Ardent woke up, though he clutched his head as if he was in pain.

 "Ouch, note to self. Don't go on a drinking spree ever again." yet, despite the promise, he knew he is just going to do it again, to wallow on his sorrow and whatnot.

 Especially after his breakup with his girlfriend. Though, he did not blame her, when it was a mutual decision and both could not go on living like this.

 As he clutched his head, he suddenly realized something.

 "Wait, why am I not having a hangover?" Despite drinking glasses of wine, he was not buzzed, which is impossible as he knew that while he was not a lightweight, he is not the type that can handle multiple glasses and not get a hangover. Though he wish he was.

 Then, he realized something else,

 "Wait, why is my voice so squeaky?"