Crown Prince & His Aunt

After parting ways with Ryker, Lariz head straight to the Palace. The Palace of the Royal Family is large, able to fit 5 similar size mansion to the one he let Ryker stay and still have space for more.

And that is just the Palace itself. It did not count the massive space of the Royal abode, from the massive gardens, to the training ground, all of which is about one tenth of the capital of Mariz Barony.

The Palace was impressive, yet Lariz destination is not the Palace. Instead, he head towards the small forest in the garden, his true destination hidden.

He soon reach an empty glade, yet he knew better. Walking into it, a ripple appeared as he enter the glade, as a cottage can be seen on the glade ground, with small garden of its own.

He walked to the garden, expecting the see the person he wished to see. Sure enough, a beautiful long hair blonde woman was there, tending the the garden with a smile on her beautiful face.