Winter Breeze

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

I made my way downstairs, getting ready to go pick up Chelsey and Adrianna, and whistling a tune as I was in a relatively good mood. As I made my way downstairs, I noticed Whitney was dressed up and smiled at her.

"Well look who's all beautiful this morning," I complimented as I made my way toward her.

Whitney turned around, noticing me then beamed a smile at me. She hurried toward me and giggled as she held my hands, getting onto her tippy toes to give me a soft kiss. I chuckled softly as I kissed back before we broke the kiss.

"I'm going out with Mom and Dad today," Whitney said, going back to arranging her purse. "Then after, I'm gonna be meeting up with the girls..."

"Where are you going with your parents?" Lustie asked as she hovered toward her.

"Church," Whitney answered, giving Lustie a smile.

Lustie grunted and flinched back at the mention of anything holy. "O-Oh, well have fun with that."

"I think you should drag her with you. I bet Charismari would love to see her," Passion suggested, teasing Lustie with a song chuckle.

"I don't know how my parents would react with me dragging a literal demon around with me, and will she even survive being in a church?" Whitney asked then looked at me for an answer.

I shrugged and looked at Lustie, my arms crossed and thinking of if she could even survive the thought of it first. "I mean...She is like full demon, so I'm sure she'll get one tapped the moment she steps on the property."

"Okay, I'm not that vulnerable now. Like let's be real here," Lustie argued, her ears wiggling with embarrassment and her cheeks becoming red. "You know what? Since you doubt me so badly, I will go and if I come back intact, Shiro you owe me half your Credi and Passion, we're throwing hands."

"Oh for real? Alright, I'm down with that. It's been a while since I got some actual exercise..~" Passion agreed, her tail wagging with excitement.

"Half my Credi is crazy low key, but it is what it is," I shrugged softly.

Whitney giggled softly then noticed a text she received from her dad. "Okay, my dad's here. Lustie...uhm can you like disguise yourself? Your normal attire is... revealing."

Lustie sighed softly, snapping her fingers and appearing in a simple yet formal red dress, dark colored leggings, and red heels. She made her hair cascade around her shoulders in waves that beautifully covered her ears when she folded them back.

"Wish me luck," Lustie said sarcastically, walking to the door.

Whitney smiled at Lustie then made her way to me to give me a goodbye kiss. "I'll make sure she's in one piece."

"Please do, I'll never hear the end of it if she doesn't survive it," I said jokingly, knowing Lustie would be just fine.

"I'll text you soon with updates~ Love you!" Whitney said as she hurried out of my house with Lustie after hearing the second honk from her dad's car.

"Love you too, Wynn," I called out and chuckled softly.

I checked my phone to see if Chelsey was ready, and noticed she texted me that she's waiting for Caroline to finish doing her hair. I texted her back quick response and for her to let me know when she was ready. With some free time on my hands, I decided to sit down and work on my System for a bit while Passion hovered behind me, giving me recommendations and suggestions.

In the midst of unlocking skills and upgrading old ones, my doorbell rang and I got up to answer it, thinking either Whitney forgot something or Lustie was having second thoughts. As I opened the door, I was met with the sight of a mysterious figure shrouded in a golden cloak, their features hidden from view.

"Can I help you?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

The figure stepped forward, revealing a slender hand holding out a contract. "Shiro Moji, I need you to sign this contract," came the voice from beneath the cloak, a hint of urgency lacing the words.

Before I could respond, Passion appeared beside me, her presence commanding attention. "Ah, there you are, Luckie," she exclaimed, reaching out to tug at the edges of the cloak.

"Wait— Passion, no—" The figure said, trying to stop Passion from revealing who they were.

With a swift motion, the cloak was ripped away, revealing Luckie in all her enchanting glory. My breath caught in my throat as I beheld her radiant beauty, her golden hair cascading down her back and her eyes sparkling with an otherworldly allure. She had a pair of fox ears atop her head and a bushy, multicolored tail that sways with her every movement.

For a moment, silence hung in the air as I found myself captivated by Luckie's presence. Sensing my gaze upon her, Luckie's cheeks flushed with a hint of shyness, her demeanor shifting to one of subtle submission in the face of my admiration.

As the realization of who Luckie truly was dawned upon me, I couldn't help but feel drawn to her, my curiosity and fascination intertwining with a newfound sense of intrigue.

"So you don't even try to disguise huh? Just out with your ears and tails out free huh," Passion asked, an amused grin on her face.

Luckie whined softly as she just took Passion's teasing. She looked at me shyly, holding the contract to me with both hands. "Will you read over it?"

I chuckled softly and took the contract from her hands, skimming through the contents within the contract. The terms outlined within were unlike anything I had seen before, and when I saw the deal for me to immediately become her Master had immediately sold me. It was a lot easier bonding with Luckie than I was expecting, but I decided to keep reading.

As I delved deeper into the details, I couldn't help but notice the mention of the Mark of Luck and the unique benefits it promised to bestow upon me. The prospect of having prices in Lust-E's shops lowered by 30% and gaining access to a new Trait Activation called Lucky Break was undeniably enticing, yet I noticed that she would be taking 70% of my Credi earned from each date.

'Had to put it in bold just to show you how crazy that is.' I thought to myself.


"Oh shit, I forgot Lustie is a side character today. You need someone to break the fourth wall with. Uhm...yeah that's kinda crazy." Passion said, her tail swaying as she tried to adapt to her temporary role.

[Skill: Lucky Break]

[Description: Lucky Break is a skill that contrasts Luscious Unleash. Lucky Break relies heavily on your Luck Trait, multiplying your Luck by your current Level. Instead of raw talent, you will be the luckiest man in the world. Fortune is always on your side.]

"Well?" Luckie asked, her tails swaying as she looked at me with cute, big eyes. "Are you gonna sign it?"

"Woman, 70% of my income, how I eat and live for a 30% discount?" I asked, rereading the contract.

"But the Trait Activation...It's a lesser version of my skill, Perfect Fortune," Luckie whined softly, inching closer to me.

I looked at Luckie then let out a soft sigh. I couldn't help but smile at Luckie as she was too cute to resist. However, I stood my ground. "Your Cuteness can't affect me."

"Fuck..." Luckie muttered, her head held down. "His Charm Level is high enough to resist a Kitsune's Charm?"

"Sigh, you've forced my hand. Fine," Luckie said then snapped her fingers. "Reread the contract."

I looked at the contract over again, skimming through it once more. The benefits were the same but the discount was raised to 50% and I still got Lucky Break, but she was only going to take 40% of whatever I earned after each date. It seemed like a fair deal to me so I signed it.

After signing the contract, a sigil formed on the paper and a woman's giggle sounded off. "The deed is done."

Awkward silence followed. The voice of Mammon echoed throughout the house and I immediately reached in my pocket to grab my cross necklace.

"I didn't just sell my soul right?" I asked worriedly, looking at Luckie.

"No, it wasn't that kind of contract. Luckie doesn't have that right, but...she does own 40% of your bank account now." Mammon giggled.



"I mean, it ain't that bad. We were in the 3 millions, but what's a couple more dates to me right? I was about to buy a mansion, but that can wait," I said, sarcastically and shrugged my shoulders.

"It could've been 70% and you'd be broke essentially. Be lucky she didn't follow what I said because your soul could've been mine~" Mammon giggled.

I sighed softly, pondering over the entire ordeal before hearing my phone's notification sound. I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed Chelsey texted me that she was ready. I smiled at the text, replying by telling here I'll be right over.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I have a date I need to get to," I said, looking at Luckie.

Luckie smiled as she made her way toward me. She used her tail to bestow the Mark of Luck to me, a brief golden sparkle emitting around my body. "There!~ All done, now let's go!~"

I watched as she shifted into her fox form and climbed up my body to rest inside my bag. Passion shifted into her tiny dragon form and rested on my shoulder. With everything ready, we set off to meet up with Chelsey.

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Savior's Church]

"So you say this is your friend, Lucia correct?" Krystal asked as she looked at Lustie within her human disguise.

Whitney gave Krystal a nervous chuckle as she looked at Lustie, noticing how tense she was. "Y-Yes... She's uh, a good friend of mine from college," Whitney answered.

Mr. Dawn looked at Lustie and rose an eyebrow. "You okay over there, miss? You don't seem to look very well."

'I'm so sorry, Lustie...I didn't know you were that weak within a holy area,' Whitney apologized to Lustie via telepathy.

'If I step inside that church, I'm gonna lose it. Now I can handle a cross or two because I know Shiro owns a few...but the House of God? No way missy, no you tell your parents that I'm gonna rest out here,' Lustie said to Whitney.

"I think she just needs to sit outside for a moment. We had a pretty big breakfast this morning, so she might just be having an upset stomach," Whitney said, covering up for Lustie which seemed to work.

"Oh, well when you feel better you should come in where it's warm," Krystal said to Lustie, a bit concerned about her.

Lustie nodded and went to sit on the curb then sighed softly. As she sat alone, watching the clouds sail across the sky, she began to get a bit bored. She took out her phone to see what I was doing.

"They're going to Mt. Destiny huh. I remember going there..~ Good times.." Lustie said, reminiscing about the past.

"I had a feeling you wouldn't have come inside," A voice said behind Lustie.

Lustie felt the aura emitting from the presence behind her then smirked. She closed her eyes and lowered her phone. "I know that aura anywhere. The Messiah's Maiden, Lucifer's Reflection. Charismari. A woman so beautiful she needs her eyes covered at all times. The Love Demon of Charm."

Charismari stood behind Lustie in a white nun outfit with a beautiful white veil covering her eyes. She played a charming smirk on her lips as Lustie acknowledged her titles. "As well as you, Seductress, Red Widow. Or shall I call you, Lilith's Image."

Lustie chuckled and looked up at Charismari. "This is why you're my favorite sister..~ You know all of my titles~"

"Why are you you out here alone?" Charismari asked, sitting beside Lustie.

"I'm a placeholder for right now," Lustie answered, looking at the sky.

"A what?" Charismari chuckled softly.

"Oh right, you meant the other reason. It just doesn't hit right breaking the fourth wall without Shiro. Anyway, I'm still a demon and I'm heavily weakened in the presence of Holy Locations. If I go inside there, I'm cooked. Literally," Lustie said, looking back at her phone.

"Yet you're still here instead of going back to Shiro?" Charismari asked.

Lustie smiled softly, closing her eyes and thinking about her bond with Whitney. "I mean, I did help save her life technically...and she can see me, plus she's a friend. I've never been one to let a friend down.."

"I admire that. If only we could find a way to nullify your natural weakness, as I'm sure it would make Whitney more happy," Charismari said, a soft smile appearing on her face.

Lustie noticed I arrived at my destination with Chelsey and Adrianna. She smiled and sighed softly. "I hope they have the time of their lives..~"

Charismari was more curious about me, but she just let the thought sit inside her mind. She instead decided to catch up with Lustie over the years. The two began to talk like they've never been apart, their conversations flowing between Lustie answering Charismari's questions about her time on Earth and if she plans on returning to Esoria.

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Mt. Destiny]

"Brrr~ It's pretty chilly up here, so make sure to keep on your jacket and scarf okay?" Chelsey said, making sure Adrianna was properly set for the weather and the adventure.

"Okay, Mama!~ But what about Mr. Shiro? He's not properly prepared," Adrianna said, pointing at me.

Passion and Luckie looked at my attire. I also looked at my attire and wondered what I was missing. I turned over to Passion and Luckie, both of them shrugging their shoulders.

[It's that you're missing a scarf. Go to the back seat.]

"You know what, she's right," I said jogging to the back seat of my car. I went in and Luckie, wrapped one of her tails around my neck, forming a warm golden scarf around my neck. I got out, closing the door and looked at Chelsey and Adrianna. "Can't forget the scarf."

Chelsey chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Is everyone ready?"

"I'm ready!~" Adrianna said excitedly.

We all set out into the main public area of Mt. Destiny. Mt. Destiny is the largest mountain in all of Destiny Islands. It is said any time a lenticular cloud has formed around the peak of the mountain, a deadly blizzard is arriving to the entirety of Destiny Islands. Aside from being a natural warning, during the night if you're on the mountain, you can see the aurora lights.

Making it to our destination, we noticed other families at this location enjoying a day of snowboarding and sledding. We joined in on the action, getting our sled on the snowy ground and enjoying the thrills of racing down the hill with company.

Memories were being made this day, the joyful laughter and cheers of both Chelsey and Adrianna made these moments much sweeter. After having enough of sledding, Adrianna wanted to join the kids having a friendly snowball fight.

"She is just so cute~" A woman said then leaned toward me. "Is she the daughter of you and your significant other?"

Chelsey looked at the woman then looked at me, her expression curious on how I would answer. Before giving my answer, I looked at Chelsey then looked over at Adrianna with a content smile.

[There's only one way to answer this. We gotta be honest.]

"Well...she isn't my blood per se, but...I see her as my own. I'm not be her father, but I'm learning to be her dad," I answered, smiling at the woman.

[Chelsey's Affection Meter skyrocketed to 65%]

[Bond with Chelsey greatly increased.]

"Ooo~ That's always nice to see..~ Someone stepping up and taking initiative," The woman replied.

Chelsey, the woman, and I shared pleasantries, engaging in conversations about our children and getting to know more about each other. As we talked, I could see Chelsey's smile radiating positive energy from her body as her happiness was through the roof.

"Ahh, so you're Somoan?" The woman asked, delving into my background.

"Ehh, I mean if I'm being technical, I am Hawaiian... y'know more on the Maori side of things," I answered honestly, happy with answering any type of questions she might have.

"I've heard you all have a Tribal Howl that sounds menacing to the human ears, myself and my son have always wanted to hear the howl," The woman said, giving me a hopeful expression that I'll do my tribal howl.

I chuckled softly, leaning back on the bench. I looked at Chelsey, wanting to see what she thought I should do. She gave me a little smirk, shrugging her shoulders as she was curious as well.

I sighed softly and stood up slowly, seeing their slight excitement. "Yeah, yeah alright calm down. So each tribe has their own Howl. I'm the head of the Mojisola Tribe so our saying before our howl depends on what Faction of the Mojisola you were born in. I was born in the Tengoku Faction so my saying is 'Maluhia' then you let out the war cry."

"Example?" The woman asked curiously, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

At this point I had multiple eyes on me, even some of the kids including Adrianna looked at me. I chuckled softly then shook my head gently. I shrugged my shoulders then let out a soft sigh.

"Maluhia..." I ssid, paying my respects to the High Chief Tengoku, one of my ancestors then let out my Tribal Howl.

The woman giggled as she got a video of the moment. I heard a few cheers and whistles going around as I took my seat. My howl was so great, some of the children began to try and copy it. I couldn't lie, after 12 years of not doing my howl, it felt empowering to finally embrace my heritage once again even if it was only for show.

Hours went by and we were still on the mountains having fun in the snow and exploring the safe areas of the location. As we explored, I noticed Adrianna was sticking pretty close to me which brought a smile to my face.

"How about after this, we go for some hot coco?" I suggested, looking at Adrianna.

Adrianna smiled happily and nodded with joy. "Yes please!~"

Chelsey chuckled softly, clearly seeing how much we got along. "Well, I guess I'll allow you to spoil her for just a little..~"

The three of us continued along and I had begun to wonder how Lustie was doing. It felt strange not having her around me all day. I was just hoping she was alright.

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Destiny Central]

The church service had ended and Lustie, Whitney, and Krystal decided to go to the city to hang out with each other. As the three explored the city together, Krystal was very curious about Lustie since she never entered the church.

"Are you sure your friend here... isn't like an atheist, Wynn?" Krystal queried, very curious about Lustie.

"I can assure you that I am the furthest thing from an atheist. I believe there is a Supreme Power. And it goes further than belief, I know there is." Lustie said, trying to reassure Krystal.

Whitney nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of her head. "I suggest you don't think too hard on it, Mom. Lucia is just getting accustomed to the area."

Krystal had become even more curious, but just decided to not question it and leave it be. They continued on and Whitney noticed a familiar face amongst the sea of strangers within the plaza. Lustie also noticed and smiled then rose an eyebrow as she noticed Luckie with me.

"What the fuck? Luckie is not at the casino?" Lustie asked in disbelief.

[Oh yeah, I heard that one.]

"It's Shiro and Chelsey with Adrianna..~ They look so cute together I can't lie..~" Whitney said softly, watching as we strolled by with hot chocolates in our hands.

Krystal watched me stroll by and noticed a little glimpse of protectiveness within me when it came to watching after Adrianna. She chuckled and held her arms, her eyes shimmering with admiration. "He certainly has he exudes. It's like he's perfect, even their little girl knows it."

"I'll confront her about it tomorrow. For now, I'll let my man cook up," Lustie said to herself.

Chelsey, Adrianna, and I made many trips to various of stores and attractions around the city. I almost had forgotten how much I loved Destiny Central because they have so much to do and the excitement is near endless as long as you're not too focused on Status, Sex, and Money.

Most of this trip was me planning what to get them for Christmas since I wanted to give everyone something for Christmas. I couldn't resist getting Adrianna a few things she wanted from a few stores whenever she asked. I could feel the bonds between the three of us increasing through each passing moment.

"Mama? Can I go sit on Santa's lap?" Adrianna asked, pointing to a man dressed as Santa Claus in celebration of the upcoming Christmas.

Chelsey looked over at the man then smiled, gently taking Adrianna's hand to go over to the man dressed as Santa. "Let's go~ Maybe he'll be able to get you everything you ask for on your list~"

I watched as they made their way to the crowd of parents and children. I felt the joy around the plaza, the positive energy filling me with positive energy as well. I couldn't help but to smile as I haven't seen this many happy faces in forever.

After Chelsey and Adrianna finished with their task, they came back toward me, their smiles as bright as the sunset that was casting in the sky. The three of us continued on around the city, exploring new grounds until we reached the sign that separated Destiny Central from Sanctuary City.

"For this being the place of ruin for this island, this specific location as the most beautiful view of the sunset." Chelsey said, staring out the window with Adrianna in her arms to get a good view of the sunset.

"I wish...Mariana and Dante didn't have to be in Sanctuary City. I wish they had taken Aunt Claire's advice.." Chelsey said, as she scanned the area. "When my sister couldn't make it to the birth of Adrianna because she was out of state at the time and when her actual father left me alone in the hospital...Mariana and Dante were there for me."

I listened to Chelsey closely, lending an open ear as she let some things off her chest. I could hear some slight pain in her voice as she spoke.

"I know of your involvement with the Gang War and I don't want to lose you to them either. It's much deeper than what it may seem like on the surface. Axel, Vance, Kismet, Lane, Sebastian...they aren't normal. It would really such if you disappeared close we've become now." Chelsey said softly, looking at me.

I looked at Chelsey then gently brushed her hair behind her ear then gently rubbed Adrianna's hair. "I can promise you that I will never disappear on you, and I can promise you I will bring Mariana back to the La Rosa Familia."

[Chelsey's Heart has been stolen.]

[Bond with Chelsey drastically Increased.]

[Love EXP +1500]

After our heart to heart, we shared a gentle kiss before I took them home as Adrianna was getting sleepy. While on the drive home, I had more to think about when it comes down to me approaching Sanctuary City and when.

[Day: Sunday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Chelsey's House]

I parked in front of Chelsey's home, helping her gather all of their things and bringing them inside her house to set in the living room. I waited for Chelsey downstairs while she took Adrianna upstairs to tuck into sleep.

A few moments went by and Chelsey came back downstairs with a smile on her face. We stepped outside to talk and began to talk about our entire day. We had so much fun today that we didn't even notice how fast time flew by.

"I guess, I'll see you sometime soon?~" Chelsey asked, gently taking my hand, her gaze meeting mine.

"Definitely, you'll be seeing me a lot more..~" I said, interlocking our fingers together and pulling her closer to me.

I stared deeply into her eyes, the moonlight bringing out the beautiful color of her eyes. She couldn't help but to gaze back at me with admiration and affection, her heart beat quickening in pace. We leaned into each other, sharing a deep and passionate good night kiss. The kiss felt like it lasted for eternity, the Bonding Kiss taking effect and marking Chelsey with a Love Sigil.

Once we pulled away, we let go of each other's hands and I made my way back to my car.

"Can you do the howl for me one last time before you go?" Chelsey requested, wanting to hear my Tribal Howl.

I turned around to look at Chelsey then chuckled softly. I nodded then paid my respects to my high elders, getting down onto one knee and bowing my head. "Maluhia," I whispered then stood up, letting out my Tribal Howl, smoke escaping my mouth from the chilly weather.

Chelsey cheered and laughed softly, clapping her hands. "That's real nice..~ Alright, I'll see you later okay? And stay safe out there."

I smiled at Chelsey, walking backwards to my car. "Alright, Mami~ I'll be safe out here, but no promises,"

Chelsey smiled at me then waved at me, watching me get into my car. I waved back and drove off to go home for the night while Chelsey went back into her house to get some sleep as she had work in the morning.