Sonet, The Auctioneer

The amber-haired woman wore different dress than one Ryker used to. Normally, she wore a simple dress that covered almost all of her skin, while showing a small part of her legs as well as her arms.

However, for the night, she wore a dress that made Hylla's look conservative.

The amber-haired woman wore a daring red dress, there is no other words for it, and flaunted it. The dress has a plunging neckline, showing her cleavage. It covered her shoulder but did nothing in covering her arms.

The skirts is long, reaching her ankles but the slit at the side goes straight to her hips, just barely below it, allowing her legs to be shown to the guests as she walked on the stage.

It also allow him to see her creamy long legs, which really was one of her more attra-