Double Date

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Gloria's House]

The next day arrived and Gloria and I were already awake, enjoying a nice comfortable breakfast together. We were closer now than ever before after last night's date. I could truly feel the love between us and I couldn't help but smile while in her presence.

Soon, the front door opened, catching both of our attentions. Gloria's mom had walked in, seemingly exhausted and worn out. Gloria got up to greet her mom and her mom noticed me. They were both speaking Japanese, and I couldn't really make out what they were saying.

[Aye, you know I got you with the auto translator.]

"Is that the guy you told me you were dating? I've seen that guy with like nine other women, why are you with him?" Gloria's mom asked. "Don't tell me my daughter is dating some kind of pimp!"

"Hm..." Lustie pondered, crossing her arms. "Would you say you're a pimp?"

'Hell no. I'm more of a different version of a Casanova. Instead of leaving my women, I still date and take care of them as needed.' I replied.

"He's not a pimp, Mom! might sound strange, but...I don't know how to really explain it but just know he makes me and my friends and the other women you saw him with happy. I promise you I'm not getting played." Gloria said to her mom, defending me from her mother's judgement.

Gloria's mother walked by Gloria then made her way toward me. She placed her hand on the table, leaning closer to me, scanning all of my features. "Hmm..."

"I wouldn't recommend you staring too closely at me, Mama Aoi..~ Wouldn't want you accidentally getting charmed by Mini Aoi's boyfriend," I said in a teasing manner, giving her a soft chuckle.

Gloria's mom softly grunted as she locked eyes with me. She leaned back then scoffed. "Your charms don't work on me, boy. You might've attracted my daughter, but your simple wordplay and charms have no effect on me."

"Oh Asmodeus, that was so hot.." Lustie shuddered and leaned against me.

"Oh yeah, she's got that Dominance...I see potential." Passion chuckled softly, slightly licking her lip.

'I'm not about to spit game at Gloria's Mom. I already have one Mom in my roster, Gloria's mom is still married! But I do want her trust.' I thought to Lustie and Passion.

[Technically two if we're counting Chelsey in this certain context.]

"'ErM, AcKsHuaLlY—' that's literally what you sounded like." Passion said to Lust-E.


"Whoa, whoa Mama Aoi, I'm not trying to charm you or anything. I was teasing you, just some light hearted banters." I said, giving her a soft smile.

"You're the second boy to come in my house that Gloria has brought over, but you're the first guy to remain here before I got home... meaning you two did more than have a date," Gloria's mom said, crossing her arms.

"Mom.." Gloria whined softly, clearly embarrassed and feeling awkward during this situation.

"Since you screwed my daughter," Gloria's mom began then gripped my jacket, staring into my soul, "you will need to pay the price. You will have to MARRY Gloria if you loved her enough to fornicate with her!"

'Okay...this woman is bat shit crazy. How should I go about this?' I thought to Lustie and Passion.

"Uhm..." Lustie said with a nervous chuckle.

"Maybe like...say something? Anything?" Passion suggested, shrugging her arms.

"My daughter's perfect...pure name has been tarnished. I move to America to escape delinquents like have stolen her purity. Her perfection." Her mom continued, her grip tightening on my jacket.

"Uhm...Look, yes! I'll marry Gloria, just let me go woman!" I exclaimed, just wanting to get out of this situation.

[Gloria's Bond Meter MAX]

Gloria's mom looked at me a bit surprised and slowly let me go. "You will?"

"I mean, I guess? You didn't make it sound like I had a choice. And we did fornicate, which I believe is against your tradition and it's truly against mine as well...but we're young, miss. We want to experience the full joy and wonders of life whether it be... becoming an actor or getting your degree...or even just something like having sex." I answered, giving her an answer that came from the heart.

[Asaka Aoi's Heart has been stolen.]

'Oh shit, I forgot I had that on low key. No wonder my charms have been through the roof. Not gonna question how you got her name though.' I thought to myself.

Asaka sighed and crossed her arms, her gaze shifting between me and Gloria. She closed her eyes then began thinking to herself. "Did you at the very least used protection?"

"Yes! Yes...we did...use protection. Right, Shiro?" Gloria asked, clearly lying but falling back on me.

I thought about last night, clearly reminiscing about her moans and screams of pleasure. I smirked then chuckled softly. "We used protection, Mama Aoi, I promise."

"Mmm... Alright. I'll allow you to keep dating my daughter, just as along as you're keeping her happy," Asaka said then yawned, making her way to her stairs. "I'm going to sleep. If you need me, just come wake me up. Make yourself at home, but any mess made better be cleaned...or else."

"Trust me, you don't want the or else option.." Gloria whispered to me, gently grabbing my hand. "We're gonna step outside, Mom! Have a nice rest!"

Gloria pulled me outside and we walked to my car together. We stood in front of my car, continuing our conversation.

"Sorry about that. Like I said, asian parents don't play. I'm surprised she accepted you that easily, but I'm glad she did. The last guy who got that same treatment ran off and dumped me the same night...but you actually stayed.." Gloria said, interlocking our fingers together.

"Of course I did...I loved you enough to have sex with you, and I love you enough to make that promise to your mom to pay the price. If that's what it takes for us to stay together then I'll happily walk down that road." I said, gently pulling Gloria closer to me.

Our eyes locked, soon both of us leaning into each other. Our lips met with a passionate, gentle kiss that seemed to last an eternity. We finally pulled away and I could see her sigil glowing a light blue color.

[Gloria's Heart is truly yours.]

"I love you," She said softly, her tone submissive to me and her affection for me through the ceiling.

"I love you too," I replied, gently kissing her forehead.

[Love EXP +3500]

Gloria slowly let go of my hands as she walked backwards, slowly making her way back to her front door. She waved at me and I returned her wave with one of my own before driving off to freshen up at home and plan the rest of my day.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Brickwood Park]

I walked along a path at the park, thinking of what to do today. Strolling along a path that led to the park's sports area, I noticed a few familiar figures at the basketball court. I stopped to see who they were then noticed it was Chelsey, Caroline, and Mark. Mark and Caroline were playing a friendly game of basketball while Chelsey watched. I noticed Chelsey had Adrianna with her.

'Ladies, I think I know what we're gonna do today.' I thought to Lustie and Passion.

"Alright Phineas, let's just get to it before you start looking like a creep." Passion said, floating ahead to the basketball court.

I chuckled softly, jogging after Passion with Lustie floating behind us. As we made it to the court, I noticed the ball fly toward me after Caroline smacked the ball from Mark's hand. I caught the ball and walked forward.

"Sheesh, quite an arm you have there," I said, gently teasing Caroline as I tossed the ball toward her.

"Speaking of the devil, Chelsey was just asking about you," Caroline said, gesturing for me to go to her sister with a smile on her face.

I gave her a smile of my own, making my way toward Chelsey, but stopped to talk to Mark on the way. "Basketball was never your sport," I bantered, giving him a handshake.

Mark chuckled and playfully pushed me back. "Yeah alright, Mr. Talented. Let's see you take on a Prodigy like Caroline."

I chuckled at his response and took my seat next to Chelsey and greeted Adrianna gently and with caution, "Hey there, Mini Chelsey.."

Chelsey chuckled softly and watched Adrianna's reaction. As she watched Adrianna, gently shake my hand, she could see how much she liked my presence. "Hey, she likes you..~ She's usually really shy around strangers.."

"Maybe it's because she knows I can be a good— Nahh, can't say that," I said, laughing softly at my near slip up.

[Charm EXP +2500]

[Bond with Chelsey increased.]

[Aye...Watch yourself buddy. We got a kid on the scene now.]

"Yeah keep is Rated E for Everyone!" Lustie said, playfully scolding me.

"Personally, I would've taken the risk." Passion shrugged, a sly smirk curling on her lips.

Chelsey chuckled softly and looked at me. "Yeah you better catch yourself, señor..~ But I get what you mean," she said, gently leaning against me.

"Aww, and here I was thinking Chelsey would never find love," Mark teased, laughing as he avoided a pen Chelsey threw at him.

"Yeah okay, cierra tu boca and focus on getting slammed my mi hermana!" Chelsey retorted, laughing at Mark.

The four of us hung around at the park for a while and I got to know about Mark and Chelsey's history from Chelsey's side. Their history dated further back to middle school, but Mark was always closer to Caroline but Chelsey and Mark had a sibling type of bond. It wasn't until highschool when Mark met Jake and Eric during Freshman Year of highschool where his changes started.

"Yeah, that's how I know of The Syndicates. For all I know, that gang was started like ten years ago. And it took mi hermano away for while until you woke him up." Chelsey said, turning to look at me with a smile on her face.

"And now that I have this handful back, I'll make sure he never falls into darkness again," Caroline said, putting Mark in a playful headlock.

We all shared a laugh and continued to hang out together. Chelsey let me hold Adrianna and get accustomed to her more because one of her passions is her family. Her main requirement for me to seriously date her was if Adrianna and I got along. It wasn't a hard task for me at all.

Anything Adrianna wanted to do, I took her to do it with Chelsey. We got ice cream from a nearby ice cream truck, we walked the trail together, even took a few pictures with a few monuments along the way. I could tell Adrianna was pretty happy with me because she stuck with me pretty much the whole time.

As the time went on, we finally rendezvous with Caroline and Mark. They were in the parking lot and we met them at our vehicles.

"Sheesh, about time the happy family got back. We were going to leave you," Mark chuckled, seeing how happy Chelsey looked and noticed Adrianna in my arms. "Man, this guy's great with kids too? What can't this man do?"

Chelsey laughed softly then looked at Adrianna. "She looks pretty happy and sleepy. Might take her over to auntie Claire's since she was talking about a sleepover with Amber.."

"Mmm...Oh yeah Shiro, if you want you can join us for some bowling and make it a Double Date," Caroline invited.

"Yessir, now Double Dates can only work if your male friend has a love interest and this increases— Nah I'm just fucking with you." Lustie chuckled softly, landing on my shoulder in her tiny companion form.

'Oh. I was getting ready to lock in for the two man,' I thought to Lustie.

"Yeah, I'll join up. Would be good to show you all a master at work," I playfully bantered toward them, chuckling softly at myself.

"Yeah okay, Sir Moji~ We'll see tonight," Chelsey said, taking Adrianna from my arms. "Say bye to Shiro..~"

"Bye bye.." Adrianna said, waving at me.

"Awwwh!~ She's so cute," Lustie said, her ears wiggling from the cuteness overload.

Chelsey giggled and waved at me. "See you,"

I waved back and smiled as they got in their car and drove off. I got into my car then sighed happily. "Alright, no tasks today? Just freestyle it?"

[Yes sir. I mean, the only time you're gonna need tasks now is with important dates and events. Don't worry, I'll quip in a few corny lines for you still.]

"Please don't.." I sighed, putting on my seatbelt and starting my car.

[Too late, I've decided.]

I groaned softly then drove off back to my house to prepare for tonight. As I drove off, a figure in a golden cloaked poked up from the bushes. She spit out some leaves that was in her mouth and sighed.

"How do I keep missing him? I'm literally supposed to be unnaturally lucky!" The figure said talking into her phone that was shaped like a fox.

"Maybe because you keep getting easily distracted. Geez, why did I think this was a good idea letting you explore out the casino without supervision.." The woman sighed on the other line. "Alright, look. They are going to Twilight Strikes to night. You can't possibly miss him."

"Mmm...Maybe not today. I'm gonna miss Majesty's big challenge of the night. I'm heading back to the casino~" The figure said then shapeshifted into a golden fur fox, hurrying off into the distance.

"Luckie..! Are you serious right now? Luckie! Why do I even bother..." The woman sighed and disconnected.

[Day: Saturday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Twilight Strikes]

I made it to the bowling alley and met up with Chelsey, Mark, and Caroline inside. The atmosphere inside buzzed with excitement and great energy. The sounds of pins and families cheering and having fun mingled together, making the vibe very chill.

"There you are, slowpoke. We started to think you had your tail between your legs," Chelsey said, chuckling softly as she watched me approach them.

"Hey now, you know I had to come out fresh. Plus when I win, I gotta make sure the victory pic is on top," I said with a joking tone, a smirk resting on my my face.

[Charm EXP +2500]

"This guy," Mark said, chuckling softly and pointing his thumb at me.

The four of us shared laughter as we made our way to pay for a few games and get our lane. Once we got our bowling shoes and our designated lane, we made our way over, all of us excited about our night.

"Who's going first?" I asked, lacing up my bowling shoes.

"I think we should let the master go first since he's so confident," Caroline teased as she got up to pick her ball.

"If you say so, don't come crying when the bar is set too high," I chuckled getting up to put my name in first.

Once the order was set, the games were on. I stepped up to the lane first, a confident smile on my face. As I sailed the ball down the lane, with a beautiful crash I made the first strike of the game, setting the competition. I made my way back to my seat and winked at Chelsey as it was her turn.

Chelsey smirked, playfully pushing my head back as she made her way to the lane to bowl. She picked a relatively small ball which was light in weight. Chelsey sailed the ball down the lane, the ball curving to the left at the last second landing her a strike.

"Oooh, does the legendary Shiro Moji finally have competition?" Mark laughed softly, patting my shoulder before he got up.

"I can make it look easy too, mi amor..~" Chelsey said softly in my ear before sitting back in her seat beside me.

I looked at Chelsey, gently biting my bottom lip. "Mmm, tread lightly's only the first frame..~"

[Chelsey really liked that...]

Chelsey giggled softly and playfully flipped her hair for it to hit my face. "Yeah okay, keep this same energy when you lose~"

"Oooh baby, she's definitely into you! Lock in, Shiro! We don't let no one win, you already know of her competitive nature too!" Lustie said.

"Plus with her Passion for sports as well, her talents with sports are boosted by 50% so she's not missing a single strike without a bit of mind games," Passion added, looking through a chart of Chelsey's stats. "Oh yeah and when she plays sports with a guy she likes, her Ambition actually increases thus boosting her attributes. She's boosted by 165% right now."

'Damn,' I said to Passion as I watched Mark bowl a strike as well.

"Looking through the chart of Ambition between all of your current women, Chelsey is tied with Naomi. Her drive toward her daughter and her own separate passions keeps her in a near Unleashed state all the time. The will of a mother is boundless no matter of the activity," Passion said.

"But then there's Caroline," Lustie said as she watched her walk up to the lane with a relatively heavy ball.

Caroline didn't even seem to struggle bowling the heavy ball down the lane. In fact, she sailed it down the lane smoothly, effortlessly gaining a strike.

"Oh you thought Chelsey's Ambition was high? Caroline is a beast, her title as The Prodigy reigns true as she's not only a Basketball Superstar, but has skill in all other sports. She's passing the torch of The Prodigy to Chelsey," Lustie said.

'The Prodigy and Sharp Shooter are cold ass names. You know they got the Tier 100 Battle Pass for those titles,' I said to Lustie and Passion.

"I hope you're not getting cold feet already, Shiro. The game's just started and you're spacing out," Caroline said, chuckling at me.

I looked at Caroline then smirked. "Nah I was just thinking of how smoothly this ride is gonna be."

[Nice recovery, you were pretty deep into that conversation.]

'Nah for real,' I said to Lust-E.

The first game continued on, all of us bowling strike after strike and the competition was high. We managed to attract a few eyes at our lane for our skill, which made the competition more intense. With each explosive frame, the scores were evenly matched until the last frame after I bowled the first perfect game of the night despite Chelsey's banters.

I took my seat next to Chelsey, chuckling softly and looking at the score. "C'mon, Mami. Let's see you bowl a 300 as well..~"

Chelsey smirked and got up, walking up to the lane with her ball. She sailed it down the lane as usual, getting a strike as everyone expected. Amongst the cheers, I gave my banters as well to throw her off. It didn't work as she nailed the second strike. I continued to try, but she nailed the third strike, being the second to achieve a perfect game.

"You're gonna have to try harder, mi amor..~ Nothing can throw me off my game," Chelsey said as she sat down next to me.

"Dang, we all really opening up with a perfect game?" Mark laughed at he got up to bowl next.

Mark proceeded to bowl two back to back strikes and he was feeling himself, hyping up the crowd for his last strike. As he sent his ball down the lane, the ball knocked down each pin, missing one pin by pure misfortune. I couldn't allow myself to see Mark become the joke of the century after making his remark, so I used my Luck Trait to make on of the rolling pins knock over the last pin, causing cheers and claps to erupt.

Mark was also in disbelief and he looked back at us with a surprised expression. "The clutch was crazy! I almost went out sad bro.."

I chuckled as I watched Mark make his way back to his seat. "Good shit bro."

"Thanks man," Mark said, dapping me up with a smile on his face.

Caroline got up and decided to go with a lighter ball for more speed and velocity. Due to her only using a heavy bowling ball, she acquired a Dead Arm, which made her arm numb and more sensitive which was what she was aiming for.

"Ahh the Dead Arm Technique. Ten years ago, The Dead Arm Technique was seen as useless as it makes your arms very weak and causes tightness in your shoulders, but it's the tightness in your shoulders that bring this technique to life," Lustie said.

"This technique is a double edged sword. While the tightness in your shoulders limits how you can move your arm, it's that limit that enhances your strength with the right amount of force. It's sort of like a Perfect Dead Arm," Passion said.

[Oh. That doesn't sound like a technique a human should be using.]

"It's safe honestly. Humans call it Numb Boost, well some do. It's like when you use your pain to grow stronger, look at how fast she sails that ball," Lustie said.

Caroline relaxed her shoulders as much as she could then rolled the ball down the lane, being mindful of how much force she should use. The ball went down the lane quickly, crashing into the pins and giving her a strike. She did the same technique for the next two before finally feeling the effects and taking a break.

We all decided to take a break outside and talk for a bit. We joked about how Caroline was so determined to win she hurt her body for it. That's how dedicated she was and how important her title was to her because there can only be one Prodigy.

As the night went on and we had our fair share of games and food, we decided to call it a night. We returned our shoes and went outside to the parking lot. Before Chelsey went into her car, she made a pit stop to mine so she could talk to me.

"Thanks for coming out tonight, I had a lot of fun and...I wanna do this with you again in the future," she started, holding my hands with a soft smile on her face. "I want you to be my rock and I also...hope you can be Adrianna's guiding light as well. Now that you've met her and everything.."

I smiled at Chelsey, pulling her closer and holding her in my gentle embrace. I gently brushed her hair from her face, getting a full view of her beautiful face. "I can be your rock, Chelsey and I will do all I can to be there for Adrianna as well. I don't know how to be a dad, but I can learn most definitely."

[Chelsey's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 85%]

[Bond with Chelsey greatly increased.]

Chelsey gave me a pure and happy smile, quickly kissing me on my lips with joy. I became the man she's always been dreaming about and I could tell from this kiss, it really meant something to her. I couldn't help but to kiss back, our moment accompanied by the glow of the moonlight.

Mark whistled and snapped a few pictures. "Wooo, Mami and Papi unapologetically showing their love! Get a room!" He laughed.

Chelsey pulled away from the kiss and looked back at Mark with a smirk. "Alright, alright..~ Calm it down,"

I chuckled softly and looked at my watch. "You sure you don't wanna come home with me? I have the house to myself tonight."

"You know I want to, but I'm gonna pick up Adrianna tonight and take her to go sledding tomorrow. If you want, you can come~" Chelsey said, inviting me to go sledding with her tomorrow.


"Yes." I accepted, poking her nose gently.

"Great!~ I'll text you the details tomorrow morning," Chelsey said then kissed my cheek, making her way back to her car.

I waved goodbye to everyone then got into my car. I exhaled and smiled, imagining what tomorrow was going to be like. "So do I get results for this one?"

[Mmm... Let's save the results for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be like a part two of the date.]

"Alright, let's head home...get some rest and prepare to go sledding tomorrow." I said.


The golden fox poked her head from around a corner then yipped. "I missed them again.."

"Are you even trying at this point?" The woman in her ear piece asked.

The fox turned into her human form then her golden cloak appeared around her body. "I think I'm doing the best I can, but there's so many humans around and I use my cute companion form to get loads of cash from them!"

"..." The woman on the other line was silent then she sighed. "Luckie...You can't possibly mess this one up. How about you just show up at his house."

"Passion, why are you doing this?" The woman asked as she walked down the sidewalk. "You know I don't abuse Lady Mammon's power to sign contracts unless it's important."

"You idiotic seven tailed vexin, this is important! Shiro needs that Mark of Luck and you've seen his skills!" Passion said to Luckie then sighed. "Just be at his house before I start ripping your tails from your body one at a time!"

Luckie shuddered then began to quicken her pace. "Okay..! Alright..."

"Good." Passion said then ended the magic call.

"Neh neh neh, look at me I'm Passion, neh neh neh, I'm Felola's favorite, I'm the 20th Floor Boss of Baalveig Temple." Luckie mocked as she made her way to my house. "Now I'm gonna miss Happy Hour and Akira's gonna be there on a losing streak, I'm supposed to be making bank!"