Sleeping With Hylla

 Rubbing his eyes, Ryker opened the door once again.

 "Nope, Hylla still inside with a thin nightgown," he exclaimed to himself. He wondered if he get the wrong room. Closing the door allowed him to see the name etched on it, telling him that this room is his.

 He took a communication token before contacting the Duke, "Father, Hylla is sleeping in my room," he told him.

 "And? What do you want me to do?" wondering if this is a trick question, Ryker replied as solemnly as possible,

 "You want me to sleep with her?" he could feel the eye rolls despite not seeing it.

 "Sleeping as in literally, yes. Doing the nasty, no. Besides, she is still clothed, right?" 

 "Yes," 'In a very thin nightgown,' he did not add the latter.

 "Good, then just sleep with him, though I should tell you something about her," his brows raised as he wondered what the man was about to say.