
[Day: Monday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

The morning started as usual, everyone getting ready for the day but the house was getting a bit cramped. It's starting to like I was becoming the protagonist to Highschool DxD with three demons in my house. Nevertheless, peace was kept within my home with my rules and everyone already relatively getting along.

After everything was done, Whitney and I went downstairs to meet with Lustie, Passion, and Luckie who were all chatting, but I noticed a fourth figure inside and let out a sigh. Whitney noticed the fourth looked familiar then connected the dots.

"She's a nun from Savior's Church. What is she doing here and how is she here?" Whitney said, hopping down a few steps to get a closer look.

I watched Whitney and followed close behind her, a bit cautious about who she was. I noticed she seemed to be really close to Lustie and had white demon wings at her waist. I felt my heart rushing looking at her because she was extremely attractive, like angelic beauty and yet a devilish presence. It was something about her nun outfit that really made her figure pop out as well, her confidence and charismatic energy hitting me hard.

[A Nephalem. There's only one Nephalem I know and that's the Maiden Born of Heaven and Hell, Charismari.]

"Damn her title is cold like that?" I asked, impressed by seemingly one of her many titles.

Charismari chuckled softly then turned toward me, her gentle sky blue eyes locking onto mine. She walked over toward me, her gaze never leaving mine. "It is finally nice to meet you, Shiro Moji. Lustie has told me about everything you've done up until now, and it already appears to me that you already own the other three Marks. Since there's no reason to really test you on Charm, I'll give you my Mark but first I need you to answer this question,"

I looked at Charismari then blinked a couple times. "Hey, we got right into it huh. I'm gonna need a couple more seconds of eternal monologue real quick,"

[Word count.]

"Oof. Yeah I get that," Whitney said with a soft chuckle. "Just like writing a paper for Mr. Boman. You just kinda have to write down a bunch of BS to meet the quota."

"I don't think we're ever going to see that monologue, he's already thinking as we speak," Lustie said, her tail swaying as she stared at me.

"How are you all so good at that? You break the fourth wall so easily," Passion said, looking at all of us.

[After this line the number will be 451, and I'm sure he'll be ready.]

"Damn, that's it? I put my soul into that monologue and it didn't pick up? Alright, whatever. What's your question, Mari?" I asked, curious about what she had to ask.

"Hypothetically, who's got a better Luscious Presence? Lustie's Libido Drive or my Commanding Presence?" Charismari asked, a charming smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

I took a moment to think about this question because it was a good question, not to mention that we finally have names for my Luscious Presences. It was about damn time too, "Luscious Presence Charm Variant" like bro. 35 Chapters in and we're finally getting better at naming things.

[Damn didn't need to go in on The Author. Aisuru will retcon everything and revert your character back to Destiny Harem Shiro. You're lucky we're the true canon version now.]

I shuddered slightly, remembering the original timeline and the Remastered Version and shook my head. "Anyway, I feel like in a social setting, Commanding Presence has more usage realistically than Libido Drive, plus I don't think it's fair to compare you two. It's like comparing it's like comparing Libido Drive to Passion's Zeal Mode."

"I agree, plus I've been going to Savior's Church for over a year and I've never realized who you were until now...Uhm, I know you all have some form of connection with Shiro, but can I know what it is exactly?" Whitney asked, looking at the four Love Demons.

"Easy. We literally just like Shiro. Think about it when was the last time an ACTUAL PERFECT guy wandered the Earth? That was ten years ago when Lustie was still just learning her power," Charismari said.

"I was only 11 at the time, but I honestly didn't acquire my Love Demon Abilities until I was 18. I'm a late bloomer but you've got to remember, my first client was a man who basically took care of me for 6 years when I got trapped on Earth," Lustie said, adding more insight to Charismari's statement.

"How does one unlock Love Demon power... because you're the Love Demon of Lust, so like—" Whitney started, but quickly stopped herself from asking the question.

"Well being a Love Demon isn't like some generational thing like it is with the Utalia's Hero of Origin, or Esoria's Savior and Aetheria's Guardian. Our boss aka our Mom, Felola created these Markings not because of their traits but because each Marking has a certain ability each Goddess possessed," Lustie explained then summoned a large white board.

Lustie began to write and draw on the white board, displaying information on the board for us to see. "Each mark has their own main ability: Lascivious Force, Commander Spirit, One in a Million, Lady Killer/Man Eater, Desire Manifestation, Panempathy, Eros Power, and Lucky Break. These powers directly connect to love in some cases, but these traits have deeper meaning. You see we are embodiments of these specific traits, the only way to be a Love Demon is to be born from Felola herself."

[Surprisingly, she only had one mate. That one mate was the first Savior of Esoria who was basically the first mortal to harness the power of the Love Crests after Felola stopped the first Esorian World War. Ever since then no one has awakened these Crests simply because those Crests ended up within Lustie and her sisters.]

[Sorry everyone for that info dump. Aye listen, word count and plot. Look, we're gonna move on.]

"Anyways...Thanks for your honesty, and for you is my Mark of Charm~" Charismari said, gently placing her hand on my chest, bestowing to me her Mark of Charm. A faint orange glow of the sigil appeared on my arm, symbolizing my newly acquired Mark.

[Achievement Unlocked: Acquire 4 Love Markings.]

[New Skill Unlocked: Golden Tongue]

[Skill Description: A skill acquired for Mastery over Charm Trait. Boosts all Charm Abilities by 100%, allowing you to sway virtually anyone as well as entire communities to you cause and service with barely any effort, captivated by your almost irresistible personal gravity and an overriding desire to be part of your world and contribute to its fulfillment.]

"Golden Tongue, one of my two strongest abilities. It's a skill so powerful, I had to put a limit on it. You can use Golden Tongue to command your targets to do whatever you want, but you can only give 10 commands before the ability has to recharge." Charismari informed, informing me about Golden Tongue's drawback.

I looked at my arm seeing the four glowing markings merging with a few of my tribal tattoos. A smile appeared on my face as I looked at them then looked at Charismari. "Thank you, I'll put this to good use in the future."

"Oh I know you will~ Now let's get going, you don't wanna be late now would you?" Charismari giggled, shifting into her tiny angel form.

I let out a soft chuckle, making sure I had everything before setting out with Whitney to the campus.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

All of my classes went by pretty quick and I had quite a bit of free time on my hands so I decided to see if anyone was free today. As I'm making my way to the entrance, I noticed Mark had texted me with an urgent message to meet him at an isolated area near the campus.

I quickly rushed toward Mark's aid, putting haste in my steps. Soon, I made it to the location and noticed Jake and Eric confronting Mark about what happened last week. Inching forward to the scene, I was able to hear what they were talking about.

"Now explain yourself before I have to beat your ass," Jake threatened, demanding answers from Mark.

Mark looked at Jake and Eric, noticing how cornered he was in this situation. He let out a soft sigh then stood his ground as he awaited for my arrival. "Look...the shit we are doing isn't good for us nor our sisters. Do you know how tough it is for me to know I made it while my sister is stuck in Sanctuary City? You two have to feel the same about your kin."

"Man fuck that, we were supposed to be brothers and you choose that loser over us?" Eric asked, not taking Mark's answer in the slightest.

"Bro...Are you even listening to us? Let me ask you, did you two have any remorse after kidnapping Whitney? After any of this? After everything we've done to people since highschool?" Mark asked, trying to get through to his friends.

Jake glared at Mark then scoffed. "Lane was've grown soft. I mean I guess I should've known after seeing your posts with Caroline. Sucks because now you've given us no choice, man..." Jake said, his tone low and his head down.

Mark noticed Jake reached for something and braced himself to protect himself. Before Jake could pull out whatever he had, my footsteps echoed along the alleyway, catching the attention of the three.

Jake glared at me then pushed Mark back, taking a swing at me, but I evaded his strike then countered with a swift palm to his stomach. Jake stumbled backwards, astonished by how stronger I had become. I rushed toward Jake, knocking him down with a swift right hook. I looked ahead then noticed Eric had snuck behind Mark.

"Watch behind you!" I called out, sprinting toward Eric, who planned to inject Mark with a blue liquid.

Mark looked back then pushed Eric away from him, creating some distance between them. Eric turned his focus on me, throwing a swift punch only to be evaded. I grabbed Eric's wrist, disarming the syringe in his hand before taking him to the ground.

Eric grunted softly as I had him on the ground in an arm lock. "Let me go, freak!"

I looked at Eric and glared at him adding more pressure to his arm. "You both would rather throw you lives away and keep your sisters in harm's way constantly instead of making an actual change for yourselves?"

Eric grunted as I finally let go of his arm then slowly stood up, holding his shoulder. "What the fuck do you know anyway? What could you possibly know about our lives?"

"I know enough to know that your sisters hate you. Sanctuary University is in shambles and that's where your sisters are! Do you even care about your own blood? While you're out here living like Larry, your sisters are caught in the middle of a Gang War. You're also trying to off Mark in an alleyway! You've lost it! Just because he actually understands his worth in life, you're going to try to take his life with some chemicals?!" I answered, looking down at Eric with a disappointed expression.

Jake stood up, his glare showing his internal anger. "You're talking like you know us. Like you know what we've been through. Like you know what it's like to be in a gang! What it's like constantly having to do what you need to do to survive out here!"

"Do you understand what the hell you're getting into? You don't know who exactly you're fucking with, nerd and it shows. You're always sticking you nose in places they don't fucking belong...and because of that you took our closest friend away!" Jake yelled, his face red from his rising anger and tension.

I looked at Jake then noticed he was ready to attack at any given moment. "Jake, think about your sister man. You as well Eric. Jessica and Baylee deserve better, as well as Melissa and Faith. They need their guardians, they need their older brother who is supposed to protect them, NOT keep them in the middle of danger! Get that through your idiotic heads!"

"You don't understand how much danger your sisters are in until you truly understand what Lane and your other Dark Leaders are. Jake, Eric...we may not have been on good terms at all, but I'm showing you two as much mercy as I possibly can. I want you two to take a moment to think and understand where you truly are in life and ask yourself if your are happy where you are," I continued, using my Heart Stealer and Golden Tongue to get through to Jake and Eric.

[Golden Tongue Activated (1/10)]

Jake and Eric paused, taking a moment to think as I said. They reflected on their lives, each choice they made, each risk they took, each task carried out for The Syndicates. They looked back at me and noticed the shine in my eyes.

"I can tell you two aren't happy at all, and you don't want to actually listen to Lane and his crew. I can have you two back to being friends with Mark if you just..leave them behind. Leave Lane and everyone he's associated with alone..and move your sisters to Destiny Central. I'll even help you with the cost of it," I said, offering them a chance at Redemption so we could throw everything under the rug.

[Heart Stealer worked slightly...]

"Tch...Whatever," Jake said then turned around, walking off.

"You better count yourselves lucky that we only came with a syringe, but that's only because he wants Mark alive. Your betrayal will not go unpunished," Eric said then walked toward Mark, patting him on his chest gently. "And you be safe, Scotland's Prodigy."

Mark shoved Eric away from him then scoffed. "Fuck outta here, pansy."

Eric shrugged his shoulders then retreated with Jake off into the distance.

I looked at Mark and walked toward him. "You alright man?"

"Yeah, just worried about them. They are just lost, but I could see that what you said got through to them a little. I just wish...they would open their eyes. But you've got me intrigued, what do you mean what Lane and the others actually are and what are they doing to Melissa and her friends?" Mark said, looking at me.

"They haven't done anything yet and the other guys have no interest in Melissa and her friends. It's only Lane and they go to the same University which is why I worry about them. I can barely get into contact with them because of how Sanctuary City is," I answered then checked my watch, seeing most of everyone was busy with something today.

"I get that. It's hard getting in touch with Melissa at times," Mark said.

The two of us walked out of the alleyway and we decided to hang out together since we had nothing else to do. I decided to fill Mark in about who and what Lane and the other leaders of The Syndicates are from what I've seen and experienced. Knowing Vance had Talenta still didn't sit right with me and knowing the other four Love Demons are in Sanctuary City only left me more concerned.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Destiny Outlook]

Mark and I decided to head out on the outlook where there was a clear view of the entire city to chat and just hang out. I took a good look at the city as I haven't seen anything this beautiful since Texas.

"So, what's the secret. I already know about your little Pocket Monsters. How do you do it?" Mark asked, curious about my tactics and my Love Demons.

"Hey! We are not Pocket Monsters! We may have companion forms but we still pack a huge punch bucko!" Lustie barked, crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks.

"Why'd you take it so deep? If anything you would've thought maybe Luckie or even I would get offended," Passion said, letting out a soft sigh.

I chuckled softly then looked out at the distance. I honestly took a bit of time to think about it, wondering if there was really any secret at all. "I mean, honestly... there's really no secret really. Everything I've done has been mostly by myself with the help of Red and E. I've...just been myself the entire time. All it took was a confidence boost," I said, chuckling to myself.

"See, I had a feeling. Honestly...if I'm being truly honestly I was quite glad you started having more confidence. Impressed me for sure. Now you're the unstoppable beast," Mark joked, throwing some playful jabs at me.

I laughed at his jest, playfully pushing his jabs away. "Yeah, alright...What about you and Caroline though? I see you and her getting real close."

Mark chuckled softly, taking a few steps backwards. "Hey now, it's fate brother. Soulmate, type shit."

Lustie laughed at Mark's remark then sighed. "I'm so glad this man is a good guy now.."

[Heads up.]

I looked over and noticed Caden walking up with Vance then let out a sigh. I leaned against the balcony, crossing my arms. Mark looked back at me then looked over at Caden and Vance wondering how I could be so calm. I could sence a bit of panic within Mark from his increasing heart race.

"I heard how you managed to make Jake and Eric walk out of carrying out a mission Axel sent them on. They walked out on us too on short notice like he did," Caden said, pointing at Mark with a piercing glare.

"And after you break in within our domain...after what you did to me, I couldn't let that slide homie. Phoenix gave me the rundown that you even beat her, and I saw the look in Mariana's she stares at you. Naomi.." Vance said, his eyes brightly illuminating a light blue color and the Mark of Talent faintly glowing in his eyes.

"Hmph, I can give you Phoenix if you really want her. I don't need another one of Caden's sisters," I taunted, smirking at Caden as I said it. "But I'll probably take her from you, still, because I can and there's nothing you can do about it. I know without her, your entire gang crumbles to the ground."

[Ambition/Charm EXP +2500]

"Mmmm...Not gonna lie he cooked that shit up," Talenta said to Vance.

"That's right put some damn respect on my Master's name!" Lustie said, ruffling my hair.

Vance scoffed at both Lustie and Talenta, his irritation evident from the twitching of his left eye. He rose his hand and the Mark of Talent shined on his hand. "Silence, Demon."

Talenta immediately went quiet, but had an irritated look on her face as if he does it often. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, turning her back to him.

"Oooh...Nah," Lustie said in surprise, her ears perking up.

"In Lady Gabriel's name..." Charismari said in awe, covering her mouth slightly.

"My Master would NEVER. Is that what Mama taught you? To be a punk to an Earthling?" Passion asked, disappointed at how much control Vance had over Talenta.

"That aside...We can overlook this Sanctuary City shit, but what you're not going to do is interfere with Axel's commands," Vance said.

I looked at Mark then looked at Caden and Vance. I stepped forward then snapped three times. Mark noticed the signal then ran with me, bulldozing Caden out of the way. I slid down the rails of the stair to quickly get to the parking lot while Mark hurried down the stairs like be was at football practice.

Lust-E popped down the roof of my car, allowing both Mark and I to hop in the car quickly and drive off. Vance and Caden only just made it to the parking lot when we drove off. The got in their car and got on the pursuit after us.

"Damn those guys are just... bloodthirsty. They want to off you so bad because you made a better choice for yourself," I said as I sped down the road to get away from Vance and Caden, often checking my mirrors.

"I do have inside information about them, but I haven't told anyone about it... except maybe Chelsey and Caroline, but they haven't told anyone.." Mark said, checking the mirrors as well.

"It's too dangerous to head back into the city. It's a two on two. We fight it out and then after we win, we're...I don't know going to the club or whatever." I said to Mark.

Mark chuckled softly then noticed Lust-E give a route to an empty open area. "And they ask why women live longer than men.."

I smirked and chuckled. "Except we're not losing our lives...not over this. Me and you until the end, bro. I'm getting you out of this... I'm getting everyone out."

[Friendship with Mark increased.]

Mark smiled at my comment then looked at the sideview mirror, noticing Vance's car catching up. "Looks like we're getting company."

Vance looked over at Caden then smirked. "Did you get that? Our dear Mark has told his precious girlfriend and her dear sister about us."

Caden looked at his phone and looked at the last messages between him and Eric. "At least he did one thing right before ditching us. What should we do about Baylee and Penelope?"

"Let them go. They're free. They've played their part, cleared their dues and they are already marked by Shiro so just free them. After we get done with this, we've got two new targets...and we still have to get the Little Dawn as well. She hasn't paid her dues. After all she belongs to you right?" Vance answered, his wicked smirk playing on his face as he looked at Caden.

Caden glanced over at Vance and shivered slightly at his presence. "I guess...Since you're in the city, don't you want to check up on your sister?"

Vance let out a nose exhale, giving a slight face of disdain. "Ashley's better off without knowing I still exist. We made a deal a long time ago to not contact each other."

Caden nodded then looked out the window, noticing our car was slowing down at an abandoned park. "Slowing down at Twilight Creek. Wonder what they are doing."

Vance's lips curled into a venomous smirk, his anticipation on the high road. "Let's find out. As I've stated before, leave Shiro to me."

"Gotcha.." Caden said.