Mashia Turn (R-18)

"Looks like she had her fill," Ryker remarked, staring at something in front of him.

"True. But she did enjoy all of it from all the sounds she made," Mashia joined him, sitting besides him while being naked and covered with bodily fluids.

Right in front of them was an unconscious Lisha, her face one of pleasure and depravity. Her body was covered with Ryker's white fluid and her sweat, her tongue out of her mouth as her mouth opened a little, allowing a trickle of drools to escape.

Her eyes were half-lidded, her pupils at the back of her head as she laid slump against the wall, completely knock out.

The ropes on her was still present, the sole reason she was still in a sitting position as Mashia had tied one end of the rope to a chain connected to the wall.

This give the two a complete view of her crotch, were white fluid trickle like a small waterfall from her cave.