(R18) Lovely Iego II

"So," I said, not at all surprised by how husky my voice had become as well. "Top or bottom?"

He didn't respond right away, only tilted his head to the side as he continued to observe me. His eyes roamed my body and it almost felt like his hands were still on me, the feeling of them hitting each spot those reddish-brown eyes focused on.

Just that alone sent shivers across my skin.

He reached a hand out to me and I slowly inched towards it, slightly confused as to what he was going to do.

Marcellus took my hand and pulled me towards him , tenderly rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He guided me, ever so slowly, to the bed, laying me on it as he hovered over me.

If merely locking eyes with him that first time he arrived at my inn had made my heart beat so fast, having him looking down at me as he licked his lips nearly made the blasted thing escape my chest.

"Have you ever been spoiled, Diego?"