Talk Between Princesses & Guards

"I-I though you will hate us for trying to break you up." Sela said honestly. Adia nodded besides the purple-haired woman.

"I am angry, but I don't want to hate you. You are someone I almost consider as famipy when you guard me for two decades.

I don't want to break it over something that had happened." she said calmly.

"Though." her voice suddenly had a steely edge with a cold tone at the tip. "Don't do anything we will regret. Understood?"

Despite being stronger than Brya, both let primal fear, thei thought returned to when Ryker froze them with ease.

"Crystal clear." Brya nodded at the reply.

"I am so glad you decided to join us." Sela and Adia shamefully admit they had forgotten about Dory.

"We use to be almost like family. Now we are a literal one." she said happily, the two royal guards sharing her joy at the closeness the bponde exude.

"Oh, am I disturbing something." a voice come from the door.