No one objected, as it is the best way to make use of their larger number and their defensive position.

 "Are there any question?" Seeing no one saying anything, he gave his next order,

 "Move to the battlefield!"


 As the swarm rushed to the eastern wall, the army of 10 000 head behind the defenses build.

 While the defenses were attacked during the numerous skirmishes, it was usually left alone. Even if the defenses suffer some damages, it was quickly rebuilt, as any flaw in the barricades could lead to disastrous outcome.

 As the one fifth of Zell City Defense Army gathered, they formed a simple line formation, using phalanx tactic to mitigate the advantage individual Human Bugs have over the run-of-the-mill soldiers.

 Using the spears, they can attack from a greater distance while not being in range to claw range of the monsters.