansion.

 "My plan for the future," getting back to the question, Ryker thought about and answered,

 "That would be to go to the core region of Birak Kingdom. After that, well, it's a work in progress," after all, things are bound to change, whether because of tragedies or opportunities. He could not prepare for everything after all.

 "Well, in that case, might I suggest making a stop in Kilrun Duchy," the Count exclaimed, as he took out a map and put it on the table. A quick glance revealed the map is one of the Western Part of Birak Kingdom, or to be exact, it's vassal nation.

 "As you know, Birak Kingdom is composed of two different area, the core region, where the main power of Birak Kingdom is at, and the periphery region, where the vassal nations are located at.

 This one is of the western part of the periphery region," the Count pointed at one of the easternmost nation in the map.

 "This is Kilrun Duchy. It is one of the strongest nation, as the current ruler is someone at the peak of Genesis Grand Realm," the Count explained. 

 Ryker whistled. He knew the Duke of the vassal nation would be at the 9th major realm of Genesis Grand Realm, the last major realm of it, but the minor realm the Duke will be at are usually at the intermediate or late stages.

 For the Duke of Kilrun to be at the peak of Genesis Grand Realm, it show how strong and talented he is.

 "Being close to the core region, the Kilrun Duchy possess a large number of treasures, one that can help you greatly. Aside from that, there is also the Noble Garden," the name interest Ryker, as from the way it sounded, the Noble part of it is because it possessed treasures belonging to a Noble realm expert instead of people of nobility.

 "Noble Garden is a Hidden Realm of the Duchy, with the creator of it being of unknown origin. However, from what the Duke of Kilrun manage to learn is that there are treasures that could help his ascension to the Spirit Grand Realm," the man continued.

 "But then, how did no one tried to attack the Duchy?" Ryker asked. For a Hidden Realm like Noble Garden to not attract the attention of both outside and inside force, it is surprising.

 "Because, Noble Garden is a well kept secret, only those that was invited could learn of it. I was invited a decade ago, so I knew of what it contain. I was allowed to divulge it to the person of my choosing, one that will go for this year opening," the man said, before giving him a token, one with a gauntlet on top.

 "This will tell the Duke that I send you, so you can enter the Noble Garden. Be warned, as the people who enter usually at the Genesis Core and above, but with your strength, it should be fine," Ryker nodded at the Count's word. After all, while his cultivation is only at the 8th Stage Genesis Foundation, his strength is equivalent to 5th Stage Genesis Core, and no, it's not an overestimation as he had test himself against the guards of the County.