"What is our plan for tomorrow?" the Marshal asked.
They looked at Ryker, who just sigh.
"We are going with the flow of Mizalas Duchy, unfortunately. They have the numerical and quality superiority to us, so it could not be helped.
We can only counter what they unleashed, with no way to take the initiative," Ryker said bitterly.
The others also have expression similar to eating a whole lemon. However, they knew he is correct. After all, the sheer advantages the Mizalas Duchy possess is far greater than their meager advantage of being on the defense.
"In that case, we will prepare to turtle up, only going against the opponent when the time is right," the Marshal said, with the rest of the higher-ups nodding.
After several more discussion, the entirety of Kilrun Duchy's higher-ups call it a day, knowing they will not all their energy for what will come tomorrow.