I Was So Fucked [Marcellus’ POV]

Their realm fascinated me, yet at the same time, angered me.

I had long, long been forced away from it that the pain of that event had become nothing but a dull ache.

And yet, it fascinated me. They fascinated me.

Their finite lives, their ever changing moods and the constant shifts within their lands.

My world was the same no matter how many years passed. The rare trespassing of one of them was the only form of change within my repetitive days.

It was odd, thinking about how I had lived amongst them at some point. Those were different times and they had been simpler beings.

So simple that they had, at some point, seen me as a god. I had lived with them, shared joys with them, laughed and cried with them, but as with everything to do with them, even that had to change.

I was no longer their god, I was their devil. I was no longer their friend, I was their enemy. I was no longer one of them, I was a monster.