King of the Ring

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Destiny Central Park]

Krystal let out a happy sigh, sitting beside me on a bench, resting from our morning stroll around the park. "This is nice..~ A stroll at the park after a wonderful night..~ Life sure is good right now..~"

"And we can finally stop complimenting her behind her back, my god woman you are so fine! Chef's kiss, when The Sovereigns created you they made sure to add a little spice to you like—" Lustie began before Passion covered her mouth before Lustie could go on a tangent.

"Quiet! I know how you get, but you must refrain from creeping her out!" Passion said, holding Lustie back from Krystal.

Krystal let out a soft laugh as she watched Lustie and Passion then she looked over at Charismari who was just standing off, admiring a flock of birds that happily flew around her. She then looked at Luckie who happily tested beside me in her fox form, obviously dreaming of good fortune, money, and food.

"It's a wonder how your sanity is still intact..~ I mean four demons around you at all times and they are good friends with Whitney also? Do the other girls know?" Krystal asked, looking at me with a curious expression.

"Mmm...Maybe a few? I know Baylee and Jessica can see them now, of course Mmm...maybe Akira. Strong maybe. She probably only knows Luckie. What's that, about 5 out of the 16 women who definitely know about them?" I answered as honest as possible, thinking over who may or may not know of my Love Demons.

"It is also to note, we only show ourselves to our Master and his harem that we deem safe enough to know about us. We're not like Earth's Demons who could care less about who sees them or not." Passion said, floating over toward us.

Lustie groaned as she floated toward us, rubbing the back of her head. "Glad that shit happened off screen...or off page if you wanna call it that."

[Couldn't be me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]

"Nah trust, I'm getting my revenge. For now, what's the plan today? Are we spending the entire day with Krystal today? I don't mind..~" Lustie said, hugging me from behind.

"I wish I could, cutie..~" Krystal chuckled, playfully pinching Lustie's cheek. "I'm booked today with a few of my girlfriends today as I promised them..~"

"Booo.." Lustie sighed softly, resting her chin against me gently.

I chuckled softly and gently rubbed Lustie's head, comforting her. "Don't be like that..~ It isn't like she's disappearing for good.."

Lustie's ears wiggled and her tail wagged as I rubbed her head. Luckie's ear perked up as she sensed Lustie enjoying herself a lot then opened one eye to see what was happening.

'Headpats..?' Luckie thought to herself then her tail began to wag.

Krystal noticed Luckie getting up and shrinking her size to hop on my lap. "Uh-oh...seems like someone else might want some headpats," Krystal giggled, watching our interaction.

I smiled at Luckie then began to give her headpats as well, scratching behind her ear, causing her to yip with happiness with rapid movements with her left hind leg. "There..~ Happy?~"

Passion looked behind me and blew steam at me from her nose. "You'll give headpats to a Sex Freak and a Lazy Gambler, but will ignore me the entire time?! The Dragon who has put in hella overtime for you?"

"Pshhh! Like you've done more for him than me. Who do you think got him all of his ladies? Yours truly, the Man Killer, The Man Eater, Asmodeus's Mirage..~ The Love Demon of Lust," Lustie boasted, giving Passion a smug smile.

"Oh? And you think flashing your nicknames and titles around proves your claim? Since you wanna throw out titles, I'm—"

"The 20th Floor Boss of Baalveig Temple, The Draconic Prospect, Felola's favorite, we know.." Luckie said, slightly rolling her eyes.

I looked up at Passion, giving her a smile and being her knight who saves her from the clutches from two close siblings. "I appreciate you a lot Passion, c'mere."

Passion blushed a bit, leaning toward me to see what I would do. I rubbed her head as well, noticing how happy she had become since her tail began to wag happily.

Krystal chuckled softly at our interaction the looked over at Charismari, still standing off alone, lost in her own thoughts. "Is Sister Mari okay?"

Lustie, Luckie, and Passion looked over at Charismari then Lustie flew toward her, hugging her from behind. This caught Charismari's attention, causing her to look at Lustie with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on? You were lost in thought," Lustie said, checking to see if her sister was okay.

Charismari gave Lustie a smile before looking back off at the sky. "I was...just thinking about Talenta. She's... really hurting and it just made me think about how we should've taken Vance's ring. Maybe we could've saves her and lessened the danger around Sanctuary City."

"I guess, but I don't think it's that simple. Remember, she's bonded to Vance. The only way to free a Love Demon from her host is to kill the host. That's why Vance wanted to kill Shiro so badly," Lustie said then let Charismari go.

"But I still remember the look on her face when Shiro awakened for the first time..~ 'Oh my god, an awakening?!'" Lustie laughed softly, mocking Talenta's reaction from yesterday.

Charismari chuckled lightly then sighed softly, looking at Lustie. "I just...want us together again like when we were kids..~ Obviously Mom had favorites, but the main thing is that we should always stick together...and do what we were created to do.."

Krystal and I watched at Lustie and Charismari talked, but only I could hear what they were saying thanks to my Peak Human Hearing. We could see Charismari in better spirits now, but her concern for her sisters weighed in her mind.

Krystal checked her phone and noticed it was getting close to the time she was supposed to be meeting her friends. "Alright, I guess I should mosey on over to the plaza to meet up with the ladies..~"

"Alright, have fun and be safe," I said, watching Krystal lean over to me.

We shared a sweet kiss before she got up to catch her ride, leaving me alone to figure out what to do for the day. I checked my watch to see who was free and saw I had quite a few choices. 'Alright ladies, huddle up. We have a choice to make here,'

Lustie, Passion, Luckie, and Charismari huddled around me and together we looked over the few women who were free today. This wasn't intended to be a difficult decision, but even the Love Demons were stuck.

'Do we go filler chapter and do non plot related shit with Amber who is free and at the gym or do we go plot mode and go for Habilee?' I asked, looking at the two routes I could take today.

"Filler because sometimes we gotta say fuck the plot and do our own thing. Author, this chapter you hold no power over us! We will see Amber because we need more slice of life filler and because I miss her fine ass!" Lustie said, shaking her fist in the air.

[And you want to nerf me? She literally just altered the plot because she wanted to. What wall does this break?]

"I do kinda want to see Hab—" Passion started.

"Too late. Fate has taken her course. Shiro has already decided on Amber. Every other input that isn't to agree with my choice becomes invalid," Lustie said.

"Amber it is..." I said to myself then stood up, texting Amber. "Alright, she's still at the local gym in the area. Let's get it, I've actually been dying to get some one on one time with her again too..~"

With our decision set and stone, we made our way to my car, ready and excited to meet up with Amber.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Fitness Sanctuary]

I made it to Fitness Sanctuary, making my way inside and wandering around the gym looking for Amber. I didn't see her by the treadmills or the weights, nor did I see her in the indoor basketball court. I looked at my watch and noticed her icon didn't give a direct location, just showed she was at this gym.

After wandering around for a few more minutes, I wandered into the training room, seeing a fight going on in the ring and a crowd cheering and watching the fight. Amongst the crowd I noticed Amber, but she wasn't alone as she had managed to drag Ashley out with her.

"Hmm..~ Some type of event going on here. You know we have to be a little nosy..~" Lustie said, curious about what was going on.

I was quite curious as well and made my way toward the crowd. As I neared closer, Lust-E beeped, catching me and my Love Demons off guard. We searched around until it was revealed that the woman was in the ring.

Immediately, I noticed her beauty and how athletically fit she was. She had blonde hair tried up in a single ponytail, sparkling blue eyes, and a beauty mark under her right eye. Her figure was extremely appealing to the eye, also having a large burst. I could see the enjoyment in her eyes as she wrestled her opponent, her smile created by just the rush of adrenaline going down her spine.

"Ohhh," The crowd said in unison after witnessing the woman suplex her opponent.

'Is that dude alright? She just suplexed that dude to the next decade..' I thought to Lustie and the others, concerned about the opponent.

"Oh yeah, he's definitely getting put on recovery for the next 700 years bro. He's done. At least this is a professional event and they have medics?" Lustie said, shrugging her shoulders a bit.

"Poor guy, he just wasn't him," Passion said, watching the guy getting rolled off on a stretcher.

I shook my head then made my way through the crowd to get to Amber and Ashley. Once I made it to them, I tapped their shoulders, getting their attentions.

Amber gasped with delight after seeing me, giving me a loving hug. "Shiro!~ I didn't even know you were showing up!~"

I chuckled softly, hugging Amber back then gave Ashley a hug as well. She smiled happily, giving me a hug back. After sharing pleasantries and greetings, I had to know what was going on and what this event was.

"Alright, so spill. What's happening right now?" I asked, watching the woman cheer and pose for the crowd who were cheering her on.

"This event is called the King of the Ring event and it happens almost once every year around Destiny Central. I usually drag along Chelsey or Caroline to these, but Chelsey's at work and Caroline is also at work. So I brought Ashley, who happens to be a fan of wrestling~" Amber explained then heard the feedback of the microphone as it was being passed to the woman in the ring.

"Alright! Who's the next unlucky opponent who wants to challenge me, Destiny's Superstar?! The American Queen?! Who wants to challenge the Women's Superstar Champion?!" The woman asked, pumped up for her next challenge.

'She's pretty hardcore ain't she? Good thing everyone here is at least athletically fit...or else this would be a murder scene..' I thought to Lust-E.

Lust-E actually chuckled softly, surprising me and Lustie as she actually chuckled at one of my quips.

[Don't let it get to your head, alright.]

[Anyway, that woman is named Charlotte Armstrong. She calls her fanbase The Little Stars. She's pretty popular around Destiny Islands where her career really took off.]

"She's won 5 championships and defended all five championships. She's working on becoming the Women's World Champion," Lustie said, reading through her records.

Amber and Ashley noticed Lustie and the others but didn't say anything since they were all on calm mode and each one of them were in their tiny companion forms.

"Ooo~ Seems like people are getting cold feet," Charlotte chuckled as she paced around the ring. "You all are losing out on $15,000. All you have to do is last five minutes in the ring with me!"

'Oh yeah, this is hella filler and I like it. This shit is so random is hilarious, but nah seriously. She seems important enough for you to track, so who exactly is Charlotte?' I asked to Lust-E.

[She's close friends to Chloe. When I say close, I mean sisterhood close. They were both born in Texas and practically grew up together, but as you know...]

'Circumstances, I know...but is she—y'know," I queried, curious to know if she's affiliated.

[Yes. Karma.]

Lustie, Passion, Charismari, and Luckie signed softly with relief that Charlotte was one of the good guys. I nodded to myself and took this time to think about a plan.

I watched as the crowd interacted with Charlotte, even Amber and Ashley who seemed to be big fans of her work and talents. Charlotte did pretty much remind me of Chloe, the way she spoke, her southern accent, even her few ditzy moments. She had a great personality overall and her smile constantly made my heart skip beats. As she talked with her fans and paced around, our eyes locked and the light in her eyes shined brightly as if she recognized me.

"Sorry everyone, it seems I have found someone very spectacular in the crowd..~ You there in the black hoodie with the orange design, come up in the ring," Charlotte said, pointing directly at me with a smirk on her face.

Suddenly, all eyes fell on me after Charlotte personally called me out. I smiled at Charlotte then made my way to the stairs of the ring and I looked around, noticing how bigger it actually was inside the ring. I looked at the crowd then looked at Charlotte, wondering what she wanted with me in specific.

"Right now, you're in the ring with the brightest star in Destiny Islands. The World..~ You're looking at the daughter of the founding father of the DSF. The Destiny Superstar Federation!" Charlotte said, raising her arms in the air and the crowd cheered, chanting her name.

I listened to the chants, imagining how thrilling it was to have actual fans chanting my name. I couldn't even hear Ashley and Amber chanting Charlotte's name.

"So, stranger...What is your name?" Charlotte asked, walking around me, checking me out.

I watched Charlotte pace circles around me, an amused smirk playing on my face. "The name's Shiro Moji...and I wouldn't stand too close to me unless you want to be put in a trance..~"

[Charm EXP +3500]

[Charlotte's Attraction Meter rose to 10%]

Charlotte looked at me, her cheeks slightly flushed from my comment. She placed a hand on her hip, eyeing me up and down then smirked lightly. "Alright, Smooth Talker. Since you're in the ring, how about you give this challenge a shot?"

'I'm taking this risk. How can I miss out on her..? Plus, it'll give the show a good twist..' I thought to Lustie and the others.

"I definitely would...she's lucky I'm not in your spot..~" Lustie chuckled.

[Your chances of it working are pretty high, but then you would need to actually win the fight to get her number.]

'Understood that.' I thought to Lust-E.

"Alright, Destiny's Superstar, I accept... however let's change the rewards a bit," I said, giving Charlotte a confident smirk.

Charlotte looked at me, a hint of interest twinkling in her eyes. She looked at the crowd, practically asking them if she should hear me out. Amidst the split answers from the crowd, there seemed to be more people saying yes than no. With that, her choice was made.

"Alright, I'll hear you out. What's your stakes?" Charlotte asked, leaning against the ropes with an interested expression on her face.

"I saw how you suplexed your last opponent who stepped in here and I'm mildly impressed...but since you practically challenged me personally, I figured it's only fair I choose my reward. So with that said...if you win, I'll triple the reward you set for your event but if I win," I said, pausing to add more suspense. I stared at Charlotte, admiring her entire being and she quickly caught on.

"You want to take me on a date if you win? Is that it?" Charlotte asked, even more amused with me and my tactics.

I heard a couple boos coming from a few men within the crowd then chuckled. "Yeah, that's it. I don't want the money reward. It's either I win or everyone else wins."

[Charismari is very pleased with your answer...]

[Charisma EXP +6000]

[Charlotte's Attraction Meter rose to 20%]

Charlotte smiled at me and my generosity, getting off the ropes. "I admire your generosity if you happen to lose, and I'm quite flattered that you would so boldly ask me out and you barely even know my name..~ However, I do accept because I find you rather intriguing."

[Perfect. You're in, now it's time to prove yourself. Like with Phoenix, there's the Easy Difficulty and there's the Ambitious Difficulty. Choose your path.]

{Easy Goal: Survive Five Minutes in the ring with Charlotte.}

{Ambitious Difficulty: Test Your Traits (Ambition/Talent/Charisma); Defeat Charlotte; Defeat Charlotte only using Luscious Unleash Level 5, all Love Markings are locked, Charlotte's attributes will gradually increase (Max equivalent to a Level 7 Unleash); Win the crowd's respect.}

'You're telling me she can reach up to a Level 7 Unleashed State? That makes me question how high Chelsey can reach when she competes with me...' I thought to myself. 'Anyway, let's give the people what they wanna see..'

{Task: Defeat Charlotte}

{Easy Goal: Defeat Charlotte}

{Normal Goal: Sell 5 Moves from Charlotte}

{Hard Goal: Get Charlotte's Attraction Meter to 100%}

"Alright, let's ring the bell and get started!~" Charlotte called out, rolling her shoulders.

The bell rang and immediately the crowd cheered for Charlotte as she was their Superstar, but amongst the crowd, Amber and Ashley cheered for me along with Lustie, Charismari, Luckie, and Passion. Charlotte and I had a mini stand off, both of us waiting for the other to move.

Charlotte rushed in with a lariat, but I evaded her attack, quickly getting behind her for a suplex. Once my arms wrapped around her waist, I was prepared to land the blow. However, to my surprise, she was able to counter, striking me with blows to the face and forcing me to let her go.

After freeing herself, she grabbed my arm and shoved me, causing me to run to the ropes. Hitting the ropes, I leaned back to sprint toward her and counter but she managed to pick me up, slamming me down with a powerful spinebuster. Charlotte stood up and began to get amped up, the crowd cheering her on loudly.

'Oh...fuck, that hurt so much...These sells are raw reactions...' I thought to myself as I laid on the ring's floor.

"At're still okay..." Lustie nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her head.

"She calls that her Starbreaker. It's a pretty efficient move after any sort of interaction. I'm more impressed that she picked you up off your feet.." Passion said, her tail swaying from side to side.

I stood up slowly noticing Charlotte at a turnbuckle, getting ready for another move. Once she charged at me, my body instinctively went into a Level 5 Unleashed State, allowing me to evade her charging tackle. Charlotte went for the other turnbuckle, turning her back to it charging up for another move. I was now in her sights and with a strong will, she charged toward me, but I countered with a clean Super Kick to her face. The collective sounds of "oohhs" filled the room as they heard the accuracy and sharpness of my attack.

Charlotte held her face as she was down on one knee, her mind spinning from the pain she was feeling. She finally stood up, turning to look at me with a smirk. "Okay, so you wanna play rough?~"

I chuckled softly as I got myself ready, taking off my hoodie, tossing it out the ring. "Might as well take it seriously..~ A big opportunity is currently lying in front of me.."

Amber caught my jacket and smiled happily, hoping she could keep it. She closely watched me, seeing how on fire I was now. "Go Shiro!" She cheered loudly.

I gave Amber a smirk after hearing her cheers. 'It's time to lock in...'

"Go get her, Tiger!" Lustie cheered from ringside.

Charlotte and I rushed toward each other, grappling each other to overpower one another. She managed to win the first match of power, locking me in a headlock. I managed to free myself from her hold, pushing her to the ropes. Charlotte rebounded off the ropes, running straight toward me. She went for a strike, but I ducked under her attack and got behind her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, going for a german suplex, but she managed to counter me, landing behind me. She turned me around to hit me with a stunner, laying me flat on my back.

"Damn! Just got hit with the alright my guy?" Lustie asked, gently holding my head as I laid on the ground.

'That shit hurt so much, I nearly cried when she landed it...' I thought to Lustie. 'Like am I really losing right now?'

[Seems like it.]

Charlotte got down so she could pin me for a three count. She smacked her hand on the mat, counting. One. Two...but I kicked out, surprising most of the crowd and Charlotte herself.

[Charlotte's Attraction Meter rose to 40%]

"Did he really kick out after a Starbuster? How resilient is this guy?" A woman asked.

"Unreal..." A guy said, now watching even closer.

Charlotte stood up, holding my hand to pick me up. She tried to shove me toward the ropes, but I reversed it, pushing her into the ropes. She rebounded toward me then groaned as hit her with a charging tackle, holding my hand on the back of her head to protect her from fall. I sat up and watched as Charlotte groaned, slowly rolling on her side and holding her stomach.

I moved my hair from my eyes, slowly standing then looked at the crowd, posing for them and heard the mixed boos and cheers. I chuckled then turned around, barely dodging a Super Kick from Charlotte. Charlotte made her leg come crashing down upon me, landing a powerful Crescent Kick. I groaned as I fell on one knee, my ears slightly ringing from the slight pain. Charlotte went in for a Super Kick, landing the blow that laid me flat on the mat. She turned me over and began to climb to the top rope.

Once Charlotte did her pose, the room was suddenly filled with cheers for her. Charlotte took to the skies to perform her finisher, Super Shooting Star. Once she landed on me, I knew it was over. She had knocked all the wind out of my body. She rose my leg for the three count. One. Two. And I kicked out again, once again surprising everyone watching.

[Charlotte's Attraction Meter rose to 70%]

"This guy is actually unreal! No one kicked out of the Super Shooting Star!" A guy said in complete awe.

"He's really fighting out there.." Ashley said with a soft chuckle, watching closely.

'I can't lose...not like this...I just need to kick out one more time it seems..' I thought to myself, catching my own breath.

Charlotte went for another pin, seeing I didn't immediately get up but I immediately countered with a roll up pin, completely catching her off guard. The count started as she squirmed to break out. One. Two. But Charlotte broke out then we both got up. I let out my Tribal Howl then stomped on the mat, prepare to finish the battle.

I watched as Charlotte ran toward me and I countered with a clean Sweet Chin Music, knocking her back but she no selled into a lariat to knock me down. She rose her hands into the air, pointing to the sky and the crowd cheered loudly. She watched as I got up then ran toward me, jumping up and used her butt to knock me back down.

"Star Crasher! It's over! There's no way he gets up from that!" A guy cheered and clapped.

"It might be over for him," A woman said with a smirk on her face.

Charlotte took this time to go for the pin, but once again I fooled her again, going for the roll up pin once again. The crowd and Charlotte was surprised once again, but this time I had a tighter hold on her. One. Two. Three! The bell rang and I immediately let Charlotte go and went toward the turnbuckle.

Amber and Ashley cheered for me, giving each other high fives. Charlotte looked at me with a face of disbelief then chuckled softly. She stood up then made her way toward me. She helped me up and rose my hand, causing the crowd to cheer for us for the wonderful performance.

"He actually did it...I was sure plot was taking his win," Lustie chuckled softly then heard Luckie cheer loudly.

Luckie laughed and hopped up and down with glee. "Thanks to his win, I just won over 20 grand off of bets!"

[She really placed bets on with the poor humans...Sucks for them.]

[Task Complete: Defeated Charlotte.]

[All Tasks Complete!]

[Reward: Ambition/Talent/Charm EXP +10,000. Credi Earned: 30,000]