He Left Me

I woke up to the feeling of something cool and soft caressing my too hot skin.

Looking up as my eyes slowly opened, I saw Marcellus laying down beside me, wiping my body clean. The sun had barely begun to rise, the sky still a dark blue and Marcellus' pretty brown eyes were watching his work rather intently.

"Mornin'," I felt my lips move on their own accord, mind still foggy from probably the best sleep I'd ever had in my life. My back was in agony and my ass was throbbing yet I felt so cozy with my cheek rested on the nobleman's firm chest.

There was no place in the world I would've rather been. Marcellus pressing a warm kiss to my forehead only reinforced that foggy thought.

"Go back to sleep, Iego," Marcellus whispered against my temple, his free hand lazily running through my hair.

"Don wanna," I muttered, nuzzling my too warm cheek into his ice cold chest.