Date With Hylla, Beginning of Date

On the day Ryker did not need to go to the Craftsman Alliance Branch nor he needed to go train with the Duke, he is prepared for an outing, a date with Hylla.

The gray-haired woman had accepted the proposal early this week, and he plan on delivering.

The first thing he did is changing his attire to more suitable one for the occasion. Since he is going an a date, he need to look both elegant yet casual.

So, he opted for a more stylish black coat with a white dress shirt, along with gray pants to complete the outfit.

His storage ring were also brought along as there is no doubt some shopping would occur. After finishing all his preparation and making sure everything is with him, Ryker patiently wait for Hylla to arrive.

Soon, a carriage arrived in front of the mansion. A figure come out of the carriage, revealing Hylla in a dress other than servant dress.