After Bet

When vision returned to Adia, she suddenly felt cold, like she had been thrown inside an ice for three days.

As she shivered, she remembered what happened.

'H-how are we defeated by him?' the golden blonde woman could not comprehend how they were defeated so easily by someone who should be weaker than them.

As she go through the fight,the corner of her eye spot movement, one coming from the like of Sela.

From the sound of it, she also remembered what happened and currently suffering from disbelief over the result of the match.

"How did we lose?" unlike her, she had voiced out her disbelief.

"Maybe an Artifact of some sort?" Adia suggested, as she could not see anyway the man could defeat them so easily.

"Maybe." Sela looked like she did not believe her. To be honest, she did not believe herself as well.