Talking With Hylla

 "Let me get this straight," Hylla calmly opened up, her face calm and collected. It was almost hard to believe she screamed and looked at him in disbelief few moments ago.

 Currently, they are in a cafe, with his group ordering something for dinner. Though, they took another table, while Hylla's escort sit on another, leaving him alone with the gray-haired woman.

 "You are married, twice as in two ceremony. And that two of them are nit your wife because you don't married them yet, but already took their first time and call them your lovers," seeing him nod, she continued,

 "And you don't force them. You asked them if they want to join. The only thing you did is not putting any deadline to getting an answer. Did I get that right?" another nod before she grabbed his collar and pulled him close,