Lodging, Currency, and Duke

 "Well, not as big as the Hidden Ancient Mansion, but cozy and big enough for our group," Era commented, seeing the large house in front of them.

 Surprisingly, the Kirlun Duchy offered several house to be rented for a large group who wish for more privacy and could afford it. The price of a regular house's rent alone reach to thousands of gold coins per week.

 What they pick is even more extravagant. It is a house meant for cultivator, though calling it a mansion would be more appropriate. Aside from regular amenities, there is also several cultivation rooms, an alchemy room, a smithy, and 2 empty rooms that can be used for anything.

 There is also two main formations covering the entire place. One is a Defensive Formation, made out of smaller formation such as a Barrier Formation, an Alarm Formation, and many more. The second main Formation is an Energy Gathering Formation and from the looks of it, it is a high-grade one.