Meeting Between Ryker, King & Grand Duke

Ryker looked his guests with a calm demeanour. Considering the two person in front of him possess the greatest authority in Birak Kingdom, it was an incredible feat to anyone.

However, for Ryker who reach the peak of the world when he was not even in his twenties, they are only considered strong for his current realm.

"Your Majesty, Great Lord, I will normally ask the reason for the visit, but since I already know it, I will cut to the chase." Ryker said calmly,

"I will take both of your daughters as my wives in the future, when I posses the strength to do so without them suffering any backlash to their reputation.

For now though, they will be my lovers."

The two men frowned at the way he spoke, containing both calmness and confidence not many could found even with the massive talents pools of Birak Kingdom.