Restricted Area

Soon, it becomes apparent Ryker will take every single opportunity to examine the Formation of the plots.

Not planning on restricting him from doing so, Hilar let him do as he please, as long as he promised to not do that during the last day before their estimated arrival.

Seeing the condition being acceptable, Ryker accepted. After all, he knew the importance of rest and he will need all of his strength if he wanted to destroy the anomalies in the restricted area.


"We are here. Is Ryker ready?" Hilar asked.

Hylla turned towards the silver-eyed man, who currently meditating, digesting what he just learned.

When the leader asked, Ryker opened his eyes. Thankfully, few minutes prior, he should had theoretically become a Rank 5 Formation Specialist. The only thing that will confirm it would be his ability to create Grade 5 Formation.

Ryker turned his head towards Hilar and focused his gaze upon the phenomenon in front of him.