Dinner With Duke

As the Duke announced that the winner would get to have dinner with him, some of the losers looked at Mashia with a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

After all, this is the master of Kilrun Duchy, and it's strongest expert. Having a dinner with could lead to a talk with the man himself. This would allow them to ask for advise, allowing them to step even higher in their cultivation.

Other than that, it is also an opportunity to get close to the Duke. If he looked at you in a great light, it is possible to get his support, maybe even allowing them to become an official or given any status.

These reasons are why people looked at Mashia with envy and jealousy, wanting to be beat her up and take her place.

However, it is impossible as, one, Mashia is way stronger than them, and two, they are still inside the arena where the Duke is still watching. Doing anything would just lead to being blasted into smithereens.

So, they could only glare at Mashia.